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Reader says the Council Majority has ignored, ridiculed and threatened anyone who has presented an opposing point of view

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

First, the referendum in the Fall was non binding. Second, the Council majority has apparently spent over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on a design the may very well be voted down next week. And you gripe about $45K? For the past 4 years, these 3 individuals, emboldened by a 3/5 majority on the Council which they won by 8 votes, have acted as though they know what’s best for the rest of us and had a mandate to do whatever they wanted.

They have ignored, ridiculed and threatened anyone who has presented an opposing point of view. Having done this to as many of their constituents as they have, they are now dealing with the backlash. While the backlash has not been kind, it has been more than deserved.

The past 4 years should be presented as a civics course at Ridgewood High School. This is why you vote, this is what happens when you vote for the wrong people, this is what happens when elected officials misuse their authority, this is what happens when you get caught insulting your political adversaries anonymously on social media, this is what happens when the tax payers revolt and take back their government. This petition and special election are a perfect example of what the People are capable of when they band together. Vote NO on June 21.

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Bizarro World in Ridgewood

Parking 2/8/16

Bizarro World (with apologies to Seinfeld) by Anne Loving

So tonight at the Village Council Meeting two very strange things happened.
1. Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld stated that she has started going around to parking lots to check on availability and has found ample available spots in the Cottage Place lot as well as in the N. Walnut lot.  First of all, why is she doing an informal unscientific study of available parking when countless dollars have been spent on actual parking studies?  Second, so many people have stated that there are always available spots if one is willing to walk a couple of blocks, so this is not news.  And, of course, most bizarre of all is why in the heck is Roberta reporting about all this available parking when she is spearheading the gigantic garage that is supposedly so necessary?
2. Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck issued a parental reprimand to those who use social media (she being a major contributor herself).  She said that before anyone posts, they should do a “gut check” (I think that was her term) and ask themselves if what they are about to post is something they would put in a national newspaper.  Wait a minute, this is coming from the person who has called residents various unflattering (and highly inaccurate) names including “stalker,” “creepy,” and “terrorist.”  And this same councilwoman kept dead silent when a member of the public called an entire group of fellow citizens “fornicators.”  Huh?  Might one suggest that the good Councilwoman gut-check her own language, and control the council meetings when members of the public use vulgar language.
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Reader asks I would like to know if Councilman Pucciarelli and Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck recused themselves from that closed session discussion on Valley

Albert Puccrelli Deputy mayor ridgewood


file photo by Boyd Loving

Reader asks I would like to know if Councilman Pucciarelli and Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck recused themselves from that closed session discussion on Valley


I would like to know if Councilman Pucciarelli and councilwoman Gwenn Hauck recused themselves from that closed session discussion on Valley. After all, Mr Pucciarelli stated during his campaign several times that he would recuse himself if Valley came to the council. In fact, he was very upset that one of his running mates, Russ Forenza, did not disclose his wife’s affiliation with Valley and therefore, Russ would have to recuse himself if he won a seat on council.

The Village Manager was so concerned whether Councilwoman Susan Knudsen should recuse herself from the (Residency) discussion because Susan had relatives on the current police or fire list that she informed Mr. Roger who then suggested to Susan that she recuse herself even though it plainly stated that they were not going to discuss police or fire. When question about this at an open meeting Mr. Roger said something to the effect that you never know were these discussion lead to. Whats changed? If these two did not recuse themselves then how do we know that Valley Hospital maybe privy to inside information. Our Mayor should have know that this would be a hot button item and for transparency reasons he could have made an announcement prior to going into closed session that these two would not attend. I get it .They are just to busy taking care of the chamber and the developers that they don’t have time for civility or transparency

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Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck will not be present at Village Hall for this week’s Village Council Reorganization Meeting.


Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck will not be present at Village Hall for this week’s Village Council Reorganization Meeting.

However, Ms. Hauck will be permitted to cast her votes for Mayor and Deputy Mayor via some form of electronic communication.

Reportedly, in the event an electronic connection with Ms. Hauck can’t be made during the scheduled July 1 meeting, provisions have been made to hold meetings on Wednesday and Thursday to try a connection again.

If you read Ordinance #3-6, you can see why the 3 Amigos are so concerned about having Ms. Hauck vote.

§ 3-6. Mayor; Deputy Mayor; President Pro Tempore.

A. At 12:00 noon on the first day of July following each election of Councilmen, the Council shall assemble at Village Hall, organize and elect one of the Councilmen as Mayor. The Mayor shall be chosen by ballot by majority vote of all members of the Council. If the members shall be unable, within five ballots to be taken within two days of the organization meeting, to elect a Mayor, then the member who in the last election for members of the Municipal Council received the greatest number of votes shall be the Mayor. Should such person decline to accept the office, then the person receiving the next highest vote shall be the Mayor, and so on until the office is filled.

B. At the same time as a Mayor is elected, the Council shall elect one of its members as Deputy Mayor. The Deputy Mayor shall serve in place of the Mayor in the event of the temporary absence or disability of the Mayor. The Council shall elect a President Pro Tempore in the event of the absence or disability of both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.

C. Vacancies in the office of Mayor or Deputy Mayor shall be filled by the Council for the remainder of the unexpired term.

That’s right ladies & gentlemen. If more than 48 hours goes by and Councilwoman Hauck can’t be reached, Susan Knudsen could become the Village’s next mayor.


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Seemingly, what is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander with regard to Ridgewood Village Council members


Seemingly, what is good for the goose is NOT good for the gander with regard to Ridgewood Village Council members

During the May 28, 2014 Village Council meeting at which a formal vote was taken on the Village’s 2014 Municipal Budget, Village Clerk Heather Mailander informed those present that Councilman Thomas M, Riche would be marked as “absent” in connection with the vote because he was not physically present at the meeting. Mr. Riche was marked as “absent” despite his issuance of a signed statement, which was read aloud by Ms. Mailander, indicating his objection to the budget. This blogger wonders if Mr. Riche was informed that he could legally cast his vote on the budget via telephone or internet?

Fast forward – Sources within Village Hall are reporting that Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck will not be physically present during the Village Council’s July 1, 2014 Reorganization Meeting. Instead, Ms. Hauck will be vacationing overseas with members of her family. But, she will be permitted to cast several official votes related to Village Council matters that day via Skype. Perfectly legal? Yes. Despicable? Yes. Disgraceful? Yes. Yet another slap in the faces of Ridgewood taxpayers? Yes again. Will the 3 Amigos ever stop? Obviously not. And the band played on . . .

2016 can’t come fast enough for this blogger.

Microsoft Store

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Lets Stay Aquainted Senior Luncheon – Thursday, March 6th


Lets Stay Aquainted Senior Luncheon – Thursday, March 6th


Village residents are invited to join Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck each month for an opportunity to meet, share a provided light lunch, and participate in an activity. It is Mrs. Hauck’s desire to become familiar with residents, learn of their experiences living in the community, and increase awareness and use of the Village Community Center.

“Photography: A Door to New Worlds” – Naturalist , photographer Doug Godell will present a narrated slide show presenting images of travel in the United States, Central America and throughout the world.

If you need transportation assistance – call 201/670-5500 x203 to make a reservation for a ride on the Senior Bus.