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Ridgewood blog will Once Again Sponsor Ridgewood’s Annual “Festivus” on December 23rd

happy festivus with pole1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood blog will once again sponsor Ridgewood’s Annual “Festivus” on December 23rd. Since 2009 the Ridgewood blog has sponsored the nations number one Festivus celebrations . The “Festivus ” starts at sundown.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current plan is subject to change, based on  what occurs with the COVID-19 pandemic in the coming weeks

Continue reading Ridgewood blog will Once Again Sponsor Ridgewood’s Annual “Festivus” on December 23rd

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Festivus in a Box

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As a former Ridgewood resident (1984 to 1996) and now with the world’s largest manufacturer of Festivus Poles in Milwaukee, I would be happy to provide you with a Festivus Pole for your event. You can see our products at We carry them in Full size, table top and our new desk top “Festivus in a Box”. Forward an address and I will get one out to you.


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Reminder Festivus Starts Tonight December 23rd

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, since 2009 the Ridgewood blog has sponsored the annual Ridgewood Festivus . Looks for updates and schedule on the Ridgewood blog today .

Festivus was created as an alternative holiday in response to the commercialization of Christmas. Or perhaps it was created by cheap skates looking for a good excuse to duck present buying !

Festivus is traditionally celebrated on December 23rd.

Continue reading Reminder Festivus Starts Tonight December 23rd

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What is Festivus, the holiday ‘for the rest of us’?


Since the Ridgewood Christmas tree fiasco the Ridgewood blog has not celebrated Festivus . While some blog critics would argue the the blog is the very embodiment of Festivus ,because readers are constantly posting grievances  we noticed some of the politicos in DC took to the occasion of Festivus  to air their grievances about their peers .

What is Festivus, the holiday ‘for the rest of us’?

10 things you may not know about the oddball holiday and the ‘Seinfeld’ episode that spawned it

By Dylan Stableford Yahoo News

“Seinfeld” fans around the world gathered to air their grievances on Tuesday in celebration of Festivus, the holiday created by Frank Costanza on the popular 1990s sitcom, which has since become real annual tradition for thousands of people.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was one of them.

“Christmas is a time for joy,” the Republican senator wrote on Twitter. “It is not a time to air grievances. That’s what #Festivus is for.”

The alternative gathering calls for a metal pole instead of a tree, the airing of grievances(“You gather your family around and tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year,” Frank Costanza explains) and the “feats of strength” — a father-son wrestling match that concludes the oddball holiday, dubbed a “Festivus for the rest of us.”

Like Frank Costanza, Paul has “a lot of problems with you people,” at least in Washington.

In honor of Festivus, here are 10 things you may not have known about the holiday and the“Seinfeld” episode that spawned it.

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Readers debate downtown menorah display for Ridgewood


Readers debate downtown menorah display for Ridgewood

A creche would obviously be allowed given this decision. The Supreme Court has clearly said that you can display religious symbols on public property provided you allow all groups that want to display a symbol to do so.

Personally, I would prefer none on public property but obviously if there are any then all have to be welcomed. And in this case there is a 50 foot spruce tree that no one wants to give up so I don’t see any other realistic course of action.

If you watched the meeting DEPUTY MAYOR ALBERT PUCCIARELL AKA BIG AL THE DEVELOPERS FRIEND referred to these thing as “pagan symbols ” I guess his is the only true religion

The Christmas Tree is just a part of the celebration of a tradition that we have here in America. It is a lot of fun, unfortunately the secular tradition uses the name of a Christian event. Santa is not a part of the story of birth of Jesus.

The creche would be a religious celebration of Christmas. I am Catholic but I never like to see the two merged together.We should keep all the religious traditions of the season off public property. I enjoy the decorations at Mt Carmel. I do not want to see it placed next to the tree.

We need a Festivus pole for the rest of us! (Any word from Tracey, the unofficial witch of Ridgewood on what wiccan symbol may be used for the Winter solstice?)

How about a statue of Budda or Vishnu or what ever else there is? All this pc crap is nonsense….

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Happy Festivus Everyone

>Airing of Grievances will begin at 5pm

The celebration of Festivus begins with Airing of Grievances, which takes place immediately after the Festivus dinner has been served. It consists of lashing out at others and the world about how one has been disappointed in the past year. Every household has its own traditions; in one house, the Airing of Grievances consisted of writing the grievances on the fridge in marker.

add your Grievances in the comment section of this post!

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The Ridgewood blog will sponsor Ridgewood’s first Annual "Festivus" on December 23rd

>festivus logo2

The Ridgewood blog will sponsor Ridgewood’s first Annual “Festivus” on December 23rd

Festivus was created as an alternative holiday in response to the commercialization of Christmas. Or perhaps it was created by cheap skates looking for a good excuse to duck present buying !

Festivus is traditionally celebrated on December 23rd.


Festivus Pole
The tradition of Festivus begins with an aluminum pole. During Festivus, the Festivus Pole is displayed unadorned.

Festivus Dinner
A celebratory dinner is held on the evening of Festivus prior to the Feats of Strength and during the Airing of Grievances. The meal is to be some sort of meatloaf.

Airing of Grievances
The celebration of Festivus begins with Airing of Grievances, which takes place immediately after the Festivus dinner has been served. It consists of lashing out at others and the world about how one has been disappointed in the past year. Every household has its own traditions; in one house, the Airing of Grievances consisted of writing the grievances on the fridge in marker.

Feats of Strength
The Feats of Strength is the final tradition observed in the celebration of Festivus, celebrated immediately following the Festivus dinner. Traditionally, the head of the household selects one person at the Festivus celebration and challenges that person to a wrestling match. The person may decline if they have something else to do, such as pull a double shift at work

Festivus Miracles
Although it is not an official element of the holiday or its celebration, the phenomenon of the Festivus Miracle !

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Readers ask the Ridgewood blog to Explore "Festivus"

>Craig Hueneke said…
I propose we just put a Festivus Pole where they used to put the tree. God knows this Village can use a good Airing of Grievances! Then we all start the new year with everything off our chests!
Just putting it out there!


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Since you keep asking ,other Holidays you can Celebrate in December and January


DEFINITION OF KWANZAA Kwanzaa is a unique African American celebration with focus on the traditional African values of family, community responsibility, commerce, and self-improvement. Kwanzaa is neither political nor religious and despite some misconceptions, is not a substitute for Christmas. It is simply a time of reaffirming African-American people, their ancestors and culture. Kwanzaa, which means “first fruits of the harvest” in the African language Kiswahili, has gained tremendous acceptance. Since its founding in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa has come to be observed by more than18 million people worldwide, as reported by the New York Times. When establishing Kwanzaa in 1966, Dr. Karenga included an additional “a” to the end of the spelling to reflect the difference between the African American celebration (kwanzaa) and the Motherland spelling (kwanza).

Kwanzaa is based on the Nguzo Saba (seven guiding principles), one for each day of the observance, and is celebrated from December 26th to January 1st.
• Umoja (oo-MO-jah) Unity stresses the importance of togetherness for the family and the community, which is reflected in the African saying, “I am We,” or “I am because We are.”
• Kujichagulia (koo-gee-cha-goo-LEE-yah) Self-Determination requires that we define our common interests and make decisions that are in the best interest of our family and community.
• Ujima (oo-GEE-mah) Collective Work and Responsibility reminds us of our obligation to the past, present and future, and that we have a role to play in the community, society, and world.
• Ujamaa (oo-JAH-mah) Cooperative economics emphasizes our collective economic strength and encourages us to meet common needs through mutual support.
• Nia (NEE-yah) Purpose encourages us to look within ourselves and to set personal goals that are beneficial to the community.
• Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah) Creativity makes use of our creative energies to build and maintain a strong and vibrant community.
• Imani (ee-MAH-nee) Faith focuses on honoring the best of our traditions, draws upon the best in ourselves, and helps us strive for a higher level of life for humankind, by affirming our self-worth and confidence in our ability to succeed and triumph in righteous struggle.

Festivus For the Rest of Us
Many Christmas’s ago, Frank Costanza went to buy a doll for George. There was only one doll left and when he reached for it, so did another man. After struggling for the doll, he thought there could be another way. The doll was destroyed, but out of that, a new holiday was born. It was called Festivus. A Festivus for the rest-iv-us..
Festivus Information:
Celebrated December 23rd each year.
The Meal: What ever you want
During the last few weeks in December when Festivus takes place, families and friends get together at the dinner table and have something called “the Airing of Grievances”. Durning this time, we share with family and friends all the ways they had disappointed over the past year.
After the Airing of Grievances, we get together right in the same night to do something called “Feats of Strength”. This is where the head of the household tests his/her strength with another friend or family member. The great honour is given out to a different person each year. In Seinfeld, Cosmo Kramer was given the honor but turned it down to George Costanza as he had an appointment.
Now for the pole. No it is not a tree. A pole, no decorations. Frank Costanza believes that tinsel is very distracting so there are no decorations. The pole is tall, silver, hollow, long, skinny, and heavy.