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Judicial Watch: Abedin Emails Show Clinton Donors Receiving Special Treatment


July 15,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC , Judicial Watch continues their investigation on the “Clinton Email” scandal . In a statement released yesterday the group Judicial Watch said ,”Our understanding of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton’s State Department continues to expand as more of her illicit server’s emails are revealed.”

They went on with the following release

This week we released 448 pages of documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing new incidents of Huma Abedin, deputy chief of staff to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, providing special State Department treatment to major donors to the Clinton Foundation and political campaigns.

The heavily redacted documents from Abedin’s non-government account include an email from Hillary Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, to Abedin revealing that he acted as a go between for a Clinton Foundation donor, Richard Park. And they reveal Clinton Foundation executive Doug Band instructing Abedin to “show love” to Clinton donor Andrew Liveris.

The documents included six Clinton email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department, bringing the known total to date to at least 439 emails that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department, and further contradicting a statement by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails had been turned over to the State Department.

The documents are in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015, lawsuit filed against the State Department (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00684)) for: “All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-‘’ email address.”

A number of emails show the free flow of information and requests for favors between Clinton’s State Department and the Clinton Foundation.

In July 2009, in reference to the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, Clinton Global Initiative head Doug Band told Abedin that she “Need[s] to show love” to Andrew Liveris, the CEO of Dow Chemical. Band also asked for Liveris to be introduced to Hillary, “and have her mention both me and wjc”.  Dow gave between  $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative.  Band also pushes for Clinton to do a favor for Karlheinz Koegel, a major Clinton Foundation contributor, who wanted Hillary Clinton to give the “honor speech” for his media prize to “Merkel.”

The emails reveal that on June 19, 2009, Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, passed a long a letter for Hillary Clinton for Clinton donor Richard Park.  Park donated $100,000 to Bill Clinton as far back as 1993 and is listed by the Clinton Foundation as a $100,000 to $250,000 donor.

The Washington Examiner reported:

In March 2012, Bill Clinton received an invitation to speak at the Kaesong Industrial Complex in North Korea…. Richard Park’s friendship with Tony Rodham earned him a direct line to Hillary Clinton while she served as secretary of state. In January 2013, the Korean businessman sent Rodham an email and asked him to “forward this to your sister.”

On November 14, 2009, Clinton donor Ben Ringel, who has appeared in numerous prior emails asking for favors, emailed Abedin to get help in getting an Iranian woman a visa to come to the United States. He writes: “We need to get her clearance even only temporary to be with her granddaughter.” Abedin forwarded the request to Lauren Jiloty, asking her “Can U help Monday with consular affairs?” Jiloty replies, “Sure. Will look into it.”  Ringel donated between $10,000 and $25,000 to the Clinton Foundation.  In May, Band, working through Abedin, attempts to help Canadian concert promoter and Foundation donor Michael Cohl with the processing of a visa. Abedin passes the request to Monica Hanley, Clinton’s “confidential assistant.”

The emails show that the Clinton Foundation operative Band was involved in personnel matters at the Clinton State Department.  In a May 2009 email exchange between Band and Abedin, a “career post” to East Timor for someone is discussed. Abedin explains to Band that Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton’s then-chief of staff, was working on the situation “under the radar.”

In August 2009, Band tells Abedin of someone who wants to be the ambassador to Barbados. Abedin replies: “I know, he’s emailed a few times. But she wants to give to someone else.”

The emails also show that Abedin received advice from her mother, Saleha Abedin (a controversial Islamistactivist), on whom the Obama administration should appoint as the US Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.   She notes that she has obtained a recommendation from “Hassan” (NFI), and that she’d reached out to “Ishanoglu”. This is presumably Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, a Turkish academic and the former Secretary-General of the OIC. Ihsanoglu famously called on the West to enact anti-Islamic blasphemy laws.

On Monday, June 8, Clinton emails her aide Lona Valmoro and Abedin asking to attend a cabinet meeting: “I heard on the radio that there is a Cabinet mtg this am. Is there? Can I go? If not, who are you sending?” Valmoro answers: “It is actually not a full cabinet meeting today – those agencies that received recovery money were invited to attend/participate. We were welcome to send a representative though, not sure if we have anyone going.”

Other emails found in Abedin’s unsecure email account appear to show additional instances of the Clinton State Department’s lax approach to protecting national security.

On July 4, 2009, U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Jonathan “Scott” Gration sent Abedin an email that the State Department has classified in part and redacted because the information deals with “foreign governments” and “national defense or foreign policy.” Abedin forwarded Gration’s email to her personal, unsecure email account.  In his email, Gration related his meeting with Libyan president Muammar Qadafi, saying: “I conveyed our appreciation for Libya’s role to improve relations between Chad and Sudan … Leader al-Qadafi promised to continue his nation’s close collaboration with the United States … and is eager to meet you and President Obama.…” Gration would later be fired for, among other things, using personal email accounts to send government information.

A document titled “HRC PRIVATE LINE BLOCK” gives the planned whereabouts for President Obama for Thursday, June 4, 2009: “Attend POTUS Foreign Policy Speech at Cairo University.” In another example of lax concern for security, Valmoro forwarded Clinton’s detailed daily schedule for July 15, 2009, to officers of the Clinton Foundation, including Doug Band and Justin Cooper. Again, on July 26 Valmoro forwarded Hillary’s detailed, sensitive daily schedule to numerous Clinton Foundation officials.

In other examples of lax concern for security, on June 11, there is a reference to testing the “Federal preparedness and response for an international terrorist threat to the United States. [Principal-Level Exercise] will be a scenario-driven discussion for Cabinet Secretaries, agency Directors and Administrators, senior officials in the Executive Office of the President, or their approved representatives.” A document in Abedin’s unsecure email account dated May 2009 is titled “The Secretary’s Phone Call with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang” is marked sensitive but unclassified and fully redacted, as is a document titled “The Secretary’s Phone Call with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov.”

I’m not sure how much more evidence of pay for play, classified information mishandling, and influence peddling from Clinton’s email server one would need to show for a serious criminal investigation is required.

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Report: Least Patriotic States Voted for Hillary Clinton

Hillary ladygaga

BY: Madeleine Weast
June 27, 2017 11:34 am

The seven least patriotic states voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, according to a new study released on Tuesday.

New Jersey was ranked the least patriotic state, followed by Illinois, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Connecticut, and California, according to a report fromWalletHub.

Each of these seven least patriotic states voted for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016.

States were graded on a 100-point scale stemming from data comparing 13 key indicators of patriotism based on military and civic engagement. A score of 100 would represent the highest level of patriotism.

The data factored in military enlistees, active-duty military personnel, veterans, and share of adults who voted in the 2016 presidential election.

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Trump Down Plays Russian Election Tampering

December 30,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  President-elect Donald J. Trump released the following statement in response to Presidents Obama’s action against Russia:“It’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things.   Nevertheless, in the interest of our country and its great people, I will meet with leaders of the intelligence community next week in order to be updated on the facts of this situation.”

The Obama administration is under intense pressure to release any evidence confirming Russian interference in the presidential election before leaving office.

The administration up until now has provided little documentation to back up its official October assessment that the Russian government was attempting to interfere in the U.S. election.

Nor has it corroborated subsequent leaks from anonymous officials contending that the CIA believes the campaign was an attempt by Russian President Vladimir Putin to ensure Donald Trump’s victory.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) called the Obama administration’s new sanctions targeting Russia for meddling in the U.S. presidential election “overdue.”

“While today’s action by the administration is overdue, it is an appropriate way to end eight years of failed policy with Russia. And it serves as a prime example of this administration’s ineffective foreign policy that has left America weaker in the eyes of the world,”
The Joint Analysis report of JAR released today by the Administration comes with a huge disclaimer and little evidence other than conjecture by some intelligence analysis reminding one of the  “weapons of Mass destruction” claim that led to the invasion of Iraq.
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Will Obama pardon Clinton? And if he does, will she accept?



Can Obama Save Clinton?

Executive orders barring offshore drilling in most U.S. Arctic waters; an abstention at the U.N. permitting the Security Council to declare all Israeli settlement activity to be illegal and an obstacle to peace; the possibility of further action at the U.N. to formalize the administration’s comprehensive vision of a two-state solution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict — President Obama is sprinting, not jogging, to the finish line.

In dashing through his last few weeks in office, will one of Obama’s final acts be to pardon Hillary Clinton for any violations of federal law she might have committed while she was secretary of State?

It’s an interesting and complex question.

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Trump’s incoming chief of staff suggests Hillary Clinton is backing away from a deal worked out between the two presidential campaigns

Clinton vs Trump 2016

Donald Trump’s incoming chief of staff suggests Hillary Clinton is backing away from a deal worked out between the two presidential campaigns on how the loser would concede to the winner.

Reince Priebus tells “Fox News Sunday” that Clinton’s team “cut a deal” with Trump’s team specifying that once The Associated Press called the race in favor of one candidate, the other would call within 15 minutes to concede.

Priebus says that’s just what happened election night.

But now he’s questioning whether Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias is backing down from that deal by announcing Clinton will participate in a recount in Wisconsin and may do the same in Michigan and Pennsylvania. The push is being led by the Green Party’s Jill Stein.

AP’s director of media relations, Lauren Easton, says AP “calls races when it is clear that one candidate has prevailed over the other. We have no knowledge of what the candidates do with that information until there is a public claim of victory or a concession.”

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Is The Clinton Foundation Doomed?


Clinton Scandal: Is the Clinton Foundation, after being rocked by a series of scandals, going down for the count? Reports suggest that may be the case, as donations to the once-popular “charity” plummet.

It’s unlikely anyone was as disappointed as Bill Clinton at the defeat of Hillary Clinton for the presidency. Her election would have ensured that the scandals now swirling around the Clinton Family Foundation would have disappeared with nary a peep. Now, Congress is likely to look into accusations that the Clinton Foundation, far from being a charity, was in fact a giant scam to make the Clintons rich and to help finance Chelsea Clinton’s lifestyle and political ambitions.

As we noted back in August, the FBI and a handful of U.S. attorneys have been conducting a joint investigation into the Clinton Foundation for possible financial crimes and influence peddling. Even so, few thought that much would happen, since everyone knew it was a given that Hillary would win the presidency and immediately quash any investigation.

We now know that high-level Justice Department officials tried to halt all of the investigations into the foundation last summer, but the FBI defied the order and continued looking into the matter. This was not some kind of desperate campaign stunt by Hillary’s foes: The signs of corruption have been in evidence for years, but were largely ignored by the Clinton-besotted Big Media.

But while the Big Media failed to do their job, others began digging. In a devastating 2015 book, “Clinton Cash,” Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, detailed how decisions by the State Department under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seemed to systematically benefit organizations and individuals that gave millions to the Clinton Foundation and paid former President Bill Clinton millions to give speeches. The appearance of a pay-for-play system and even outright graft during Hillary’s six years at State couldn’t be ignored.

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More Than a Third of Americans Say Idea of Talking Politics at Thanksgiving Stresses Them Out

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The holiday season is upon us! With Thanksgiving around the corner and a divisive election in the rearview mirror, millions of Americans expect to talk politics with friends and family members over the holiday, and more than a third say the idea of those conversations stresses them out.

According to an online survey conducted by ABC News and its partner SSRS, 45 percent of Americans foresee a side of political conversation with their turkey and cranberry sauce, and 38 percent said the idea of such talk is at least somewhat stressful, with 14 percent saying it is very stressful.

When asked to share one word to describe what they are most thankful for, the vast majority of respondents said “family,” followed by “life” and “health.” Also among the top 10 responses were “friends,” “Trump” and “Jesus.”

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America Called Bullshit on the Cult of Clinton

Democratic presidential candidate U

The one good thing about Trump’s win? It shows a willingness among Americans to blaspheme against saints and reject the religion of hollow progressiveness.

Brendan O’Neill | November 20, 2016

If you want to see politics based on emotionalism over reason and a borderline-religious devotion to an iconic figure, forget the Trump Army; look instead to the Cult of Clinton.

Ever since Donald Trump won the presidential election, all eyes, and wringing hands, have been on the white blob who voted for him. These “loud, illiterate and credulous people,” as a sap at Salon brands them, think on an “emotional level.” Bill Moyers warned that ours is a “dark age of unreason,” in which “low information” folks are lining up behind “The Trump Emotion Machine.” Andrew Sullivan said Trump supporters relate to him as a “cult leader fused with the idea of the nation.”

What’s funny about this is not simply that it’s the biggest chattering-class hissy fit of the 21st century so far — and chattering-class hissy fits are always funny. It’s that whatever you think of Trump (I’m not a fan) or his supporters (I think they’re mostly normal, good people), the fact is they’ve got nothing on the Clinton cult when it comes to creepy, pious worship of a politician.

By the Cult of Hillary Clinton, I don’t mean the nearly 62 million Americans who voted for her. I have not one doubt that they are as mixed and normal a bag of people as the Trumpites are. No, I mean the Hillary machine—the celebs and activists and hacks who were so devoted to getting her elected and who have spent the past week sobbing and moaning over her loss. These people exhibit cult-like behavior far more than any Trump cheerer I’ve come across.

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Seething liberals vow revolution in Democratic Party


BY JONATHAN EASLEY – 11/12/16 06:00 AM EST

The Republican civil war was supposed start this week.

Instead, a ferocious struggle has erupted on the left over the smoldering remains of the Democratic Party.

Liberals are seething over the election and talking about launching a Tea Party-style revolt. They say it’s the only way to keep Washington Democrats connected to the grassroots and to avoid a repeat of the 2016 electoral disaster, which blindsided party elites.

Progressives believe the Democratic establishment is responsible for inflicting Donald Trump upon the nation, blaming a staid corporate wing of the party for nominating Hillary Clinton and ignoring the Working Class voters that propelled Trump to victory.

Liberals interviewed by The Hill want to see establishment Democrats targeted in primaries, and the “Clinton-corporate wing” of the party rooted out for good.

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Reader says I really do not understand why people would feel so depressed over an election

4833683 teen depression

I really do not understand why people would feel so depressed over an election. The people spoke and one candidate won. Will this vilified new president really be having such a negative impact on people’s lives? Or is it just like a sport, your team lost a final game and you’re hung over a couple of days! As for myself I enjoyed the election night. Democrats got what they deserved. Their pushy attitude, intimidation of Trump sympathizers (or better said intimidation of those who didn’t like Clinton) and especially the media bias in tandem with the “celebrity” support pushed many independents over the fence. I bet this is what happened to millions who decided to vote the last minute. Don’t blame Trump for winning, blame Clinton and yourself. You pushed many independent people to vote for what they perceived as the lesser evil. In addition the democrats with their stupid agenda did a great disservice to our country by handing full control of our government to the republicans. And this is worrying. However the best outcome is that both parties are in disarray and I hope they understand that they need a major revamp if they want to get the support of the people.

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TV Networks Face a Skeptical Public on Election Night

Dont_believe _the liberal-Media _theridgewoodblog


Fox News’s elections guru will play his cello on Tuesday morning, “to clear my head and get ready to do math.” CNN is staging more than a dozen rehearsals with a 25-person on-air team. George Stephanopoulos of ABC News spent his weekend running drills in a studio, practicing swing-state calls with a former intern standing in for the pollster Nate Silver.

But as television news gears up for 2016’s big finale, an intense public distrust in the media is threatening the networks’ traditional role as election night scorekeeper.

There is a divided electorate, big segments of which are poised to question the veracity of Tuesday’s results. Donald J. Trump has refused to say if he will concede in the event of a projected defeat. And new digital competitors plan to break the usual election-night rules and issue real-time predictions long before polls close.

The era of Tim Russert’s famed whiteboard — when network anchors could serve as the ultimate authority on election results — has faded. And scrutiny on big media organizations on Tuesday, when 70 million people might tune in, is likely to be harsher than ever.

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Democrat Running for Congress Accused of ‘Manipulating’ Govt. Document

Josh Gottheimer
November 8th 2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, The Washington Free Beacon just posted an explosive story about Josh Gottheimer’s dirty campaign tactics, which including spreading lies and forging government documents:

Rep. Scott Garrett’s (R., N.J.) reelection campaign sent a cease and desist letter Thursday to the New Jersey Attorney General and the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey after his Democratic opponent, Josh Gottheimer, created false government documents for a campaign ad.

The letter charges that the Gottheimer campaign “deliberately and fraudulently altered the original letter in order to mislead the public and the press to falsely believe that the letter had come from the Office of Congressional Ethics.”

When the allegations first arose, the Gottheimer campaign initially admitted it had manipulated the image in question. The campaign then walked back that claim, saying it had not manipulated the document but instead “the image used in the ad was a visual representation of what office the complaint was filed to,” the New Jersey Star Ledger reported.

Garrett and his campaign have strongly pushed back against the ad and its allegations. Garrett said at a press conference on Wednesday that he is not under investigation and accused Gottheimer of creating a false document to score political points.

“It turns out that in Clinton crony boot camp, they not only teach how to destroy government documents, they teach how to forge them as well,” Sarah Neibart, Garrett’s campaign manager, said in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon.

“Clinton protégé Josh Gottheimer’s forgery of government documents is a clear violation of state and federal law, and we expect that the New Jersey Attorney General and U.S. Attorney General will begin an immediate investigation into these actions,” she added.

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Sarah Neibart, Garrett for Congress Campaign Manager Responds to Sexist and Anti Semitic Comments Made by the Bergen Record

Joshua S

Open Letter to The Record’s Alfred Doblin from Sarah Neibart, Garrett for Congress Campaign Manager


I think there’s no doubt we can all agree that this election season has crossed the Rubicon in terms of political rhetoric. But Monday, November 7, 2016 completely changed my world. That’s the day The Bergen Record published my name and called me a Nazi for questioning whether Democratic campaign operatives were involved in a disgusting political stunt. The only reason you’ve attacked me is because I’m a female Republican supporting Congressman Scott Garrett, a man that you’ve chronically made your target of editorial ire.

As a professional political operative, I’ve been astounded at the political tactics of Josh Gottheimer’s campaign throughout this race. Their name-calling began early, as they manipulated the Congressman’s policy stances to paint him as a bad person. It’s not the first time I’ve seen this, as the Left often assumes that if Republicans were smarter or better people, we’d be Democrats, but this was an operation unlike any other. They started by using words like “bigot,” “extremist,” and “racist.” They absurdly alleged that my candidate supports domestic terrorism. They photoshopped a government document in order to allege the Congressman was under investigation for bribery. They’ve even claimed he hates puppies and kittens.

Today, your editorial adopts a tactic straight out of the playbook of these Democrat operatives – just as they protested businesses and people supporting Scott Garrett in order to bully them out of their political positions, you have called me the worst name imaginable, just because of my work for him.

Last week, things reached an unbelievable new low. A flyer was circulated depicting our challenger, Josh Gottheimer, as the devil. We first found out through a media inquiry, and when I saw the image, I felt a sickness in my stomach. This disgusting, hateful flyer enraged me and is not something our campaign would ever, ever consider distributing or condoning. The majority of our campaign staffers are Jewish, as am I. These flyers had been reportedly distributed everywhere – on cars, in train stations, on trees, and in elementary schools. School children had seen this horrific image.

One thing was overwhelmingly clear to me. The distribution of this flyer – though it looked crudely made – seemed like it came from a pretty sophisticated operation. It just didn’t seem feasible that it came from one unhinged lunatic supporter of our campaign. And it was suspicious to me that the Gottheimer campaign “found” these flyers first and alerted the media – and that none of our supporters throughout the community had seen them, and no one in the media had independently seen them before Gottheimer’s press release.

In your editorial this morning, you published my name and my statement suggesting that Gottheimer’s campaign had distributed these flyers. And then you said, “This is — whether Neibart was aware or not — exactly what the Nazis would say.”

You don’t know me, Alfred, but let me tell you about a few things of which I’m “aware.”

I’m “aware” of the persecution that Jews have faced all over the world, simply because of our faith. I’ve stood in a gas chamber in Poland and seen the nail marks down the wall. I’m “aware” of how people are systematically murdered for their heritage or their beliefs. I lived in Egypt under the oppressive government of the Muslim Brotherhood. I’ve been to Rwanda and seen the aftermath of those atrocities. We must be vigilant against hatred, but that conversation is completely separate from whether or not I believe Josh Gottheimer’s campaign would be so insidious as to fake an anti-Semitic flyer and then put out a press release feigning moral outrage.

My statement calling for an investigation into the origins of this flyer didn’t come from any ignorance about the history of my own heritage, it came from my experience as a political operative and my knowledge of Josh Gottheimer’s campaign. Democrats and liberal special interests across this country have taken every vote Congressman Garrett has ever made – whether it’s about protecting the First Amendment or reining in out-of-control spending – and manipulated them to expand the false narrative of the Congressman being hateful and out of touch with the Fifth District, despite repeatedly being elected as their Congressman. Why is it unreasonable for me to assume that a flyer no one in our network knew about was from the Gottheimer campaign? I believe that the Gottheimer campaign thinks that their current charges of bigotry and racism aren’t sinking in, and they wanted to do something to make sure they win Bergen County. You have stayed silent as Gottheimer’s campaign attacked Congressman Garrett’s faith, and yet you use my questions about Democrat campaign tactics as a weapon against me. This demonstrates that not only do you have a political agenda aimed squarely against Congressman Garrett, you are an intolerant man who refuses to recognize that other people are entitled to their own political ideologies without being labeled as racists, bigots or terrorists.

Alfred, you’ve lost the moral high ground to denounce this cycle’s political rhetoric, and you no longer get to call anyone else a bully, as you’ve smugly taken pleasure in doing over the past two years. This election will be over tomorrow, but you have to live with the fact that you cheapened the suffering of both of our families at the hands of cruel men committing unspeakable atrocities – all to make a political point.

Sarah Neibart
Campaign Manager
Garrett for Congress

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NJ Media Bias EXPOSED: Clinton Crony Cover-Up and Collusion

Joshua S

November 7,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Wikileaks revealed the shocking extent of the collusion between the mainstream media and the Clinton campaign. Now, Garrett for Congress has discovered that the New Jersey media is complicit in assisting Clinton protégé and Democrat congressional candidate Josh Gottheimer try to avoid FBI investigation for his violation of federal law.

Josh Gottheimer is currently running a campaign advertisement on New Jersey television in which he has forged government documents in order to fabricate claims that Congressman Scott Garrett is involved in corruption.

Shockingly, Gottheimer’s campaign admitted his deceit to the Star Ledger: “An official with the Gottheimer campaign confirmed that it had produced the ad and manipulated the image,” according to article text posted at 9:17pm on November 2, 2016.

Falsifying government documents is a federal crime under 18 U.S. Code § 912.

This violation of federal law was flagged for New Jersey journalists by Garrett for Congress, and magically, the Star Ledger article was updated at 10:36pm with more cautious language, seemingly to avoid implicating Josh Gottheimer for his crime. This is a blatant attempt by the Star Ledger to help Josh Gottheimer bend the truth.

We’ve seen media bias throughout the campaign as the New Jersey press corps has ignored coverage of charges of impropriety against Gottheimer, but this is the first time we’ve actually caught the press in the act of covering for his campaign.

In the Bergen Record article ,Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, the “Fact check ” article is devoid of facts .This article is just another hit job by the Bergen Record. There is no fact checking.

Gottheimer committed a Federal Crime by fraudulently forging a document he used in a commercial. He substituted the letterhead of the Office of Congressional Ethics to an original document that contained no such heading. The letter was from a left wing so called “ethics” organization. The original heading contained the letterhead of that leftist group. This forgery was committed to give the false impression that Congressman Garrett was being investigated by Congress.

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the Ridgewood Blog Endorses Scott Garrett

Scott Garrett

November 6,2016

PJ Blogger and the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in a recent editorial in the Glen Rock Patch former Ridgewood Mayor Paul Aronsohn gave Congressmen Scott Garrett a Negative Endorsement .

What’s a  Negative Endorsement you ask ? A Negative Endorsement is a when a disreputable person with dubious motives supports a candidate making the candidate they support even less desirable.

Aronsohn started with the usual,  “On a whole range of issues, he has taken positions that are extreme and completely out-of-sync with the mainstream values of northern New Jersey. This was true when I ran against him in 2006. This is still true today. In fact, he often takes positions that are out-of-sync with the other 11 members of the New Jersey delegation — democrats as well as republicans.”

Garrett is “out-of-sync”,says the man who tried to sell out the whole Village of Ridgewood  to hand full of developers .
Garrett is “out-of-sync”, says the man who every single candidate he supported in the last election lost in a massive landslide .
Garrett is “out-of-sync”, despite the fact he beat Aronsohn easily and has been reelected over and over by New Jersey Voters .
Garrett is “out-of-sync” , says the man who tried to blame PSEG Super Storm Sandy and pissed them off so much they cut power to the Village Hall .

Maybe Garrett is not “out-of-sync”, maybe Mr Ex Mayor , you are “out-of-sync” and a sore loser . To many in the Village of Ridgewood Aronsohn and his cronies represented the low water mark in Village history.

Former New York Mayor Ed Koch once said, “If you agree with me on nine out of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 out of 12 issues, see a psychiatrist.”

I have always felt this was good advice and perhaps the Ex Mayor could seek some professional help.

Scott Garrett is a soft-spoken policy wonk , contrary to poor and biased coverage he receives from much of New Jersey’s Democratic and Union controlled  media  he is no “Right-wing firebrand”.

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Garrett actually read Dodd-Frank all 2000 plus pages.  I know not very glamorous , but what is glamorous is all the work Scott has done on making “CrowdFunding ” easier. Easy enough to have a Pizza Shop in Ridgewood rebuilt because of Indego. On a larger scale, many entrepreneurs can now raise capital independently on Wall Street Investment banks .

Scott has also pushed back on the “too big to fail” , which contrary to media coverage this has made him a target of Wall Street  and a target of Real-estate interests . Do you really think all banks should be entitled to taxpayer bailouts and for that matter, Dodd-Frank makes many key industries in the US “too big to fail” creating a “bailout nation”.

To quote former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan , as a policy “too big to fail” creates a”moral hazard”. Meaning the risk in the USA is socialized while profits and concentrated on the politically favored.

Garrett has been attacked repeatedly on his supposed “anti-gay “comments , his offices have even been the target of media coordinated , media and Democrat orchestrated fake protests . No evidence has ever been offered as to these comments ,no tapes, video , pictures  or transcripts ,nothing period.

While  his Clintonista challenger Josh Gottheimer has accepted money from wife beaters , Saudi Arabia , disgraced ex-congressmen and every industry looking to get on the taxpayer bailout band wagon.
The reality is Garrett is conservative yes , and while he is the incumbent he is also a Washington outsider . He opposes wasteful spending ,no matter what the cost and most importantly he is what he is and makes no representation otherwise .
He proved right to be skeptical on Obamacare, and the Iranian Nuke deal, as well as the management of disaster aid .
This is why once again the Ridgewood blog endorses and will continue to endorse Scott Garrett .