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Reader says Free Parking in Glen Rock will Attract All the Seniors


THIS Is a very relevant point

the elders as others before built this town

I guess Glen Rock will take the seniors cash in their
fine business district

free shoppers parking in the back street

VOR stores your toast .people won’t pay the higher
rare and deal with an App to replace
4 quarters and a quick look at 60 minutes
credit as they look at their timex

not dead yet

fat discretionary spenders Hoo Rah Glen Rock

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Age-Friendly Ridgewood Fudges the Numbers

AF IMG 2942

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Age-Friendly Ridgewood made a presentation at the Council meeting last night.  After with their usual condescending drivel about the old people needing transportation and housing, some of the council members voiced great appreciation for all their hard work.  Then Susan Knudsen nailed them to the wall.  It seems they have been playing with their data in order to get the results they want. 

Continue reading Age-Friendly Ridgewood Fudges the Numbers
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Age Friendly Ridgewood presents : This Chair Rocks- a Manifesto Against Ageism by Author Ashton Applewhite

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the staaff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Age Friendly presents: A community health talk with Ashton Applewhite author of This chair rocks: A manifesto Against Ageism

Think differently about growing older and how aging is a natural, lifelong, powerful process that unites us all. Discrimination exists in all walks of life.

When: Tuesday, April 30th 7-8:30pm

Ridgewood Public Library
125 N. Maple Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 07450

RSVP to reserve a seat at

Parking available at Graydon Pool Lot
For more information call 201-632-1554 or email

Light refreshments will be served. Book signings offered.

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Universal Design Forum: How To Make Your Home A Better Place In Which To Grow Older

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Ridgewood NJ, Age Friendly Ridgewood in partnership with the Village of Ridgewood invite you to attend our

Universal Design Forum
How To Make Your Home a Better Place in Which To Grow Older

Wednesday, March 6th
Ridgewood Public Library

Guest Speaker: Thomas M Yotka

Come Learn About Universal Design History, Design Concepts, Safety Innovations and Zoning Impacts

Please RSVP to
by March 1 so that we can plan our refreshments.

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Age Friendly Ridgewood Invites you to attend a Universal Design Forum

seniors working artchick

photo by ArtChick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Age Friendly Ridgewood in partnership with the Village of Ridgewood invite you to attend our

Universal Design Forum:
How To Make Your Home a Better Place In Which To Grow Older
Wednesday, March 6
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Ridgewood Public Library – 125 North Maple Avenue

Continue reading Age Friendly Ridgewood Invites you to attend a Universal Design Forum
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Ridgewood Older Adult Mental Health First Aid – November 1

Ridgewood Village Hall 17

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on Thursday, November 1, 2018 8am to 4pm , the Village will present a program Ridgewood Older Adult Mental Health First Aid at the Village Hall Court Room, 131 North Maple Ave. Ridgewood.

Continue reading Ridgewood Older Adult Mental Health First Aid – November 1

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Ridgewood Senior Shopping Day -Special Offers Available for Older Adults

seniors working artchick

photo by ArtChick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce will host ,Ridgewood Senior Shopping Day
Tuesday, August 28 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm .

Continue reading Ridgewood Senior Shopping Day -Special Offers Available for Older Adults

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Age Friendly Ridgewood Invites you to a Community Health Talk with Dr. Thomas Perls, author of living to 100.

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Nay 14,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, On behalf of Age Friendly Ridgewood, join us for a talk with Dr. Thomas Perls, geriatrician and lead researcher for New England Centenarian Study,which is the largest study of people living to 100 years and beyond in the world.

When: May 17th, 2018
Time: 7:00pm
Where: Ridgewood Community Center, Village Hall, 131 Maple Ave here in Ridgewood.

RSVP to reserve a seat at
Parking available at the Graydon Pool lot with shuttle bus service to and from Village Hall
For more information call (201)632-1554 or email

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atlantic steward bank presents 7 keys to enhancing social security


Mon, September 18, 2017
Time: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Location: Ridgewood Library, 125 N. Maple Ave., Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Social Security continues to play a critical role in a retirement strategy.
Is yours taking full advantage of what Social Security offers? I can help.
Together, let’s rethink your retirement benefits.
I’ll share seven keys to enhancing Social Security benefits:
• Keys to help you understand the basics of Social Security, including
when you should start taking benefits.
• Keys that take a deeper dive into Social Security, such as working
in retirement.
• Finally, taking the next step with the Rethinking Retirement Strategies

Space is Limited –
Call to RSVP by Friday, Sept. 8th:
Paul Pellegrine at (201) 444-7100 ext. 7503

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Reader says I am a senior who would love Graydon open anytime in Sept. after Labor Day, but I don’t count


….The problem with weekends after Labor Day is that everyone has pushed past summer and is I to soccer practice and birthday parties and lacrosse and cross country, you name it. Weekends are booked from the moment the school bell rings. Sad, but true……

Glen Rock pool is open after Labor Day on weekends. Correct me if I am wrong.What about adults who want to use Graydon Sept. weekends. Oh, I get it , I am a senior who would love Graydon open anytime in Sept. after Labor Day, but I don’t count. Why is it always the kids and not the adults and NEVER the seniors who are taken into consideration for fun things. That crappy senior center, with dottering exercise classes and trips where the main event is a fattening lunch, SCREW THAT. No healthy senior would join that. I sure in hell wouldn’t. And I am in my mid seventies.


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Ridgewood Realestate


Many NJ seniors won’t qualify for property-tax reimbursement because program was capped at $70K following Great Recession — and that’s where the cap remains

A recent poll of New Jersey voters indicated the top issue this gubernatorial election year is the state’s notoriously high property taxes. Ever-rising property tax bills are also a particularly troubling issue for the state’s senior citizens because many are living on fixed incomes.

Yet the most recent state budget signed into law by Gov. Chris Christie earlier this month included fine print written quietly into budget documents that will keep many seniors from being able to collect sizable reimbursement checks that are offered through one of the state’s most popular property-tax relief programs.

The budget language effectively overrides the state law that funds the “senior freeze” Property Tax Reimbursement Program by lowering the program’s annual income cap from near $90,000 to $70,000. The cost-cutting measure started as the state faced deep budget problems in the wake of the Great Recession, but it has been maintained ever since even as revenue collections have now rebounded.

In the past, Democratic lawmakers have tried to block the income-cap change, but Christie, a second-term Republican, has used the line-item veto pen to override their wishes. But this year, Democrats prioritized increased funding for local school districts and several other programs in a budget showdown with Christie, leaving the frozen senior-freeze income cap in place for another year. That means it will likely be up to the state’s next governor to determine whether New Jersey seniors will eventually be made whole.

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Senior Bus To Kasschau Shell Concert


Tue, July 25, 2017
Time: 8:00 PM
Location: Veteran’s Field, 131 N Maple Ave., Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Ridgewood NJ, The Village of Ridgewood and Age Friendly Ridgewood invite senior citizens to the Kasschau Shell Concerts at 8:30 on Tuesday July 18 (McVey family singing Broadway hits) and Tuesday July 25 (North Jersey Concert Band). Admission is free. To reserve a seat on the Ridgewood Senior Bus please call 201-670-5500 x203. Chairs and bug spray will be provided for seniors with reservations to travel to the concerts on the Ridgewood senior bus.

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Age Friendly Ridgewood to Collect Non-food items for Older Adults

tooth paste
July 16,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Age Friendly Ridgewood continues to Collect Non-food items for Older Adults in need of them and during the month of July the collection point is at Graydon Pool. We welcome new, small to medium sizes of the following items: paper towels, toilet paper, wet wipes, tissues, napkins, paper plates, cling wrap, foil, baggies, dish soap, hand soap, windex, tub and tile cleaner, sponges, 10 oz laundry detergent or packets, dryer sheets, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste and brushes, denture cleaner, lotion, shaving gel, razors, sunscreen, bandaids and first aid supplies, lipstick, nail polish and make-up. Please email with questions.

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Age Friendly Ridgewood offers Lots Events for Seniors


July 15,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Village of Ridgewood and Age Friendly Ridgewood invite senior citizens to the Kasschau Shell Concerts at 8:30 on Tuesday July 18 (McVey family singing Broadway hits) and Tuesday July 25 (North Jersey Concert Band). Admission is free. To reserve a seat on the Ridgewood Senior Bus please call 201-670-5500 x203. Chairs and bug spray will be provided for seniors with reservations to travel to the concerts on the Ridgewood senior bus.

2017 Ridgewood High School Summer New Players opens this weekend and offers Seniors a $5 discount on all tickets. Now playing are Little Shop of Horrors and Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery and opening later in July is The Pajama Game. Please see for details and tickets.