Freehold American Legion – Monmouth Post 54 with Dan Barkalow.
Yesterday at 4:27pm ·
What started out as a story of interest posted to our American Legion Facebook page has devolved into a nauseating political altercation full of vitriol and insults, none of which are from our members. If we are to survive as a nation both sides have to stop the hate. Both the incoming and outgoing presidents have asked for unity, we should listen.
There are men and women serving in the military who are now deployed far from their home. They are putting their lives at risk, they have left their families and the people they love to defend this nation.
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
-Legion Riders Rescue Bruce-
Yesterday members of Post 54 Legion Riders, Dan Barkalow (pictured) and Bob Grigs with their friend Ryan Bailey represented Post 54 at the Veteran’s Day ceremony conducted at the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in Holmdel. At the conclusion of the ceremony they decided to take advantage of the beautiful day by taking a ride to Manasquan before returning to Freehold.
On the way home, taking the back roads to Freehold, lead rider, Dan, noticed a broken down bike on the side of Allaire Road, near Allaire State Park. The Legion Riders pulled over to assist their fellow motorcyclist, who just happened to be Freehold native Bruce Springsteen.
Unable to get his bike started, Bruce called for help, hopped on the back of Ryan’s bike and they drove to Mulligans in Farmingdale. One beer later his ride arrived.
Dan stated that Bruce was a very down to earth regular guy who fit right in with his fellow, not so famous, Freehold boys. Bruce did take their names and telephone numbers, so maybe they’ll be riding together some day!