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Reader says Dump it at town hall and build a dirt wall to prevent the police station from flooding when it rains


file photo by Boyd Loving

Ridgewood NJ, UPDATE: The Village Council has requested that the Village’s Engineering Department review alternative options with respect to the route(s) dump trucks will take after being loaded with soil excavated at The Dayton construction site. Council members are reluctant to sign off on any plan that directs all trucks through a single residential neighborhood. Alternative options may include distributing the truck traffic via two (2) or more separate routes. A Resolution approving the associated Soil Movement Permit was scheduled for approval at last night’s Village Council Public Meeting, but was removed from the agenda in advance of the meeting.

we could use the dirt…
Dump it at town hall and build a dirt wall to prevent the police station from flooding when it rains.
Or take all that dirt and replace the million dollar cancer causing turf over on Maple with some dirt and plant grass.
Or fill in Graydon so those afraid of bird can build a concrete monstrosity