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Debunking “Top 5 Atrocities Committed by Christopher Columbus”

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by Rafael Ortiz

about the author


This so-called Top 5 atrocities committed by Christopher Columbus is being used by some people on the internet. Apparently the article is affiliated with the Associated Press somehow. The first thing to notice is that the source for the article is Howard Zinn, who was not a primary historical source, but a history revisionist of the 20th century. Zinn’s arguments have gained popularity lately due to his connections with Hollywood celebrities and many mainstream media outlets before he died.

When it comes to Columbus, Zinn had the bad habit of putting two or more sentences together that have nothing to do with each other, to make it say whatever he wanted you to think it says. That’s what he did for ALL the claims below. So let’s take a closer look at his arguments and then debunk them.

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Paramus Mayor Joins UNICO to Recognize Columbus Day

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photos courtesy of Paramus Mayor Chris DiPiazza

the staff of  the Ridgewood blog
Paramus NJ, Paramus Mayor Chris DiPiazza joined Rosa Rizzolo and UNICO for inviting the governing body today to recognize Columbus Day and Italian Americans contributions to Paramus and the United States.

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Christopher Columbus as Controversial then , as he is Today

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Christopher Columbus  the famed Italian explorer who “discovered” the “New World” of the Americas on an expedition sponsored by King Ferdinand of Spain in 1492. Columbus was an explorer and adventurer , who leaves us with a mixed legacy. His life is that of a consummate promoter  and a figure at the center of the unforeseen and wholly “unintended consequence” of discovery.

Columbus is of course credited for opening up the Americas to European colonization as well as often blamed for the destruction of the native peoples of the islands he explored. Ultimately, he failed to find that what he set out for which was a new route to Asia and the riches it promised.  He was as controversial then , as he is today.

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Columbus Day, History and Controversy


Ridgewood Columbus Day Closing – Monday, October 9th, 2023

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Monday, October 9th is Columbus Day and all Village offices will be closed.  Village Sanitation and Recycling services will not take place that day and the Recycling Center will be closed.

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Christopher Columbus: American Icon?

History Ask History Did Columbus Really Discover America 34757 reSF HD

Julia Shaw / October 09, 2012

Columbus Day is an unusual American holiday. It doesn’t commemorate a President or a great American statesman. Christopher Columbus found North America, but he didn’t find, or found, the United States.

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Paul Vagianos takes a Knee for the Kook Lunatic Fringe


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, we all know about the increase in the influence of far-left lunatics in both Ridgewood and Glen Rock politics in the past few years. The two towns have become known as breeding grounds for the kook fringe . People in Bergen often jokingly refer to Ridgewood and Glen Rock as a “Montclair Wannabe towns”.

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All Village of Ridgewood offices will be closed on Monday, October 11th in Observance of Columbus Day

History Ask History Did Columbus Really Discover America 34757 reSF HD

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, all Village offices will be closed on Monday, October 11th in observance of Columbus Day.  There will be no garbage or recycling pick up on that day and the Recycling Center will be closed.  Please check your Village Calendar as the garbage pickup for this week is different than usual, due to the holiday.

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Columbus Day is a Federal and State Holiday Marked on Oct. 11 this year and an Annual Celebration of Italian American Heritage

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  Senator Joe Pennacchio and Senator Anthony M. Bucco are dedicated to ensuring the long-standing legacy is continued and sponsor a resolution (SR-50) supporting the preservation of Columbus Day as a federal and state holiday.

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Rain Showers Dampen Columbus Day Central Business District Pedestrian Mall , but Parking is FREE

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Village of Ridgewood central business district was once again hit bad luck , the Village dedicated Columbus Day to Village restaurants by once again creating a pedestrian mall  . Unfortunately so far the heavens have conspired against the effort be releasing showers . While many like the idea of open air dinning coupled with a walkable downtown , some Village merchants grumble that the pedestrian mall takes away  from business eliminating the quick pick up by making it near impossible . The upside to  the uncooperative weather is that Columbus Day is a legal holiday in Ridgewood and parking is FREE.

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Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451 to Domenico Columbo, a wool weaver. He worked for his Father until he was 22 then set out to follow his own dream to become a sea captain. Many of his fellow Genoese had prospered in Lisbon under the Portuguese flag as Captains of sailing ships and he longed to join their ranks

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Village Offices Closed – Monday, October 12th In Observance of Columbus Day


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Columbus Day will be observed on Monday, October 12th by the closing of Village offices and the suspension of sanitation and recycling pick up.  The Recycling Center will also be closed.

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NY Congressman Peter T. King Blasts National Education Association claims they have “minimized and insulted the Italian American community.”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Italian American One Voice Coalition reports that Congressman Peter T. King of New York 2nd District issued an official letter to the National Education Association (“NEA”) stating that the NEA’s recent vote against Columbus Day:

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hoboken NJ, NY Waterway ferries offer the only traffic-free and hassle-free way to voyage to the Columbus Day Parade, the largest Italian-American celebration of the year, which will march up Fifth Avenue on October 14.

The Columbus Day parade attracts a million spectators and 35,000 marchers each year. Marching school band​s, professional musicians, and traditional folk groups will perform from 44th Street to 72nd Street.​​

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Italian-American civil rights Group Takes on NEA’s Attack on Columbus Day

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Hey, NEA! No way!

by: André DiMino

At its 2019 National Convention, the National Education Association (NEA) passed a resolution to have Columbus Day renamed Indigenous Peoples Day, stating, “As an education association, recognizing, observing, and celebrating factual history is important to maintaining our academic integrity.”

Really? Come on! How hypocritical. The current onslaught of politically correct hysteria foisted upon the Great Discoverer is just plain false. Shame on the NEA for being complicit in this nefarious conspiracy to obfuscate the facts and perpetrate the rewriting of history.

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Italian American Group Galvanizes Widespread Opposition to NEA Resolution to Eliminate Columbus Day

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Italian American ONE VOICE Coalition (“IAOVC”), a nationwide coalition of anti-bias activists, has assembled a Task Force, comprised of a wide array of Italian American organizations, to demand that the National Education Association (“NEA”) overturn its Resolution, passed at the NEA National Convention last month, to eliminate Columbus Day.

“As a former teacher and Italian American I am outraged that the NEA launched this attack on Columbus Day, using their pulpit to poison the minds of children with the overblown, false, non-factual narrative about the history of Columbus,” stated Dr. Manny Alfano, Founder and President of IAOVC. “This is not only an attack on Italian Americans it is an attack against all Western culture, using Columbus as a figurehead. This is Anti-Italian and Anti-American.”

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