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Exploring Abstract Art: History, Importance, and Modern Examples

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Art in every era has been designed not only to show but also to tell a person a story – as if a connected plot and narrative on a canvas. And you ask, how is this possible in art? Any painting that’s painted carries not only an aesthetic meaning for your room, but also gives recognition about ancient heroes or biblical events, thus, painting developed in a person not only a sense of the beautiful and tangible, but also the historical and cultural development of man. The painting played the role of a kind of storyteller that conveyed to the viewer not only the images but also the emotions, thoughts and ideas of the artist, thus depicting for the viewer the specific subjects painted in the oil painting. Like other forms of art, they have a counterbalance to realism, and over time, other movements in painting emerged, and they continued to depict reality, only transforming it from a different angle – this concept includes impressionism, expressionism and post-impressionism. The question remains of the development of art, as something different and bold, so a new direction is emerging that will determine the future of abstract art and it gave impetus in the 20th century.

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The Ridgewood Art Institute’s 65th Annual Young People’s Scholarship Exhibition

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Art Institute’s 65th Annual Young People’s Scholarship Exhibition. This wonderful exhibition focuses on Young Aspiring Artist between the ages of 7 and 17 from the surrounding area. Their work will be hung in our beautiful galleries and family members and friends can view the work thru June 17th as well as at our Opening Reception, where awards will be also be announced. This is a lovely opportunity for those families with children interested in Art, to visit and see all that The Ridgewood Art Institute has to offer.

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Ridgewood Art Institute’s 71st Annual Sponsor Show

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Art Institute’s 71st Annual Sponsor Show is just around the corner! This remarkable, original, eminently successful show features paintings donated to the Institute by Member Artists. The Sponsors are the first of a limited number of people who contribute $275. Premium Sponsorships are also available for $400, which entitles the participant to three chances, but only one painting. On the last nite of the show, as their names are drawn, the Sponsors select their favorite painting to take home.

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Ridgewood Art Institute Artist: Creating Art produces endorphins which help galvanize us against these challenging times

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photos courtesy of the Ridgewood Art Institute
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Art Institute Artist Members painting from the live model in Rebecca Leer’s Wednesday and/or Thursday Morning Oil Painting Class. Creating Art produces endorphins which help to galvanize us in these challenging times.

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Priceless Painting Returned to Owner After Being Stolen in North Jersey in 1969

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Newark NJ,a historic and priceless English painting, “The Schoolmistress” by artist John Opie, stolen over 50 years ago by New Jersey mobsters, has been returned to its owner, Francis Wood, after a two-year FBI investigation. The painting, taken from Wood’s Newark home in 1969, was recently ruled as his rightful property by a judge in Washington County, Utah. The FBI, along with detectives from the Metropolitan Police in London, played a crucial role in the investigation. The painting, dating back to around 1784, depicts an elderly woman teaching children in a classroom in Cornwall, England. It was found in Utah in 2021, among the property of a deceased client who unwittingly purchased a house containing the stolen artwork. The painting, previously thought to be in the possession of organized crime gangs, has now been returned to the Wood family.

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The Stable Art Gallery in Ridgewood hosts Soo Kim this month for her exhibit, “Soo Kim and her Students”

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the staff of the Ridgewood  blog

Ridgewood Nj, the Stable Art Gallery hosts Soo Kim this month for her exhibit, “Soo Kim and her Students”. Meet the artist at a reception on Saturday, January 13, 2024 from 1 to 3pm at the Stable, 259 N. Maple Avenue. The gallery can also be viewed during business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. The Stable is closed on Monday, January 15th.

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The Rockland Arts Festival Invites Artists & Arts Organizations to Participate

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Rockland County NY, The Rockland Arts Festival is 2 weeks of FREE online & in-person arts events! Discover outstanding artwork, studio tours & art demos. Enjoy the best of live music, short films, theater & more!

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The Ridgewood Art Institute’s Members’ Summer Invitational Show

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photos courtesy of the The Ridgewood Art Institute

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Art Institute’s Members’ Summer Invitational Show, is a yet another opportunity that our Artist Members are given to show their work. The show runs all Summer long in our beautiful galleries. (From to

We welcome Artists and Art Enthusiasts alike, to visit us and see why The Ridgewood Art Institute is such a treasured jewel in our community.

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Ridgewood Art Institute 70th Annual Sponsor Show Ends May 5th

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Art Institute  GALLERIES ARE OPEN FOR VIEWING TODAY, THURSDAY UNTIL 5PM.Sponsorships are limited, don’t miss this opportunity to participate in this exciting event…
It is that time of year again! Help support this wonderful non profit organization by becoming a Sponsor!

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Ridgewood Art Institute Sponsor Show

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Art Institute Sponsor Show is their biggest annual fundraiser. It is what keeps the lights on and maintains our beautiful building and grounds. Ridgewood Art Institute are respectfully requesting that ALL members donate at least one, if not two framed paintings towards this common goal. Another option is to become a Sponsor, yourself. For $275, you are guaranteed to go home the night of our Gala Drawing, with a gorgeous, framed painting.

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Anti War Art

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War can have a devastating effect on people and the economy. Throughout human civilization, it is estimated that various wars have together killed about a billion people. Apart from death, war also causes injury, disability, malnutrition, illness, depression, anxiety, and PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It breaks families by taking away men from their wives. It can cause both material and psychological damage.

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, last call the closing reception and award ceremony will be held on Sundale March 5th for the Ridgewood Art Institute’s 43rd Annual Open Juried Show. The show featured gorgeous pieces chosen from nationwide applications. On view in our beautiful galleries until March 5th from 10am-3pm daily

Also available for viewing online at