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Englewood Cliffs Council Sticks Taxpayers With Black Lives Matter Protests Fees

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Englewood Cliffs NJ,  after pressure  form the towns Democratic Council members Gloria Oh, Ed Aversa, Deborah Tsabari and Jimmy Song and Council Candidates Glenn Luciano and David Di Gregorio , Englewood Cliffs  Mayor Mario Kranjac has decided to rescind the bill sent to Emily Gil for hosting a Black Lives Matter protest in Englewood Cliffs , effectively sticking to bill on taxpayers .

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Animal Activist Disrupt Scientific Bear Research by the New Jersey Division Of Fish and Wildlife

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Sportsmen’s group calls out anti-hunting extremist groups for perpetuating hysteria that is detrimental to scientific progress.

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance on Thursday released a statement condemning the actions of anti-hunting, anti-science political extremists from the Animal Protection League of New Jersey for their role in promoting the interruption of key scientific bear research conducted by the New Jersey Division Of Fish and Wildlife.

“This is a great example of how violent anti-hunting extremist organizations interfere with valid and badly-needed scientific research” said NJOA spokesman Cody McLaughlin, “On the one hand, extremists harass Division Of Fish and Wildlife scientists while performing their essential research and promote a ban on traps that assist the Division in such research – while in the same breath promoting their preposterous ‘bear vasectomy’ talking point. Which is it? It’s neither. Just another bad faith argument pushing an agenda.”

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Ridgewood JOLT Promoting Elimination of ICE , Open Boarders and Sanctuary Status for New Jersey

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ under the ruse of “National Week of Action” to “Defund Hate” will conclude with a Rally on the steps of the Bergen County Court House at 6PM!

The rally is being promoted by the usual suspect groups like Indivisible NJ5, Make the Road NJ, NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice, JOLT, Women for Progress, Bergen County Chapter of the NAACP, The Bergen County Immigrant Strategy Group, Women of Action, Glen Rock After the March, Mahwah After the March .

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Senator Joe Pennachio : Democrat Party has become: taken over by extremists, pushing aside the constitutional and traditional values that we have shared for generations

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Joe Pennachio is the Republican Senator from the 26th District

Trenton NJ, The recent Washington circus involving the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court crystallized what the Democrat Party has become: taken over by extremists, pushing aside the constitutional and traditional values that we have shared for generations. These Democrats attempted to destroy a good man, and in the process, also blew themselves up.
Lewis Carol and Saul Alinsky writing together could not have concocted a more bizarre effort on the Democrats’ part. Any pretense of jurisprudence; moral or civil decorum went out the window. The list of offenses to common decency is exhaustive: The 11th hour release of unsubstantiated and uncorroborated accusations by Dr. Ford; the subsequent illegal leaking of those allegations by Senator Diane Feinstein’s office; and Senator Hirono’s statement that men should “shut up.” Let’s not forget Senator Cory Booker’s so-called “Spartacus moment,” where our very own U.S. Senator had the gall to state that whoever supports Kavanaugh is “complicit in evil.”

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