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Top 5 tips on how to keep your pets safe this Halloween

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photos by ArtChick Photography model Neena

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, as Halloween approaches, Trupanion, a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs, scanned its database of more than 750,000 pets and found that historically there is a noticeable increase in chocolate toxicity claims beginning now, through the end of the year. In some years, toxicity claims have spiked more than 70% at Halloween.

Continue reading Top 5 tips on how to keep your pets safe this Halloween

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4 Tips for the 4th of July to Keep your Pets Happy & Safe

ridgewood 4th parade rescuedogs

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, 4th of July is around the corner, and in tradition with the holiday comes fireworks! For many of our pets, fireworks can provoke fear and anxiety from the unpredictable noise and vibration it causes.  Trupanion, the leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs, is here to share some helpful tips and insight into reducing your pet‘s anxiety towards fireworks.

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4 Tips to ease firework anxiety this 4th of July for Pets

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photo by ArtChick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, 4th of July is around the corner, and in tradition with the holiday comes fireworks! For many of our pets, fireworks can provoke fear and anxiety from the unpredictable noise and vibration it causes.  Trupanion, the leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs, is here to share some helpful tips and insight into reducing your pet’s anxiety towards fireworks.

Continue reading 4 Tips to ease firework anxiety this 4th of July for Pets

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Ridgewood Veterinary Hospital Reminds Us that Cats and Dogs are Often Afraid of Fireworks

Ridgewood Firefighter rescues cat
file photo by Boyd Loving
July 4,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in it recent news letter the Ridgewood Veterinary Hospital says July 4th is the most stressful holiday for pets.

 They remind us that your dog or cat could be afraid of fireworks and as well as thunderstorms. Play with your pet and reassure him/her all day. Keep your pets inside at night with an available place to hide to get away from the noise. Human companionship is ideal, Pets should never be taken to the site of fireworks or left outdoors.Keep windows, blinds, and curtains closed. Even if your pet can’t hear fireworks, visual stimulation is just as frightening to some. Keep the temperature comfortable and distract your pet from the noise. Play music or put on the TV to distract from the noise of fireworks. There are even CDs especially for anxious cats and dogs.

Ridgewood Veterinary Hospital goes on to say “A little love and advanced thought goes a long way to help your pet through the celebrations. If none of these suggestions works and your pet is terrified, simply comfort him as best you can, go back to number one, and be prepared for next year.”