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Maureen Dowd: ‘Feminism died a little bit’ under Bill Clinton


Dylan Stableford
Senior editor
October 3, 2016

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd says that the momentum behind the women’s movement took a hit during President Bill Clinton’s scandal-plagued years in the White House.

“Feminism sort of died in that period,” Dowd told Yahoo News Global Anchor Katie Couric on Monday. “Because the feminists had to come along with Bill Clinton’s retrogressive behavior with women in order to protect the progressive policies for women that Bill Clinton had as president.”

The women in Clinton’s administration, Dowd said, were forced to support him while he denied allegations of sexual misconduct against the likes of Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers. He would later admit some of the allegations.

“Bill Clinton had [Secretary of State] Madeleine Albright and [Secretary of Health and Human Services] Donna Shalala come out and say he was telling the truth on Monica,” Dowd said. “And so all of these amazing, accomplished women that worked around him were kind of called to support him, and it’s almost a class issue, because they would put these women down on class or, in Monica’s case, they would say she’s a delusional stalker.”

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NEW Audio: Bill Clinton Privately Mocked Paula Jones as an Attention-Seeking ‘Floozy’

Bill Clinton

Clinton biographer struggled against ‘horrible feelings that [the Clintons] might have a hollow marriage’

BY: Alana Goodman
January 6, 2016 5:00 am

Bill Clinton dismissed Paula Jones in the 1990s as a “floozy” and a “nobody” who was only suing him for sexual harassment in order to have her “moment in the sun,” according to an audio diary recorded at the time by one of his closest confidantes.

Clinton’s friend and biographer, Taylor Branch, took notes on a late-night conversation he had with the president on Oct. 2, 1997, and immediately recorded them into an audio diary. The recordings were recently obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

According to Branch’s diary, Clinton discussed the pending sexual harassment lawsuit brought against him by former Arkansas government employee Paula Jones, who claimed he unzipped his pants and asked her to perform a sex act on him in a Little Rock hotel room in 1991.

“[Clinton] said they had now changed Paula Jones’s hair style, made her look less like a floozy, and that she didn’t seem to have any visible income but was always driving a new car,” said Branch, a historian who drew from many of his diary entries to write his 2010 Clinton biography The Clinton Tapes.

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Paula Jones: Hillary Clinton ‘Two Faced,’ ‘Liar,’ ‘Cares Nothing About Women at All’


by BREITBART NEWS3 Jan 20168,106

During a radio interview on Sunday, Paula Jones, the former Arkansas state employee who notoriously sued President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, demanded Hillary Clinton personally apologize for “allowing” her husband to “abuse” and “sexually harass” women.

Speaking to weekend talk radio host Aaron Klein, Jones slammed Hillary as a “two-faced” “liar” who waged a war on women by trying to discredit “predator” Bill’s sexual accusers.

“And how dare her. You know what? She don’t care nothing about women. Because if she did she would believe what I had to say. She would believe what the other women had to say. ”

Jones further accused the media of practicing a double standard by  “protecting” the Clintons while deservedly scrutinizing Bill Cosby’s alleged sexual assaults.

Stated Jones: “It’s really a sad, sad day if Hillary becomes president, because she has allowed her husband to get by with this type of stuff.  Why does he have a right to be back in the White House, the people’s house?

“Why is he allowed to be back there with the track record that he has and his wife and the lying that she does and how she tried to discredit all of these women that her husband abused and sexually harassed?”

Jones slammed Hillary as “such a liar. And she’s so two faced. I never once was contacted by her. Not one time and apologized about what her husband did to me.”

Those remarks prompted Klein to ask specifically whether Jones thinks Hillary owes her an apology. Jones replied that “she needs to do a public apology or something or other (for) all the women who have come out and said publicly what her husband did to them. Yes, she does. I believe she does.”


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In Their Own Words: Why Bill’s ‘Bimbos’ Fear a Hillary Presidency

bill clinton and monica

by AARON KLEIN28 Dec 20152,099

As women’s issues become part of the 2016 presidential race, it may be instructive to review recent statements made by some of Bill Clinton’s alleged female victims regarding the ambitions of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

Last week, Hillary accused Republican canddiate Donald Trump of having a “penchant for sexism” in an interview with the Des Moines Register in Iowa.  The billionaire fired backon Twitter: “Be careful Hillary as you play the war on women or women being degraded card.”

Trump followed up with a second tweet, saying, “Hillary, when you complain about ‘a penchant for sexism,’ who are you referring to? I have great respect for women. BE CAREFUL!”

Clinton has sought to portray her campaign as one that is fighting for women’s rights.  On several occasions, she has tweeted about sex assault survivors’ right to be believed, and awkwardly starred in a campaign ad in which she insisted that one must always side with women who accuse men of sexual assault – a strange position given that her husband was repeatedly accused of precisely that crime.

“You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We’re with you,” Clinton said in the video, which she addressed to “every survivor of sexual assault.”