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Reader says , The way the Council Majority have disrespected the church and ALL Ridgewood residents is shameful

Ridgewood 3 amigos

file photo by Boyd Loving

I don’t understand how supporters of the majority council don’t have a problem that these 3, plus Roberta lied to residents to get that November vote. That is telling and shameful- all residents whether you want a garage or not should have no tolerance for such trickery.

Telling residents nothing has been decided with respect to design when indeed, the design has been decided, and we are not disclosing that our chosen design is 12 feet in the street was wrong and horrible leadership. Contracts to begin specs for design A were signed on October 28th – before the vote!!! It was deceitful and despicable, with no accountability and cost taxpayers $120,000 in change orders.

I can understand and be sympathetic to mistakes but not deliberate and deceitful plotting and scheming to get what you want. The current design is still too big. It is 5 feet in the street and 60’10” tall…not 46′ that they keep saying -which is frickin ridiculous they don’t count the towers when discussing height. Mt. Carmel (FYI is 50′ tall) will be here a lot longer than any restaurant or business. The way these people have disrespected the church and ALL residents is shameful, and to defend that behavior or turn a blind eye because you want a garage….what? Why?

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Reader says the Council Majority has ignored, ridiculed and threatened anyone who has presented an opposing point of view

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

First, the referendum in the Fall was non binding. Second, the Council majority has apparently spent over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on a design the may very well be voted down next week. And you gripe about $45K? For the past 4 years, these 3 individuals, emboldened by a 3/5 majority on the Council which they won by 8 votes, have acted as though they know what’s best for the rest of us and had a mandate to do whatever they wanted.

They have ignored, ridiculed and threatened anyone who has presented an opposing point of view. Having done this to as many of their constituents as they have, they are now dealing with the backlash. While the backlash has not been kind, it has been more than deserved.

The past 4 years should be presented as a civics course at Ridgewood High School. This is why you vote, this is what happens when you vote for the wrong people, this is what happens when elected officials misuse their authority, this is what happens when you get caught insulting your political adversaries anonymously on social media, this is what happens when the tax payers revolt and take back their government. This petition and special election are a perfect example of what the People are capable of when they band together. Vote NO on June 21.

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Ridgewood Candidate Yard Sign Controversy Continues to Swirl

Ridgewood Yard Signs
April 15,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village Council Candidate asked for clarification with candidate yard signs  after the incident earlier this week were “Ramon Hache” signs were targeted for removal . Bernie asked Village Clerk Heather A. Mailander, “Just for clarification.  During the Vote Yes for the garage campaign.  The Village manager and Village Council approved and allowed signs to be placed in planters throughout the CBD.  I’m assuming this practice will be permitted for the Village Council campaign.”

Heather Mailander responded , “To clarify, based on last Fall’s regulations, the campaign signs may be placed in the public right of way (planting strip between the curb and sidewalk) anywhere in the Village, including planters in the CBD.  However, they may not be placed on Village property.  This includes all parks, the train station parking lot and green spaces near the train station, or other Village-owned property (Village Hall, both library properties, water properties, DPW properties, the Recycling Center, etc.).  The signs cannot be a sight hazard or a pedestrian hazard.  If you are unsure whether or not you can place a sign somewhere, please contact me.  Also, please be aware that any signs found on Village property will be removed and not returned. ”

Resident Boyd Loving responded , “Last Fall’s regulations?”  What “regulations?”  I don’t recall any regulations ever being announced last Fall.

In fact, “Vote Yes for Parking” signs WERE prominently placed along the Garber Square side of the train station, along the Linwood Avenue side of Vets Field, at the entrance to the Village Recycling Center, AND within/around numerous municipal parking lots.

So clearly the “regulations” are different now that there are messages the “Council Majority” isn’t interested in seeing.

What a joke this Village government of ours has become”

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Readers say the Financial Advisory Committee is nothing more than a political action committee for the Council Majority


It has taken a few years, but at this point, every committee and board in the village has been planted with people who will approve Paul, Gwenn and Albert’s agenda and will go to any length to write letters to editor or mass email to get their agenda approved.
They WILL approve it. The question is how to overturn, how much money will it cost to appeal in a higher court.

What is the purpose of the Financial Advisory Committee? They are now cheerleaders for the three council members? They should be neutral. So, they are not a financial advisory committee, they are a political action committee.

It has taken a few years, but at this point, every committee and board in the village has been planted with people who will approve Paul, Gwenn and Albert’s agenda and will go to any length to write letters to editor or mass email to get their agenda approved.
They WILL approve it. The question is how to overturn, how much money will it cost to appeal in a higher court.

FAC members don’t quit your day job:
In his first paragraph, he says, “the updated design includes removing a level”.
In his 2nd to last paragraph, he says, “I believe the current compromise is the best path forward for the Village”.
Sounds like he agrees that 3 stories, 4 levels is the compromise. I agree.
I’m signing the petition with the hope that the discussion will continue, & a compromise of 3 stories, 4 levels will become a reality, not just an incorrect statement to make people believe otherwise.

More points to add to the other day’s post on Parking Garage leding many to suggest some resume updates :
1. HPC member Tony Damiano sends a letter to fellow HPC members claiming the garage fits the lot.
2. FAC member Rich Cundiff sends mass email with multiple lies. One story shorter claim and special election claim, both are wrong.
3. Gwenn Hauck continues to post on facebook that garage will fit the lot and only sidewalk is being extended for safety reasons.
4. Village Manager lies in a facebook blog, claiming that the parapet is an aesthetics feature, while its actually required by code for using the roof level for parking

So if this FAC member did not do his due diligence before sending out an email full of lies – how do we know that they did their due diligence on the walker report/ parking garage’s financials?

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Council Majority Continues to Push Restaurants at the expense of the Merchants in Ridgewood

March 3,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Council Majority starting to cater to the Chamber of Commerce by changing the hour from 9 p.m. to 8 p.m.and free parking on Saturday night. That is an estimated loss in revenue $ 50,000. $50,000 a year for 25 years is 1.25 Million.The council majority used the excused it was for the church goers on Saturday. The Village Manager called lowering the meter times and free Saturday night parking . ” A mere bag of shells”.

So our main question is if the garage is in fact a boost for local merchants in  the Central Business District , how does raising meter rates from .75 to $1.00 and adding free parking at night when most are closed help any merchants in Ridgewood ???
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Neighbor of Irene Habernickel Family Park Target of harassment campaign by Village of Ridgewood over Opposition to Health Barn

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ
file photo of the Council Majority …ie the 3 amigos
February 26,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, ,it does appear from recent OPRA requests that the Village harassed a resident who objected to Health Barn USA plan by calling DEP on them and conducting numerous property maintenance inspections.

The attached documents, obtained late Friday afternoon, February 26, 2016, in response to an Open Public Records Act (OPRA) request dated February 3, 2016, clearly identify who it was that “dropped a dime” on your family.

Screenshot 2016 02 27 at 8.46.56 AM
It’s all public information available to anyone who submits an OPRA request.  You may wish to share this with your friends and neighbors.

Screenshot 2016 02 27 at 8.45.53 AM

We have also filed an OPRA request with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection just to see if anything additional turns up.

It certainly is a shame that your speaking out in opposition to an irrational plan proposed by the Village Council “majority” triggered what appears to be nothing more than a vindictive series of trumped up code enforcement actions directed at your property.

Screenshot 2016 02 27 at 8.36.19 AM
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Reader says I voted YES on the November referendum and am furious at the way the Council Majority is trying to shove this huge garage through by having the county bond it

Hudson Street Parking Garage

I am one of the petitioners and I can tell you that many who have signed for me state categorically that they voted YES on the November referendum and are furious at the way the Council Majority is trying to shove this huge garage through by having the county bond it.

No one is happy with the County bonding it. They want a garage, almost everyone wants a garage, but they want a reasonable size and they want Ridgewood to issue the bond. And to answer your snarky suggestion, we are not collecting email addresses. Leave that level of underhandedness to those who use private email lists such as CHURCH GROUP lists to disseminate their campaign information. (yes, you know who you are).

Stop making the claim that 65% voted for the plan. Watch this to see what 65% knew before the vote –

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Reader says the Ridgewood Council Majority has Nothing but Contempt for Residents

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

I’m constantly amazed at the contempt that these 3 have for so many of their own neighbors. People that comment at meetings are generally well-meaning and highly involved residents. Many of them are serial volunteers that make great contributions to our Village. The Council majority is at best dismissive and at worst obnoxious to anyone that dares to voice an opinion that differs from the conclusion that they’ve already reached or the deal that they’ve already made. They hold civility hearings and are completely uncivilized, they point fingers claiming conflict of interest and all have conflicts themselves, they disregard their own rules and flagrantly collaborate outside public meetings in violation of the Sunshine Laws.

History has shown again and again when governments try to silence their own citizens, citizens rise up and overthrow the government. Mr Aronsohn has confirmed that he will not seek re-election but there has been no word from the other 2 – one can only assume that they will run again. Please spread the word to your neighbors and send out links to the various recordings of this horrific behavior. We have to make sure that neither of the remaining Council majority gets another term.

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Operation No Confidence : Ridgewood Village Hall, Tonight – 7:30pm

3 amigos


file photo by Boyd Loving

Dear Neighbor,

Here we are yet again at yet another important Village Council meeting, Tonight at 7:30pm at the Village Hall. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to not making VC meetings a must attend every few weeks.

But that’s just how it is. For now anyway. Until we can get some folks onto the council who we can trust will listen to us and do the right thing when it comes to our village. That day will come sooner than later but for now, we must remain engaged.

So, in case you didn’t know already, tomorrow is the night that the Village Council likely plans to vote on overriding itself and go to the County for a bond. This is without a parking garage proposal that fits within the footprint of the Hudson street lot. This is with us being on the hook for several  hundreds of thousands of dollars for the County bond, not to mention the likelihood of millions more for the building of a garage. This is against many of the the findings of the Maser Traffic Study from October 15th, which Councilwoman Knudsen and Councilman Sedon were unaware of until late December. I could go on and on…

The bottom line is that, inconvenient as it is, we must remain vigilant and protect Ridgewood, which means showing up and voicing our concerns.

Hoping to see you tomorrow night. And if you can’t make it, please email our Village Council and Village Manager to let them know that even considering voting to go to the County for a bond at this point is against the better interests of our village.

Paul Aronsohn <>,
Albert Pucciarelli <>,
Gwenn Hauck <>,
Roberta Sonenfeld <>
Susan Knudsen <>,
Michael Sedon <>,


Dana H. Glazer

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Readers agree the Civility Assault by the Council Majority is nothing but a bullying tactic

Al day job

Wow – great post. The “civility” assault, as the poster mentions, either shuts the potential dissenter up completely, or spins him/her up into a fury at the sheer chutzpah it takes to engage in such hypocrisy. Both reactions suit the purposes of the “civility” advocator, the first because it squelches dissent, the second because it allows the person who reacts with frustration to be singled out and portrayed as an angry rabble-rouser unfit to be listened to in the first instance. Meanwhile those of us who try the cool and calm approach tend to fade into the woodwork. Come to think if it, this is also favorable from the standpoint of the “civility” advocator. Killing three dissenting birds with one rhetorical stone–pretty impressive. Who the hell comes up with this stuff (cough, cough…Alinsky…)?

What about Albert stating that he was the only one with a full time job? The old “I’m more important than you are” bullying tactic. And then there is Gwenn reprimanding the audience for laughing or clapping – sorry folks, no emotions can be displayed, not humor, not happiness. Never In these meetings have I hear a booing from the crowd – it has always been positive assent in the form of applause or humorous laughter. Pretty civil as far as I can see it, and yet Miss Prim and Proper reprimands the group.

How about the Mike Sedon email affair? The three of them did NOTHING AT ALL until they were pushed and pressured to do so by a member of the public. Then, under great duress, Aronsohn sent the weakest most anemic email to the editor of the Staten Island Advance asking about the email that had been sent over a year prior. Of course the SI Advance editor said sorry, he no longer has the email. The three of them should have stood up from the very beginning in complete and total outrage against this blatant attempt to interfere with our election system. But, there was nothing from them. It was as if they could not care at all. We know, yes we KNOW that the email was sent by someone who really really REALLY did not want Mike Sedon to run for office. This was the most outrageous bullying episode yet to date, worse than any name calling. Even if on the remote chance that Aronsohn-Pucciarelli-or-Hauck did not send the letter, they should have been strong and determined to get to the bottom of that mess. But, bullies do not give a good god-damn who they hurt along the way, as long as they get their way. How in the world do they sleep at night?

I could not agree with this post more. They are attempting to tackle major issues that will FOREVER change our town. Regardless of where you stand on each issue (Schedler, parking garage, multi-family housing, sr. assisted living facility) they each deserve a full and detailed public hearing similar to what happened with Valley. Each one should have all the experts testify and be open to council and public questions during normal meeting hours. By trying to fit everything into one meeting that lasts into the early morning hours they are daring citizens into an episode of Survivor just to stay informed. This is a shameful practice that needs to be stopped.

Some will argue that we need to move forward and not have prolonged hearings. I think a fully informed public and full vetting of the issues so we can make the CORRECT decisions are more important than making A decision quickly.