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Fight Breaks out on Northbound Bergen/Port Jervis Line Train


Fight Breaks out on Northbound Bergen/Port Jervis Line Train
March 17,2013
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ , A New Jersey Transit train Bergen/  Port Jervis line was forced to make an unscheduled stop on Saturday after a large brawl broke out inside one of the rail cars, leading to the ejection of several passengers.

No details are available as to what sparked the fight, or weather the fight was or was not St.Patrick’s day parade related . The fight broke out shortly after 4 p.m. Saturday on a northbound Bergen/Port Jervis line train. NTJ had previously banned alcohol  for the parade of Saturday.

NJ Transit spokesman John Durso Jr. told the The Star-Ledger of Newark that the fight began about 10 minutes after the train departed from Secaucus , forcing the the train to make an unscheduled stop in East Rutherford, where authorities broke up the brawl.

Sixteen people were finally ordered off the train,while two were issued summons for disorderly conduct and one person was treated at the scene for minor injuries. The train resumed service after a 20 minutes delay. Bergen/  Port Jervis line also stop at Ridgewood Train Station.