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Achieving Success in Court: The Role of an Experienced Attorney

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Going to court can be an intimidating and complicated process for anyone, even those with legal experience. From navigating the rules of evidence and procedure to understanding the nuances of a particular judge’s rulings, many factors could influence the outcome of a case. This is why it’s important to seek out experienced counsel when facing litigation. An attorney who has been in practice for some time will have invaluable knowledge about how different judges treat certain arguments or types of cases, as well as what strategies may prove successful in your particular situation.

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7 Possible Reasons You Might Need Legal Assistance

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“Not me!”

Perhaps that’s what you exclaim whenever you read lawsuits in the newspapers. You subconsciously tend to associate legal proceedings with famous celebrities like Mariah Carey whose brother sued her for defamation when she released her tell-all memoir titled ‘The Meaning Of Mariah Carey’. Or perhaps with big businesses like Uber which was recently sued by one French man for allegedly ruining his marriage. 

The truth is, you’re not immune from such disputes. At one point or another in your life, you’ll certainly need legal help. Here are 7 common situations where you may require legal assistance:

Continue reading 7 Possible Reasons You Might Need Legal Assistance

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Ex-Ridgewood man accused of molesting college softball players due in court next week

Kurt G

Kurt G. Ludwigsen

Ex-Ridgewood man accused of molesting college softball players due in court next week

AUGUST 20, 2015, 7:22 PM    LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015, 9:21 PM

Kurt Ludwigsen, the former Ridgewood resident accused of molesting seven of the college softball players he was coaching, will be back in court next week following the postponement of a hearing that was scheduled for Wednesday morning.

Ludwigsen, 44, the former Nyack College softball coach, has been indicted on 197 counts of first-degree felony coercion, forcible touching, sexual abuse, and harassment.

He has pleaded not guilty to all counts.

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For First Time, Court Takes Action in Hillary Clinton Email Scandal


A federal judge has agreed to reopen a lawsuit that seeks access to emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server.

The federal judge’s decision marks the first time a court has taken action in the email scandal.

Judge Andrew Napolitano explained the particulars behind the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit this morning.

Judicial Watch and the State Department – usually on opposite sides in these types of cases – are actually in agreement, with both asking Judge Reggie B. Walton for the documents to be turned over.

Napolitano called Walton a “tough cookie” and “probably the last judge in Washington, D.C., [Clinton] wanted this issue to be in front of.”

He said that the State Department consented to the request because they have been “embarrassed” by their lack of access to Clinton’s emails.

The court had previously dismissed Judicial Watch’s request, thinking the documents did not exist.

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Court: Christie can’t use towns’ affordable housing trust fund


APRIL 9, 2015, 1:30 PM    LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015, 11:55 PM

A state appeals court on Thursday blocked Governor Christie’s efforts to take $160 million out of trust funds that towns use to build low-cost housing units for poor, disabled and elderly residents.

It was the latest setback for Christie in a legal battle brewing for years over New Jersey’s troubled housing program for poor residents. Last month, the state Supreme Court ruled that Christie’s inaction on affordable-housing matters had gone on too long and required an urgent fix.

As an end run around the Christie administration, the high court put judges in charge of setting rules and giving guidance to towns on how many low-cost housing units they should be building. With Thursday’s ruling by the appeals court, the judiciary is now set to take control of millions of dollars in housing funds to implement those plans.

Christie, a Republican, in 2012 tried to take the housing funds to help balance the state budget. The appeals court rejected his position and faulted his administration for ignoring previous court orders, declining to write statewide housing regulations and leaving New Jersey towns in the dark as to how many homes should be built for their lowest-income residents.

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N.J. town to residents: Replace your sidewalk, or meet us in court



Ridgewood is not the only municipality cracking down on bad sidewalks

N.J. town to residents: Replace your sidewalk, or meet us in court
By Seth Augenstein | The Star-Ledger 
Email the author | Follow on Twitter 
on August 13, 2014 at 7:43 AM, updated August 13, 2014 at 2:06 PM

HIGHLAND PARK — Two years ago, a local ordinance was passed allowing the borough to compel homeowners to fix the sidewalks in front of their houses.

Hundreds of residents complied with the borough’s request, but dozens more resisted. And it’s taken two years to reach a climax: this month the borough began taking dozens of homeowners to municipal court, following up on summonses.

Some of the homeowners have decided they can fight borough hall. In a lawsuit filed Monday, they charge the venture is a town-wide system of “intimidation” to do needless repairs.

“In the past two years, Highland Park has intimidated many residents into inappropriately spending their own money for inappropriate sidewalk replacements,” said Mark Oshinskie, an attorney leading the legal opposition. “But causing even more people to unnecessarily spend considerable sums for more such dubious, damaging work is unfair and destructive.”

Experts said responsibility and liability for sidewalks is a legal gray area in New Jersey. While the town says it’s acting in the interest of public safety, opponents have steadfastly refused to repair what they see as a needless financial burden.