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“PissedOff”reader says ,Bible says that the person who did no sin shall throw the first stone, and yet here we are



Ridgewood NJ, “PissedOff” writes  from Starbucks perhaps :

“I wonder why there is so much hate and criticism. The role of the manager is to act as a spokesperson for the Village employees and be a part of the council. The council is elected to be a fair judge between the village government and the residents. Now, there is no way everyone would agree with the way things were handled and they certainly will not be 100% in support of going forward.
It’s amusing to see how this blog is becoming a podium for people to anonymously shame, disrespect and disregard others. Bible says that the person who did no sin shall throw the first stone, and yet here we are.
I would love to see the blog writers to put their energy into somethings more productive and help the community in a better way rather than just trying to creat a controversy. Paying taxes doesn’t mean we own people. This blog needs to be reported Since it’s acting as a platform for stirring hate and making the collar environment so toxic. SHAME AND DISGUSTING, THIS IS A PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR REPORTING.”

Well……………We got nothing lol ???