file photo by Boyd Loving
June 30,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Tomorrow, July 1st will establish a new “Independence Day” for the Village of Ridgewood. The tyranny of the worst three individuals to ever serve the Village will thankfully come to an end. Never in the history of our Village have three people created such a toxic environment. Their playbook, much like the playbook of Hudson County and Washington politics of the past, was to attack all that disagreed with anything they said. They created their puppet Kingdom of followers by establishing a financial panel with self-serving interests and seating a Village Manager who considers herself the “sixth Council member”. They attempted to personally discredit and ruin the reputation of decent people. What were their accomplishments??? Absolutely nothing!!! They spent all of their elected tenure spewing vitriol and promoting failed project after failed project. Finally, the residents woke up and saw how our Village was being compromised. It is usually the custom to thank those who have served and given of themselves, however in this case there appears to be nothing to be thankful for…other than their departure. July 1 2016…Ridgewood’s NEW INDEPENDENCE DAY!!