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New Jersey Appleseed Public Interest Law Center : Referendum Petitioning

Ridgewood garage referendum

Ridgewood friends,

If it weren’t for the guidance and extensive knowledge of Renee Steinhagen, Executive Director of NJ Appleseed, we would be dealing with a massive parking garage, encroaching halfway into Hudson Street, being funded, built and run by the BCIA. Renee and her staff gave us the tools we needed to defeat the massive garage proposals. They have extensive knowledge of referendum petitioning, and were incredibly supportive.

When asked to send to send a bill, Renee said she will not, but rather requested our group contribute to NJ Appleseed, so that they can continue their mission:
“New Jersey Appleseed Public Interest Law Center is a non-partisan, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. For over 10 years, we’ve striven to correct systemic problems that are at the root of injustice in our state.”

This is the link to donate online. Share this link with your Ridgewood friends!

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Village manager Roberta Sonenfeld is at it once again

Village manager Roberta Sonenfeld disrupting petitioners
March 31,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village manager Roberta Sonenfeld is at it once again . Sonenfeld attempted to disrupt “petition signers” on this past Easter weekend  with high density developer John Saracino . This time the Village manager expressed her concerns in a letter to the “The Ridgewood Daily Voice” .

The Village manager voiced her concerns , claiming petitioners were misrepresenting the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA) bonding referendum, saying ”  village is subject to the referendum provisions of the Faulkner Act and not the Home Rule Act. As a result, since there is no general or regular municipal election scheduled during the allotted time period, a referendum would be required to be held “not less than 40 nor more than 60 days” after the last possible date of withdrawal of the petition by the petitioners. Such a special election would cost Ridgewood taxpayers approximately $40,000 to $45,000.” “

However the Village Council has since voted unanimously to rescind the village’s agreement with the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA) to fund the $11.5 million downtown parking deck.The vote comes on the heels of the  council decision to self-fund the construction of the controversial 325-space parking structure on Hudson Street.

Observers note “I think she is taking this stuff personal.”

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BCIA petition OLMC

Hundreds upon hundreds of Ridgewood taxpayers demand voice on how to fund parking garage.

February 27, 2016


RIDGEWOOD, NJ­ Friday afternoon, in a victory for the voice of the taxpayers and responsible public financing, the NO2BCIA []citizen group delivered over 1300 signatures, more than enough, to force a binding referendum on a Village ordinance that would have the county rather than the Village bond the proposed Hudson Street parking garage.

The Committee of Petitioners was formed in the aftermath of a failure of the Ridgewood Village Council to achieve the 4­1 super­majority vote necessary for the Village to bond the project itself, due to lack of critical design renderings requested by Councilmember Susan Knudsen for the community and Council to review and assess, and the lack of a payment plan to present to taxpayers, as requested by Councilman Sedon.

Instead, a simple majority (3­2) of the Council immediately at the same meeting, introduced Ordinance 3519, an ordinance authorizing the execution and granting of a Lease Purchase Agreement with the Bergen County Improvement Authority.

The petition seeks to protest and repeal Ordinance 3519 until it can be voted on by registered voters of Ridgewood, as a binding referendum question. The Committee of Petitioners seeks to ensure that all aspects of the garage remain securely within the control of the Village.

“This is a huge victory for the residents of Ridgewood who want to have common sense solutions to parking and how it is funded. This petition is not anti­garage. In fact, in talking to the many people who signed, many of them voted for a garage on the non­binding referendum in November. They just want Ridgewood to have full control and flexibility of the pricing structure, especially when it comes to resident and non­resident commuters using the garage.” says Petitioner Lorraine Reynolds. “Now we hope to encourage full Council support for a garage design that meets the wishes of the surrounding community, including shopkeepers, restaurant owners, and most of all, the residents of Ridgewood.”

Petitioner Gail McCarthy adds, “I am very optimistic. ‘Compromise is the best and cheapest lawyer.’ I am pretty sure we would all much rather be spending our time and money shopping in downtown Ridgewood!”

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Ridgewood News, article to try to pressure Mike Sedon and Susan Knudsen to vote for bonding the garage through Ridgewood.


All — On page 3 of the Ridgewood News, there was an article to try to pressure Mike Sedon and Susan Knudsen to vote for bonding the garage through Ridgewood. If you are skeptical of the viability of the proposed garage, please send Mike and Susan an email to let them know to stay firm on their vote and allow the referendum on the BCIA to go forward. Here’s what I sent to them:

Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 4:23 PM
To: ‘’; ‘’
Cc: ‘’; ‘’; ‘’
Subject: garage

Susan and Michael,

With regards to the full page ad in the Ridgewood News today, I urge you to maintain your position on the bonding of the proposed garage.

I do not believe that a garage in that location will cover its costs and the taxpayers are going to wind up funding it. There is simply not enough demand for parking at the proposed location. There are usually many spots open right across the street. I’d support a smaller structure located more centrally and I know a lot of my fellow residents would too.

Please stay the course and know that most of the residents who voted in support of a garage did not know any specific information at that time therefore there is NO MANDATE to build anything at this time.

Feel free to contact me via email or at 201-445-8222.

Derek Schnure

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BCIA garage is a county owned and operated parking garage , that is paid for by Village of Ridgewood taxpayers

Hudson Street Parking Garage

February 25,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, The fact is a BCIA garage is a county owned and operated parking garage , that is paid for by Village of Ridgewood taxpayers .The Village gives up all control of the garage and Village residents have no priority.

From the Bergen Record October 13th, 2014 , “The village has been in talks with the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA) for more than a year about a partnership that would ideally result in the county building a 450-space parking garage at the site of the Hudson Street lot, where there are currently only a couple dozen 12-hour metered parking spots.

The county would own and operate the garage, which the village would pay for over the course of 20-30 years from the revenue from the garage.

To put the plan into motion, the freeholders and the county executive both need to sign off on the transferring of funds from the county’s planning department to the BCIA through the approval of the resolution.”


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Reader says Petitioners were welcomed and greeted warmly ar Bergen County Freeholder Meeting

photo courtesy of Maura DeNicola Packed Freeholder Meeting Room for the State of the County

file photo by Freeholder Maura DeNicola

Last night a few of us went to the Freeholders meeting in Hackensack because the introduction of their ordinance to OK the BCIA funding our garage was on the agenda. We were welcomed and greeted warmly. Several came over to us before the meeting, introduced themselves, offered great support and adulation for our grass roots effort with the petition, explained the process, etc.

When one of us was speaking the timer went off, and instead of shutting the speaker down, they asked him politely to wrap it up and let him finish. It was unbelievable. Then I realized it was not unbelievable, it was simply not something that we are accustomed to after being beaten and bashed by the Council majority.

While our mayor calls the petitioners outright liars who are fueled by misinformation, these elected officials applauded our interest and passion. Mayor Aronsohn could take a huge lesson in civility by watching these truly fine individuals in action. Well it won’t be long until the three of them are gone and we will have peace, civility and decency once again.

The freeholders had already met with Aronsohn, of course, and they told us that Aronsohn assured them yesterday afternoon that it was going to be funded by Ridgewood and that he expected to have a vote on this by next week. At that point, we were told, the entire involvement of the BCIA and freeholders would go “poof.” (their word). In the meantime, they told us that they would be voting unanimously last night to approve the funding by the BCIA because they are not involved with design, height, location, or any of that. Their only job is to say yea or nay to the BCIA request, and they had no reason to say nay.

Two takeaways –

1. Aronsohn told them that it is definitely going to be funded in town. Interesting, because last night at the VC he refused to take the BCIA ordinance off the books and he continued to sing the praises of the BCIA.

2. Aronsohn will be taking full credit if it gets funded in town, when in fact the efforts of the petition drive is the sole reason that he got backed into this corner. Power to the people.

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Wednesday Night Council Meeting features Back patting, Bloviation and the usual attacks on the Ridgewod blog

village council meeting

photos by Boyd  Loving
Wednesday Night Council Meeting features Back patting, Bloviation and the usual attacks on the Ridgewod blog
February 25,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Recycling bins were blowing all over the place due to the wind but the ” Bloviating” from the council majority was worse and so self serving. Albert praised himself and his cohorts for all the compromising they had done  by making some garage changes. Of course there was no mention of the hundreds of citizens who spent countless hours and money to get them to make the changes that would have  proven disastrous for the Hudson/Broad Street area.

Susan made a point of letting Paul know that his use of the word liar in his email was “unfortunate ” and based on real numbers that the petitioners used was actually untrue on his part.  Albert introduced his ordinance that really amounts to letting people know in committee settings if you will be taping the meeting.  No one except Susan seems to want to address the behavior in the courtroom/ the Dana Glazer incident.  Roberta as usual  spoke for “huge” amounts of time and made many little faces throughout.

Much talk about the BCIA and Paul stated he is in constant contact with them and will be pursuing funding through them while also admitting that funding the garage ourselves is also an option.  Rurik Halaby praised the council majority, spoke negatively about Susan and complained about The Blog but calls it Pravda so no one knows what he is talking about.

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No 2 BCIA is moving forward still collecting signatures in Ridgewood

petition signing event at Elks Club
file photo Elks club by Boyd Loving 
February 24,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgwood NJ, The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus is the next stop on the signature drive . The Petition seeks to protest and repeal Ordinance 3519,authorizing the execution and granting of a lease purchase agreement until it can be voted on by registered residents of Ridgewood with the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA),as a binding referendum question.

The Ridgewood Knights of Columbus will be open on Thursday from 7:00-10:00pm for those interested in signing the petition. K of C hall is on the corner of Hudson/S. Broad St. To enter the hall, you need to use outdoor staircase facing Hudson Street right across for the proposed parking garage .

According to No 2 BCIA petition signatures are still being collected  They ask you to please reach out to come and sign or visit the website for more locations and information. 201-675-8937.

The No 2BCIA website shows these other contacts :

Lorraine Reynolds house, 550 Wyndemere Ave/come to door off John St.,please call first 201-264-8151
Multiple circulators are ready to come to your place. Please call/text 201-264-8151
Anne Loving, call cell 201-723-8017 to make appt to sign.
Saurabh Dani, call/text cell 973-903-5361 and I will stop by to collect your signature.
Melanie McWilliams – 431 Bogert Ave: call/text to confirm 201-675-8937

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Please remove BCIA funding for Ridgewood garage from 2/24 meeting agenda


file photo by Boyd Loving

February 23, 2016

To the Bergen County Freeholders:

As you may be aware, many Ridgewood residents are opposed to bonding a parking garage in our Central Business District through the county.

A petition has been circulating widely around town to make this issue a referendum on the ballot of the May 10, 2016, election.

A large number of signatures has been obtained. These will be counted and validated shortly–but not bytomorrow.

We urge the Freeholders to refrain from acting on this matter until the referendum issue has been determined. We wish to handle our own project with internal funding.

Should a judge allow the referendum, any decision that you might make tomorrow would be nullified, and you would have wasted your time.

As a Ridgewood resident for 44 years and counting, I want only the best for my town. Self-funding of the parking garage would be far preferable to bringing in the county. I am also concerned about possible ramifications in the future.

Please consider removing from tomorrow’s meeting agenda the item regarding Ridgewood parking garage bond funding.

Thank you very much.


Marcia Ringel

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Reader says the No2BCIA Petition signers need an independent representative present to over see the validity of the the signatures

BCIA petition OLMC

Reader says I do not trust the 3 Amigos (the council majority) or the Village Manager. I just wonder that when these fine people who have put so many hours get resident to sign the garage petitions hand them in will there be an independent representative present to over see the validity of the the signatures? With all of whats been going on surrounding  this garage and the Council majority along with the Village Manager . Will they exert pressure on whomever will be checking. Will the Village Manager or any Council Members be the ones also counting? Residents beware. We have all seen posts on this blog on how our Mayor has brought Hudson County politics to Ridgewood.

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The people of Ridgewood deserve better

BCIA petition OLMC

Mr. Aronsohn – 

In response to your email circulating Sunday afternoon; I was not on the list of recipients, but a friend forwarded it to me.  You sent it to a selected list of “friends/neighbors,” yet you did so by blind cc.  Therefore no one who received it knows who else got it.  How strange.
Why would you send such an announcement to a selected, secret group of residents?  Isn’t your suggestion of reintroducing the bond ordinance one that should be shared with ALL residents, not just a few?   And more importantly, why wouldn’t this be suggested at an Open Public Meeting, with all five of our elected officials present, rather than in an email of this sort?   I am baffled by your choices here.
I am one of the petitioners, as you are well aware.  In fact, this morning I waved to you, called out and invited you to cross the street when you were watching us from the corner of Prospect and Hudson, but you opted to ignore my invitation and walk away without even waving back.  As one of the petitioners, I am shocked to be characterized by you as participating in an initiative that is “fueled, in part, by misinformation and outright lies.”  Why didn’t you cross the street and talk to us, or for that matter why didn’t you cross Maple Avenue yesterday when you were in the King’s parking lot watching us in the Elks Club?  Indeed, in the interest of the civil discourse that you espouse so frequently, an actual conversation with us would have gone a long way.  You would have learned, first-hand, that we are not fueled by misinformation and outright lies.  We are being scrupulously accurate and honest in our endeavor.
Your suggestion that “The people of Ridgewood deserve better” is completely insulting.  We ARE the people of Ridgewood; do you envision that all of us are somehow invaders from another town?  As you have surely witnessed from your various observation posts in the last two days, we are not only the people of Ridgewood, but we are a large number or the people of Ridgewood. We are exercising our rights under the law, doing so pleasantly, appropriately, respectfully, and with accurate information.  We are putting in long hours, in freezing temperatures and in the rain, and all for one common reason – because we care about Ridgewood.  
How disappointing that such an unprofessional and potentially slanderous letter was sent by you in your official capacity.
Thank you,
Anne Loving,
Ridgewood Resident
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Ridgewood Petition Shakes the Mayor’s Plans

BCIA petitiion olmc
February 22,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, looks like the Mayor is scared, and running on the defensive. On one hand the Mayors trying to be conciliatory , while calling the petition signers  outright liars and of coarse still trying to back Susan and Mike into a corner of blame and shame.

On Saturday the Mayor was in the Kings lot watching the people go in and out of the Elks Club. On Sunday he was over by the Village Green cafe watching the petitioners and one called out to him to come over and sign a petition and he turned and walked away.  After that, and only after that, the latest email came out. Meanwhile the Ridgewood blog has been assured  the petitioners are all redoubling they’re efforts to get as many signatures as they can.

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The Ridgewood Mayor Responds to No 2 BCIA Petition


Dear Friends/Neighbors,

I am writing to you with an update on our parking deck initiative … and I am doing so with a great deal of excitement.

Simply stated, we are very close to making a downtown parking deck a reality.  After months – in fact, years – of hard work and after 3,236 Ridgewood residents (65%) voted in support of a parking deck in last November’s election, we are in the final stages of the process … fine tuning the design, working through the finances and getting ready to put shovel in the ground.

In January, the Council voted on an ordinance to finance the parking deck on our own.  Specifically, we voted 3-2 in favor of bonding up to $12.3 million to pay for the deck.  Unfortunately, for bonding purposes, a simple majority of the Council is not enough.

So, in February, we voted on a different ordinance – one that would allow the Village to partner with the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA), which would borrow the necessary funding and finance the deck.  Again, the vote was 3-2 in favor, but since the Village would not assume any debt under this arrangement, the simple majority was enough to pass the ordinance.

In my mind, either scenario is good for Ridgewood.  Both would result in a much-needed parking deck at comparable costs.

Some, however, have suggested that our vote regarding the BCIA was taken to “circumvent” the bonding process.  That is simply not true.  We began exploring a partnership with the BCIA in May 2013 – long before our current discussion – because there are many advantages to doing so.  Better interest rates.  Better amortization (payment schedule).  And such a partnership would allow the Village to finance and build a parking deck without adding to our overall debt burden.  Further, I am a big believer in partnerships – public/public or public/private – because they can lead to enhanced efficiencies, enhanced effectiveness and saved dollars.

Regardless, there is now a petition drive underway to prevent our partnership with the BCIA – a drive that has been fueled, in part, by misinformation and outright lies.  That is unfortunate.  The people of Ridgewood deserve better.

That said, in the spirit of getting this project done –once and for all – and in the spirit of doing it together as a community, I am willing to re-introduce the January bond ordinance at our March 2 Council meeting.  Although I still believe that a partnership with the BCIA would be a good thing for Ridgewood, I want to give my Council colleagues another chance to make this happen.

But let’s be clear – if the full Council is still not willing to support the bond ordinance – notwithstanding all of the statements recently made by Council members – we should continue to move forward with the BCIA.

Again, I sincerely believe that either approach – going it alone or in partnership with Bergen County – would be good for Ridgewood.  Either way, we must seize this unique moment.  Either way, we must keep moving forward.

Thank you.



Paul Aronsohn, Mayor

Village of Ridgewood

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Another Garage Letter that was not Printed by the Ridgewood News

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving , Council majority ie the 3 Amigos

Good morning-
Here is the Letter to the Editor Jim wrote that wasn’t printed this past wknd.

February 17, 2016

Letter to the Editor

What is really going on?

The Town Council voted 3-2 on February 10th to fund the Hudson Street Garage with the Bergen County Improvement Authority. Councilmembers Aronsohn, Pucciarelli and Hauck voted to turn the project over to the county.

Some questions to ponder:

If the goal is a functional, non-partisan government, WHY has our Mayor been off “forming a partnership” with the BCIA for 3 years?

If financial stewardship is important, WHY are we paying more to finance through the BCIA versus funding it ourselves?

If we are going to incur an obligation to the county of more than $10 million, WHY isn’t there a payment plan in place to pay off this obligation?

If we truly care about the look and feel of our historic downtown, WHY haven’t designs/renderings been shown to the taxpayers of Ridgewood?

If all 5 members of our Town Council are independent thinking stewards of our village, WHY haven’t Councilmembers Sedon and Knudsen been privy to all discussions and reports in a timely fashion?

If we want real informed input from our fellow residents, WHY was the Maser study, which showed the 12 feet encroachment into Hudson St., thereby narrowing Hudson to 18 feet, not made public until after the November referendum, when the Village Manager had it on her desk in October?

If the upcoming election isn’t a factor, WHY are Councilmembers Aronsohn, Pucciarelli and Hauck in such a rush to fund this with Bergen County?

Too many unanswered questions.
Lets make sure we have answers before it’s too late.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McCarthy

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Taking the Village of Ridgewood back, No2BCIA Petition is on a roll and the signatures keep coming

BCIA petitiion olmc

OMLC  photo by Boyd Loving

February 21,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, The people are taking back the town. No2BCIA  ( )  is on a roll. Keep the signatures coming, we need each and every one. This is a chance to save Ridgewood from a huge financial mistake. We will be able to bond in-town when all is said and done, we will not have a big fat county garage in the middle of town, and we will have full domain over the structure.

WP 20160221 08 49 30 Pro

Several reports came in that the mayor was reportedly observed looking at the Elks Club building while standing in a nearby parking lot talking on his cell phone.

No2BCIA Petition



  • Charlie and Nancy Nowinski, 2 Betty Court, Sunday, Feb. 21, 1-5:30 PM
  • Anne Loving, call cell 201-723-8017 to make appt to sign.
  • Melanie McWilliams – 431 Bogert Ave: Feb19th Friday 9:15-12:15pm, call/text to confirm 201-675-8937
  • Ellen McNamara: 120 West Ridgewood Ave, text 201-874-0966 to let her know you’re coming by. Friday after 11am.