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Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi Trashes Governor’s Comptroller Appointment

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Westwood NJ, Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi released the following statement after Gov. Phil Murphy’s announcement to appoint Kevin Walsh, the Executive Director of Fair Share Housing Center, as Comptroller for the State of New Jersey:

“While successful at fighting to litter the state with high density housing, his bullying and name calling against mayors, lawmakers, local officials and even me cause grave concern regarding his ability to be impartial, fair and just in this role.

Continue reading Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi Trashes Governor’s Comptroller Appointment

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Reader calls Fair Share Housing a bully


Fair Share Housing will bully their way as they know nobody will bother to fight them. It takes balls to stand up and this VC and the village in general is full of lightweights who are more concerned with leaf collection than the long term livability in this place. I would rather see us risk a lawsuit than just crawl under a rock and be inundated with hundreds of apartments who will basically spell the end for Ridgewood and the birth of New Hackensack.

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Dallas police chief asks protesters to join cops

Chief David Brown

By Kate Sheehy

July 11, 2016 | 1:18pm

Dallas’s police chief revealed chilling new details Monday about the bloody showdown with cop-killer Micah Johnson, describing how the city’s streets were turned into a war zone as officers hunted down the madman.

Chief David Brown said 11 officers engaged in a gun battle with the rifle-toting Johnson as protesters and passers-by fled for their lives. Two other officers used explosive devices to try to bring him down, Brown said.

The killer, who fatally shot five cops and wounded seven more officers and two civilians, was eventually blown up by two officers operating a remote-controlled device in a building on the campus of El Centro College, Brown said.

“I just said, ‘Don’t bring the whole building down. You know what I want,’” Brown recalled telling the bomb squad officers.

“They improvised this whole idea in 15 to 20 minutes. It was extraordinary.”

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Reader says the Council Majority has ignored, ridiculed and threatened anyone who has presented an opposing point of view

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

First, the referendum in the Fall was non binding. Second, the Council majority has apparently spent over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on a design the may very well be voted down next week. And you gripe about $45K? For the past 4 years, these 3 individuals, emboldened by a 3/5 majority on the Council which they won by 8 votes, have acted as though they know what’s best for the rest of us and had a mandate to do whatever they wanted.

They have ignored, ridiculed and threatened anyone who has presented an opposing point of view. Having done this to as many of their constituents as they have, they are now dealing with the backlash. While the backlash has not been kind, it has been more than deserved.

The past 4 years should be presented as a civics course at Ridgewood High School. This is why you vote, this is what happens when you vote for the wrong people, this is what happens when elected officials misuse their authority, this is what happens when you get caught insulting your political adversaries anonymously on social media, this is what happens when the tax payers revolt and take back their government. This petition and special election are a perfect example of what the People are capable of when they band together. Vote NO on June 21.