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NJOHSP Warns on Psychological Operations Leveraged Against US, Allies Amid COVID-19 Pandemic


 the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Several near-peer competitor countries are leveraging the COVID-19 pandemic to conduct psychological operations against Western nations to undermine US and European credibility both domestically and globally. Near-peer countries in the Great Power Competition, including China and Russia, are attempting to sow anti-US sentiments using disinformation via different mediums to alter the views of international governments and individuals. Psychological operations target audiences with selective information to influence their emotions and objective reasoning.

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Bergen County Republican Organization’s Back Room Deal a “corrupt and outdated practice worthy of an episode from Boardwalk Empire.”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

MAHWAH NJ,  Frank Pallotta, Republican Candidate for New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District, made the following statement in response to Bergen County Republican Organization (“BCRO”) Chairman Jack Zisa’s unilateral decision to award the line to perennial loser and indebted candidate John McCann:

Continue reading Bergen County Republican Organization’s Back Room Deal a “corrupt and outdated practice worthy of an episode from Boardwalk Empire.”