Ridgewood NJ , Is your college student/recent grad clueless about Managing their money?rnDo they understand the real life lessons of money management?rnrnThe Alexandrite Group is offering Money Management Classes in a small group setting in Rochelle Park, NJrnSign up for our classes:rnrnTopics include: bank accounts, credit cards, loans, spending plansrnrnprivate sessions also availablernrnIntro to Managing Your Money rn(ages 18-26)rnTuesday, January 12rnorrnThursday, January 14 rn7:00 –8:30 pmrnrnIntro to Managing Your Money rn(for parents)rnTuesday, January 5rnorrnThursday, January 7 rn7:00 –8:30 pmrnrnOne session: $79rnrnBoth sessions: $139rnrnto register online www.alexandritegroup.comrnrnDianeNissen, CMA and money coach, has been helping clients and presenting financial seminars since 2008. Her presentations are interactive and always leave the audience with practical, useful information. rnrndiane@alexandritegroup.comrnrn