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President-Elect Trump Sues Des Moines Register and Pollster Over “Deceptive” Pre-Election Poll

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, President-elect Donald Trump has taken his battle against “Fake News” to court, filing a lawsuit against the Des Moines Register and pollster J. Ann Selzer on Monday. The lawsuit alleges the publication of a misleading poll just before Election Day, which showed Vice President Kamala Harris leading Trump in Iowa by 3 percentage points. Trump went on to win Iowa by a significant margin of 14 percentage points, securing a second term in the White House.

Continue reading President-Elect Trump Sues Des Moines Register and Pollster Over “Deceptive” Pre-Election Poll

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“Fake News is unionizing” : Three New Jersey daily newspapers, including Bergen Record, vote to unionize

Bergen record Newspaper-vending-machine2

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in what can only be seen as a death knell for the newspaper industry “journalists” at the Bergen Record , the Daily Record and New Jersey Herald all owned by Gannett  voted overwhelmingly to unionize.

Continue reading “Fake News is unionizing” : Three New Jersey daily newspapers, including Bergen Record, vote to unionize

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Councilmen Voigt and the Bergen Record Once Again Attempt to Undermine the Ridgewood Police With Bogus Attack on Mayor

Jeff Voigt Ridgewood Council

April 10,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, In a recent biased article by, formerly known as the Bergen Record , the “Record “once again attacked the Village of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen and the hiring of her sons on the Ridgewood police force .The article by Deena Yellin goes out of it way to quote dubious sources such as “Rurik Halaby” who has no standing on the issue what’s so ever and Councilman Jeff Voigt who resorts to name calling of residents from the dais and is more well know for his outburst at council meeting than any serious policy discussions .

The article reads ,”In Ridgewood, tempers flared over Mayor Susan Knudsen’s support of a 2014 ordinance that retained residency preferences in police and fire department hires. That ordinance allowed her sons to be bumped up ahead of other candidates, said Rurik Halaby, a longtime resident and banking executive.” Omitting the fact that Susan was not the mayor at that time and represented only one vote out of five .

The simple fact is “Ridgewood is a state of New Jersey Civil Service municipality,” ,meaning candidates are ranked based on standardized test results. The list exists and any one can access it . Not knowing her sons were on it is meaningless. In Ridgewood the village manager is the hiring authority for the village and is required to adhere to state hiring regulations. Council members are prohibited from any involvement.

The article goes on to say “Shortly after Knudsen’s vote, she helped swear her children in.” Shortly after was 2017 her vote was 2014 , 3 years is shortly after ??? ,not in the New York Metro area.

A state ethics panel recently rejected a complaint against Knudsen, saying it was a Civil Service matter, end of story and is not dependent on Don Delzio , or Rurik Halaby point of view.

The article failed to mention that former Mayor Paul Aronsohn and his side kick former Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld were found guilty of ethics violations. The article also failed to mention the phone call to Mike Sedon employer ,the former Manager interfering with a lawful petition drive and the former manager hiring her friends and giving a preferential commercial lease to friend of hers as well as making a mess of the park mobil deal.

The article did quote Village Attorney Matt Rogers “There are standards used,” said Ridgewood Borough(Village not Borough) Attorney Matt Rogers. “The mayor can participate in discussions of the department budgets, but cannot participate in discussions pertaining to her sons’ raises. She had nothing to do with their hiring.”

Then the article goes totally off the rails once again attacking the Village Police Department and it personnel , “But questions linger. Councilman Jeff Voigt wondered how a fire chief or police chief would be able to properly supervise the mayor’s kids, even if she is not directly involved in overseeing the department. It raises thorny issues, he said. And again letting Voigt make fallacious assertions , “That puts them in an uncomfortable situation,” he said. “They [the kids] may even get preferential treatment.”

No Councilmen what makes people uncomfortable , is see you throw away you political career siding with a bunch of failed ethically challenged losers.

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Reader asks What Business Does Councilmen Voigt Have with Alfred Dublin or the Record?

Jeff Voigt Ridgewood Council

photo by Boyd Loving

Let’s not blame four great elected officials for the folly and bull of Jeff Voigt. The article doesn’t make sense and Vogt does seem paranoid. If the Mayor filed an opra for doublin emails then why would she suddenly have to work in concert with anyone to file an opra. Doesn’t make sense to me. Is the mayor limited to only one Opra in a year? Why would Vogt feel intimidated because of emails on a public server? He is supposed to be doing village business. Does this mean he’s doing village business with Alfred Dublin or the record? Ifso, exactly what village business is he doing with them? It sounds like Vogt is trying to suppress public records or maybe he’s just a fool. In either case he’s not serving Ridgewood residents. If voigt has a lgbt brother why didn’t he say so in a public meeting? Instead he writes in a letter to editor?

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Doblin doubles down on attacks and character assassinations of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Kundsen

Mayor Susan Knudsen

photo by Boyd Loving

May 29,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Doblin doubles down on attacks and character assassinations of Ridgewood Mayor Susan Kundsen . Alfred P. Doblin is the editorial page editor of The Bergen Record. In his latest column he once again praises Councilmen Voigt  and goes on the offensive against the Mayor.  Doblin continues to cling to the silly  fallacy  his editorial led to the flying of the rainbow ie gay pride flag at Ridgewood’s Van Nest square .

In his last piece Doblin took sides against Village voters and taxpayer with the full support of the former and failed politician Mayor Paul Aronsohn . In his latest peice “Doblin: In Ridgewood, speech is free, but not always easy” Doblin continues to endorse the grotesque and disrespectful behavior of both the Aronsohn regime and Councilmen Voigt . Perhaps he has a women’s issue or perhaps he is in league with politicians and developers looking to urbanize Bergen County . What ever the case once again it bears repeating ; Residents and taxpayers have every right to OPRA politicians emails period and it both offensive and dishonest to suggest otherwise .

We are still waiting to see the photo ops from Mr Doblin visiting Mosques , posting the rainbow flag at their door steps or his editorials looking to limit radical Islam from gaining entrance to the country ,given their known proclivity for KILLING GAYS.  In either case it no surprise to anyone that the Bergen Record would align it self against taxpayers and work in collusion  with people looking to undermine the Democratic process. Ridgewood residents may consider boycotting the Bergen Record until the Village get a full apology form Alfred P. Doblin.
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Bergen Record down the “rabbit hole” with Councilmen Jeff Voigt

mad hatter

May 29,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, once again it looks like the Bergen Record has picked sides and gone down the “rabbit hole” with Councilmen Jeff Voigt and the 3 amigos . In a recent article ,”Email search exposes distrust among Ridgewood council members” ( ) the Record clearly with the help of former Mayor Paul Aronsohn attempts to miscast the Villages version of the “Mad Hatter” Councilmen Voigt as a victim in the latest OPRA conspiracy .

Aronsohn’s failed political exploits have left him with little room to maneuver, and lots of favors that need repaying ,yet he can still call the Bergen Record his friend . The new owners seems to have fallen for the same nonsense the destroyed the papers credibility in the past.  The ridiculous one sided article tries to paint Jeff and his two supporters in town as the victims of an organized effort to harass him with OPRA requests . As usually the Record takes the side of another failed politician over the wishes of the taxpayers and residents .

Residents and taxpayers have every right to OPRA politicians emails period and it both offensive and totally dishonest to suggest otherwise . The reality is like Aronsohn’s 3 Amiogos administration Voight was caught red handed actively undermining his colleagues . It was poor judgement on his part and poorer judgement for the Bergen Record to consort with a 3 times political loser like Aronsohn .

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Reader says Off to the reeducation camp with you!


Oh come on James – don’t you know the American flag represents racism, homophobhia, misogyny, transphobia, islamophobia, bigotry etc etc.?

Seems like you have not yet been trained to think like a progressive. Off to the reeducation camp with you!

“He was back in the Ministry of Love, with everything forgiven, his soul white as snow. He was in the public dock, confessing everything, implicating everybody. He was walking down the white-tiled corridor, with the feeling of walking in sunlight, and an armed guard at his back. The longhoped-for bullet was entering his brain.

He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

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Bergen Record posts a misleading article on the Ridgewood Board of Education


January 4,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Bergen Record posts a misleading article on the Ridgewood Board of Education. The article claims in the article, New year, new leadership on Ridgewood BOE, The puff piece claims , “The new year brought significant change to the Ridgewood Board of Education.” , significant changes when board members run unopposed and have run unopposed for several terms. Does anyone remember a Ridgewood BOE without Shiela Brogan? While this is not to pass judgment on the quality or competence of the Ridgewood BOE members there clearly is NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGE in the Ridgewood BOE nor has there been for years.

According to the BOE eblast , James A. Morgan and Jeanette S. Wilson were sworn in as Board members and Vincent Loncto was nominated and elected Board President. James Morgan and Jennie Smith Wilson were nominated for Vice President; James Morgan was elected.

The next Regular Public Meeting of the Ridgewood Board of Education will be held on Monday, January 23, 2017 at the Education Center, 49 Cottage Place, Floor 3 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be aired live on television, FiOS channel 33 and Optimum channel 77, and streamed via the “Link in Live” tab on the district website at Meeting webcasts are generally posted to the district website within 48 hours.

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Governor Chris Christie : Printing public notices in newspapers is nothing more than an ‘unfunded mandate’

bergen record

file photo by Boyd Loving

December 20,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood NJ, Governor Chris Christie today released the following opinion editorial on legislation being considered that would update mandates requiring certain legal notices to be published in newspapers. It can be found in full below or on

“On Thursday, the Legislature advanced a commonsense piece of legislation that was first proposed in 2004 and will reform the archaic practice of requiring taxpayers and private businesses to pay for costly legal notices in print newspapers. The legislation provides the option of posting notices online and citizens will be allowed to take advantage of modern technologies that are already in use by the vast majority of the people in our State.

“It also saves money.

“The current unfunded mandate that is being addressed by this legislation costs New Jersey taxpayers and private citizens more than $80 million per year. That is $80 million annually from property taxpayers, including those facing the nightmare of foreclosure.

“The taxpayers and citizens of New Jersey can no longer afford this arrangement and thanks to technology, they don’t have to.

“In the case of foreclosures, every family going through that trauma is charged an average of $910 just for the legally required newspaper notices. That is unconscionable and in response to the advancing legislation the New Jersey Press Association proposes increasing those charges.

“As a result, required legal notices earned newspapers approximately $14 million for the 12-month period ending in October 2016. And these costs were borne by the 15,764 financially distressed people who had just suffered a foreclosure of their home in that time period. This is simply unacceptable.

“Today, there are more than 65,000 foreclosures currently pending in New Jersey. That’s $59 million in potential revenue going to private media outlets that can instead be saved by citizens experiencing a foreclosure. Giving them a choice to post online at no cost helps them prevent losing what little equity they may have left or sinking them further into debt.

“For government entities, hundreds of millions of dollars of future resources to be spent on required legal notices could now be made available for public schools and other municipal and county services rather than on an outmoded method which has been supplanted for the majority of New Jerseyans by the Internet.

“The NJ Press Association has acknowledged the inescapable truth – newspapers have a vested interest in seeing this reform movement fail, and it is why they are making baseless charges to support taxing homeowners and bilking those subject to foreclosure unnecessarily.

“For years newspapers have enjoyed a statutorily-protected monopoly on the publication of a vast array of legal notices. Monopolies are always bad for our economy and, in this case, awfully expensive for our citizens.

“The facts are clear: nearly 90 percent of New Jersey households have an internet connection and 100 percent of the state’s public libraries provide free internet access to their more than 43 million annual visitors. Only 22 percent of New Jerseyans buy a print newspaper. This reform will bring New Jersey government directly to the people, who primarily spend their time online accessing information – for free. According to a Pew Research Center study from this summer, 81 percent of adults get their news from online sources or through mobile devices.

“Contrary to the flailing assertions of the NJ Press Association, there will be no lack of transparency and no harm to the public as a result of this reform. These are merely scare tactics by their paid Trenton lobbyists designed to protect the interests of newspaper companies who argue for a free press, but are really arguing for a taxpayer funded subsidy in disguise. This bill, and their fight over it, unmasks their greed.  In fact, their true disinterest in transparency and the public’s access to information through a free press – not to mention their undeniable hypocrisy – are fully displayed by the fact that this op-ed was refused publication.  I was therefore left with no choice but to disseminate this opinion myself, which will no doubt be read by a vast majority of the population online.

“The truth is this reform legislation maintains the requirement for local governments to provide advance public notice for matters such as meetings, agendas, bid requests and contract awards, while also establishing the requirements for public websites to ensure ease of access for the public. Government entities and individuals would still be able to fulfill notice obligations, but what would no longer be mandatory is the requirement of publishing an exorbitantly expensive notice in a newspaper.

“Although the NJ Press Association insists that this reform bill will result in an overwhelming burden for municipal staff, they intentionally ignore the basic facts. Most importantly, they ignore the fact that this legislation is optional. If municipal clerks can’t manage to transfer the text of a legal notice and post it on their website, they are not required to change their process. However, 532 of the 565 municipalities in New Jersey already maintain websites that provide public notices and information – adding the legal notices that are currently published in newspapers will not be a major leap.

“The New Jersey Association of Counties, the New Jersey State League of Municipalities, the New Jersey Conference of Mayors and the New Jersey School Boards Association all support this bill. The only group raising alarms on behalf of municipalities is the NJ Press Association.

“In 2004, when a nearly identical bill was proposed, Assemblyman Wisniewski, then-Assemblyman (now Senator) Gordon, and then-Assemblywoman (now Senator) Weinberg voted for it.  Yet now they have the chutzpah to turn their backs on the taxpayers they serve in order to further their misguided political agenda.

“We must update and modernize the public notification responsibilities of local government so that residents are fully informed and we eliminate the outrageous cost for the taxpayers of New Jersey. It will permit a greater number of citizens access to government. The NJ Press Association’s attempts to hang on to an antiquated, self-serving, money making statutory scheme is shameful. The Constitution guarantees a free press, not a government-subsidized one.

“That is why I support this bill, and all taxpayers who don’t have Trenton lobbyists arguing for government-ordered profit for them, should as well.”

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Reader says News Papers are Dying

Bergen record Newspaper-vending-machine2

file photo by Boyd Loving

The NY Times will likely always exist in some form, but it is fading in relevance. It’s dying for a number of reasons, but mostly, it’s dying because the trend in how people consume news is rapidly changing. It’s no different to record companies and record stores managing the music business. The Times keeps trying to sell itself through online subscriptions but people simply won’t pay a cent for it. News is easily available elsewhere for free. Same deal with lesser outlets, like The Record. The other main reason is its content. The liberal bias might work on the Upper West Side, but not in Preoria. America is predominantly right-of-center, and The NYT, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and a whole host of what’s known as the mainstream media is losing market share and dying.

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N.J. newspapers to lose $20 million if bill passes


Nicholas Pugliese and Bob Jordan, Staff Writers8:21 a.m. EST December 14, 2016

A fast-tracked bill that would allow governments to forgo publishing budgets, bids for services and other public records in newspapers and instead post them exclusively online triggered debate Tuesday among legislators, who were split on its potential impact on New Jersey’s media landscape.

Supporters framed it as a cost-saving measure for taxpayers in an age when digital news consumption is increasingly the norm. It was denounced by opponents as an assault on the state’s newspapers that would result in less investigative reporting, staffing cuts in newsrooms and reduced governmental transparency.

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Reader says The new Record layout and reporting sucks

Bergen record Newspaper-vending-machine2

file photo by Boyd Loving

The new Record layout and reporting sucks. First of all, they have early cut offs so they miss reporting sports events that end at reasonable times. Secondly, they seem to give the bare minimum local coverage now. Finally they or printing in 1 point font so it’s barely readable.

The only reason I continue getting the record and the Ridgewood news is the local reporting otherwise I get everything else on the net.

Questioning renewing unless they get there act together


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Who’s “Fake News” is this anyway ?

Brain Williams

Here’s some fake “mainstream” news stories for you to consider:
“The Zapruder film:” frames of video footage of JFK’s assassination were reversed, making it appear that Kennedy’s head lurched the opposite direction, spawning a million conspiracy theories about multiple gun men, the grassy knoll, etc.
“The October Surprise:” Reagan supposedly sent Bush 41 to Iran to prevent the hostages from being released until he was elected president. Bush never went to Iran, and his whereabouts on the supposed dates were very public.
“Bush 43 snorted Coke”… according to a Texas inmate whose only known encounter with Bush was when Bush refused to pardon him.
“Laura Bush had an abortion.”
“Proof Bush avoided the draft” was based on a letter publicized by Dan Rather on 60 minutes that was such an obvious forgery, TV viewers spotted fifteen proofs of forgery from their living room couches.
“Jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to destroy the Twin Towers” It doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel, but it burns plenty hot enough to weaken it. Ever take metal shop, anyone?
“Mad Max Beyond Superdome” No, after Hurricane Katrina, the Louisiana stadium was not filled of desperate people resorting to cannibalism.
“Blame for Katrina” The Bush administration had attempted to use federal funds to rebuild the dykes and levees in Louisiana, but was blocked by local Democrat politicians.
“Tar balls in the Gulf coast” were an entirely natural phenomenon. If they were affected at all by the oil spill disaster it was because there were fewer oil rigs to collect natural seepage, which leak far more oil every year than the oil spillage.
Most contentiously, “Project Veritas” misled America by editing footage to make it appear that Planned Parenthood sold baby parts, PP also arranged to keep child prostitution secret, NPR negotiated with reporters undercover as Islamicists, Clinton staffers coaching on how to commit vote fraud, … except, oh, yeah… Project Veritas released the entire unedited footage with the footage that had been merely edited for time, just like every news story based on recorded footage since the dawn of man. This is contentious, because I suppose it’s partly subjective whether the fact that a PP employee went in the back room to discuss a proposal to smuggle child prostitutes with her manager for several minutes amounts to exculpatory evidence; “obviously” it demonstrates some hesitance.
And some less important, but outrageous ones:
Dateline NBC demonstrated that GM minivans were prone to burn when struck in a collision, but didn’t include “if you overfill them with gas, and you stick bottle rockets where the gas is flowing out of them.”
A Food Lion was busted with old meat in the meat fridge… moments after it was put there by the network reporter who busted them.
The Washington Post accuses dozens of “right-wing” news sites and aggregators of spreading anonymous Russian-sourced fake news stories they found on the web and failed to verify … based on some anonymous probably Ukrainian-sourced fake news stories they found on the web and failed to verify.

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Using fake news against opposing views


Liberals just can’t abide competing points of view

By Kelly Riddell – The Washington Times – Thursday, November 24, 2016


What worries me the most about fake news, isn’t that it’s fake, it’s that it’s being used by the left to try to silence opposing views.

Take for example a story reported by the Los Angeles Times that included a professor who put together a Google document of “false, misleading, clickbait-y and satirical ‘news sources’” to help people “cleanse their newsfeeds of misinformation.”

The only problem with the list, was it included real news sites of which the professor simply didn’t agree. Conservative blogs, including Red State and The Blaze, were on the list, as was more centrist, but GOP-leaning Independent Journal Review (IJR). None of those sites are fake — they often just peddle in the real news purposely not covered by the mainstream media.

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Bergen Record Fake Anti-Semite Claim against Steven Bannon show Main Stream Media Still Stuck on Stupid

Bergen record Newspaper-vending-machine2

file photo by Boyd Loving

November 15th 2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Bergen Record follows the Liberal Media with Made Up Fake Anti-Semite Claim against Steven Bannon.

The Bergen Record ran a story today by Evan Harper ,”Trumps Pick of Bannon Blasted ” that indicates clearly, the mainstream media has not learned anything from the 2016 election .

The reality about Donald Trump is a life long New Yorker ,the man made over a billion dollars doing business in New York City , which is the home to more Jews than Israel . Trump’s daughter Ivanka is married to a Jew and is bringing up her kids “orthodox” .Mr. Bannon was CEO of Breitbart News a news service founded by a Jew.

We saw this kind of nonsense when most of New Jersey’s media defended the unscrupulous behavior of the former mayor of Ridgewood and we are seeing it 10 fold toward Donald Trump .

There is an old adage on Wall Street ,”don’t believe your own BS” ,apparently, the main stream media feels the need to continue to make up news and misrepresent events  , I guess they didn’t look stupid enough after the election already .