The residents of our state are smart and sophisticated enough to applaud success and criticize failure at the same time. New Jerseyans are glad when Governor Phil Murphy directs supplies to help hospitals and first responders during the Wuhan virus crisis. Simultaneously, hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of New Jerseyans are also rightfully enraged when he pursues progressive pet policies under its guise, while failing to propose any meaningful help for middle- and working-class residents from the coming economic pain it has caused. To argue as Carl Golden, a columnist at Insidernj.com has that criticism of Governor Murphy’s policies are “an unforced error,” or as Jose Arango, the do-little chair of the Hudson County Republican Organization, has that doing so is “political grand standards [sic]”, is a pathetic attempt at muzzling the millions of New Jerseyan’s anxious not only about the viral epidemic but whether they will still have a job and be able to afford their bills after it ends.