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Michael Saudino Out as Bergen County Sheriff !

Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino


The Bergen County Sheriff’s Office announces that effective this date and at this time Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino (D)  has submitted his resignation as the Sheriff of Bergen County.
Additionally, Executive Undersheriff George Buono, Undersheriff Robert Colaneri, Undersheriff Brian Smith and Undersheriff Joseph Hornyak have also submitted their resignations effective immediately.
Pending the appointment of an interim sheriff by Governor Phil Murphy, Sheriff’s Office Chief Kevin Pell will be the officer-in-charge of the sheriff’s department’s operations and Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Warden Steve Ahrendt will be the officer-in-charge of the Bergen County jail’s operations.
There will be no further statements at this time.

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Kathy Griffin Channels ISIS and New Jersey Still Votes for McClellan

Kathy Griffin Channels ISIS

June 1,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, so far left “comedian”  Kathy Griffin Channels ISIS, and the Democrat Mayor of New York City sponsors a convicted terrorist as grand marshal of the Puerto Rican day parade .

In July of 2016 Democrat critic and Center for Security Policy founder Frank Gaffney said on SiriusXM radio , “I’m sorry for Democrats – I used to be one myself – who are now being completely disenfranchised by a party that is aligned with our enemies, and not with America,” Gaffney declared. “They will doom all of us, if they had their way.”

In Dinesh D’Souza: The secret history of the Democratic Party , D’Souza says Andrew Jackson established the Democratic Party as the party of theft.  He mastered the art of stealing land from the Indians and then selling it at giveaway prices to white settlers.

D’Souza goes on Democrats like Senator John C. Calhoun invented a new justification for slavery, slavery as a “positive good.”  For the first time in history, Democrats insisted that slavery wasn’t just beneficial for masters; they said it was also good for the slaves.

Later the Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee by a group of former confederate soldiers; its first grand wizard was a confederate general who was also a delegate to the Democratic National Convention.  The Klan soon spread beyond the South to the Midwest and the West and became, in the words of historian Eric Foner, “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.”

So I guess it is no surprise that the Democrat party of today represents anti American sentiments of ISIS , supports terrorism, pro illegal immigrant, is anti free speech, pro state-ism, and anti freedom .  While the Democrats along with their union allies are deeply entrenched in New Jersey  it may behoove many readers to remember that New Jersey voted for George B. McClellan for  president and not Abraham Lincoln . Yes in the election of 1864 McClellan won only 3 states , and yes one state was New Jersey.

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Jury finds former Bergen Democrat Boss Ferriero Guilty of racketeering


A jury today issued a verdict of guilty to three out of five charges in the corruption case of former Bergen County Democratic Chairman Joe Ferriero.

Guilty of racketeering, wire fraud and bribery-related charges, Ferriero escaped conspiracy to promote bribery and mail fraud charges. (Pizarro/PolitickerNJ)

Jury finds Ferriero guilty | New Jersey News, Politics, Opinion, and Analysis