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How a 17 year old Bergen County Basketball Trainer Succeeded Amidst The Covid19 Pandemic

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hackensack NJ, My name is Ryan Ang of Ang1 Trainings. I am the CEO and founder of Ang1 Trainings, a basketball training business. I am 17 years old from Bergen County, New Jersey. I am considered the youngest basketball trainer in New Jersey and possibly the whole world.

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New Jersey Department of Education Postpones Spring 2021 Statewide Assessment


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) recognizes that the disruption to education due to the COVID19 pandemic persists as schools and districts prepare for the spring 2021 assessment administration. While the United States Department of Education (USED) has not indicated that it will allow states to waive their statewide assessment obligations for the 2020-2021 school year, the NJDOE has heard requests from many stakeholders to explore all options regarding flexibilities prior to administering the statewide assessment systems. To further explore options, including flexibilities regarding the use of statewide assessment data in federal accountability systems – and to ease the burden of preparing for and administering assessments while these options evolve – the NJDOE is postponing the planned start date of all assessments and plans to begin statewide assessment
administration no earlier than April 5, 2021.

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Protecting Your Mental Health During The Covid19 Pandemic

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Immense stress, crippling anxiety, and overwhelming depression are just a few underrated symptoms of the Covid19 pandemic. General concerns for our health and our loved ones is a given; the impacts can be felt in almost every home. With financial uncertainty, economies on the brink of collapse, and isolation troubles on the rise, many previously stable individuals are at risk of developing mental health concerns.

Whether you are finding your new work from home life a challenge, or you are burdened with symptoms of anxiety, here’s how you can take back control over your life and your mental health during the pandemic.

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