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Where the Bergen County candidates stand: open space


Where the Bergen County candidates stand: open space

SEPTEMBER 16, 2014, 12:34 PM    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2014, 12:44 PM

There are 49 days left until Election Day. We continue our series on how the candidates for Bergen County Executive and Freeholder stand on the issues with the question of Open Space.

From The Bergen Beat Blog on

In May 2013, the Freeholders rejected the advice of an advisory panel that wanted the county to double its open space tax.

Panel members argued that the amount of funds generated by the tax is insufficient and noted that Bergen ranked last among the 21 New Jersey counties that have an open space tax.

They contend the competition for those funds will be increased now that Open Space funds can be used for so-called “Blue Acres” projects that acquire and demolish flood-prone properties.

This year, Bergen County was able to add $16.8 million to the fund by diverting Open Space funds for about 100 project where there was money left over or unspent.

Here’s the question posed to this year’s candidates:

Open Space advocates contend the county’s current fund is small compared to the number of competing projects, especially now that so-called “Blue Acres” projects are an approved use. What is your view on raising the county’s open space tax?

And here is what they had to say:

Freeholder and County Executive candidate James Tedesco (Democrat):

“While having the Open Space Tax set to at least one half cent would allow us to qualify for matching grants, it does place a greater burden on our residents.

“I feel that the voters deserve a say just as they had in the past and trust that they will vote to fund worthwhile projects.

“The open space program provides grants to every town in Bergen County that applies and gives municipalities the ability to pursue preservation and recreation projects they might not otherwise be able to fund.”

County Executive Kathleen Donovan (Republican)

“The focus on my administration has been doing more with less.

“While I feel that open space is important I felt raising the open space tax was not the prudent thing to do. Another factor that went into my decision was the fact that we will be collecting unspent and leftover funds from previous open space projects.

“This money will then go back into the general open space fund for use on new projects. While we will not be raising the open space tax the fund will have an injection of money.

“On a side note with regarding the Blue Acres money, the county DPW has partnered with municipalities such as Westwood in order to make their Blue Acres money go further.

“The county has come in as a shared service using our heavy equipment to tear down the homes purchased by the town. This allows the municipality to then use the money saved on the demolition to purchase more property.”

Freeholder candidate Bernadette Walsh (Republican):

“The Blue Acres funding is only relevant in select areas of the county that are negatively impacted by flooding. However, all of the 70 municipalities use the County Parks and Open Space areas.

“Working with the Municipalities to explore Federal granting opportunities to bring their individual open space plans to fruition is something I’d like to champion.”

Freeholder candidate Robert Avery (Republican):

“I am not in favor of raising the tax. As we know, our current rate is .25% of a penny and the state permits up to a one full penny rate. Something worth exploring here is that it may be time for the State to consider new legislation on the rate process, especially since Hurricane Sandy and Blue Acres.

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