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Trump to Obama: Do Not Pardon Hillary Clinton “Or Her Co-Conspirators”


Posted By Tim Hains
On Date September 30, 2016

At a campaign rally in Novi, Michigan Friday evening, Donald Trump asked President Barack Obama not to “pardon Clinton and her co-conspirators” if any charges were filed related to the email scandal.

“Mr. President,” Trump said. “Will you pledge not to issue a pardon to Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators for their many crimes against our country, and against society itself. No one is above the law.”

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How the World Fell Out of Love with Obama


In countries key to the president’s legacy, people express profound disappointment in a man from whom they expected great things.


Back in 2008, the same qualities in the 47-year-old senator from Illinois that excited U.S. voters enthralled people around the globe. He was a fresh face and a compelling orator. He had spent his childhood in the Asia-Pacific, and his skin color alone made billions of people feel a connection with him. Perhaps most importantly, he was not George W. Bush, the president who invaded Iraq. Obama promised “hope” and “change” and people believed he could deliver—that he would end wars in Muslim countries, improve America’s standing on human rights, even alleviate global poverty. “Yes we can!” shouted The Age, an Australian newspaper, when he won office. Just months later, the rookie president was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a nod more to his promise than to anything he had accomplished.

Obama’s overseas poll numbers were stratospheric in those early days. In countries like France and Germany, more than 90 percent of people surveyed by the Pew Research Center expressed confidence that Obama would “do the right thing regarding world affairs.” Even in some Middle Eastern countries, where U.S. presidents are rarely liked, nearly half of the populace had high expectations for Obama.

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Reader says We simply can’t afford divided loyalties in our primary governmental leader.

Obama in Muslim garb

Deep-seated sympathetic leanings towards people and places outside the U.S. can compromise a man’s judgment and make complicated for him decisions and issues that are a snap to resolve for one whose love for and fidelity to this country is undiluted. One or both parents of foreign citizenship as of the moment of one’s birth (e.g. Ted Cruz (Cuban father), Barack Obama (Kenyan father), Nicky Hailey (Indian (i.e., the subcontinent) parents), Marco Rubio (Cuban parents), Bobby Jindal (Indian (again, the subcontinent) parents)), or birthplace OUTSIDE every U.S. state at a place where NEITHER of one’s parents is (a) the ambassador or equivalent top diplomat or (b) a member of HOSTILE occupying army (e.g., Ted Cruz (born in Canada), John McCain (born in Colon, Panama), George Romney (born in Mexico City), Barry Goldwater (born in Arizona before its statehood), are primary sources of such conflicted feelings. This is why the U.S. Constitution requires that the office of President of the United States not be occupied by, nor devolve upon, anyone but a natural-born citizen. We simply can’t afford divided loyalties in our primary governmental leader.

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Photo of Obama in Muslim garb shows deep ties to faith, O’Reilly says

Obama in Muslim garb

Published July 07, 2016

President Obama and Islam

Newly unearthed photos of President Obama in Muslim garb underscore his deep ties to the faith — and possibly help explain his reluctance to call out radical Islam, Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly said Wednesday.

The photos, aired on “The O’Reilly Factor,” were taken at the wedding of Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, in Maryland sometime in the early 1990s, O’Reilly said. They were not offered as evidence that Obama is Muslim, as some of his critics insist, but to show his “deep emotional ties” to the religion of his father and stepfather, O’Reilly said.

O’Reilly said the photos, taken in the 1990s, underscore Obama’s deep ties to Islam. (Fox News Channel)

“There is no question the Obama administration’s greatest failure is allowing the Islamic terror group ISIS to run wild, murdering thousands of innocent people all over the world, including many Muslims,” said O’Reilly. “Mr. Obama has never, never acknowledged that mistake, nor does he define the ISIS threat accurately.