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Reader Tells the Governor ,”You Can’t ask for money for a problem you created Murphy”

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

“You Can’t ask for money for a problem you created murphy. Shouldn’t have kept small businesses closed for so long. You destroyed lives to save lives. Now alot of us will have to move because even with any federal aid you will raise taxes. You put all your hopes into federal money and on top of that the people you keep asking for money you paint them as villains. Money doesn’t grow on trees; we are already heading towards hyperinflation. You’ve already proven you can’t manage a state budget. You spend money like water and refuse to make the necessary cuts needed to balance the budget. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. From the republican side we blame your leaders for their decisions for their irresponsible spending. You can scream, cry, threaten, complain but at the end of the day you’ll be held accountable for NJ’s suffering. Obviously democratic leadership has created more poverty like it does in every democratic run state. Learn how to manage your funds and stop playing victim. You shut down NJ and then locked up, fined, & threatened to revoke license to any small business that tried to reopen to survive this pandemic. Those were your executive orders nobody else’s. You will be held accountable. NJ needs new leadership, republican leadership but since that wont ever happen NJs economy will never get better because all democrats do is spend & raise taxes. Someone take Murphy’s checkbook away already.”

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Garrett Blasts Treasury Secretary Jack Lew Over the Different set of rules for Government Officials for lavish Wall Street Pay Packages

Scott Garrett

September 23,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Rep. Scott Garrett, (NJ-05) Chairman of the subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government-Sponsored Enterprises,  delivered the following opening remarks at Financial Services Committee hearing entitled, “The Annual Report of the Financial Stability Oversight Council” featuring Treasury Secretary Jack Lew:

Congressman Scott Garrett’s opening remarks as prepared for delivery:

Mr. Secretary, it’s great to see you again.  I understand you were a tough man to nail down to testify today – I guess I would be too if my job was defending FSOC

So we’re starting to get to that point in this Administration’s tenure where people inevitably start to talk about the “legacy” it will leave behind

Unfortunately, when it comes to FSOC, the Obama Administration’s legacy will be remembered as one of secrecy, obfuscation, and a continued refusal to answer questions or provide transparency to either Congress or the American public

Thankfully, it’s not just us in the legislative branch that have taken notice

The recent court decision invalidating the designation of MetLife is a reminder to all of us we live in a system governed by the rule of law and not the rule of bureaucrats. 

I hope the Treasury Secretary understands this as well, and I look forward to his answers before our Committee today.

Rep. Scott Garrett had a lively interaction with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew at yesterday’s Financial Services Committee oversight hearing. Garrett addressed Lew’s scandal ridden record at Citibank directly causing the layoff of over 50,000 employees requiring a taxpayer bailout.

When the dust settled, we learned that as usual there are a different set of rules and standards for high-ranking government officials–like Secretary Lew–when it comes to lavish Wall Street pay packages.