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Ridgewood 3 amigos

file photo by Boyd Loving

June 30,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Tomorrow, July 1st will establish a new “Independence Day” for the Village of Ridgewood. The tyranny of the worst three individuals to ever serve the Village will thankfully come to an end. Never in the history of our Village have three people created such a toxic environment. Their playbook, much like the playbook of Hudson County and Washington politics of the past, was to attack all that disagreed with anything they said. They created their puppet Kingdom of followers by establishing a financial panel with self-serving interests and seating a Village Manager who considers herself the “sixth Council member”. They attempted to personally discredit and ruin the reputation of decent people. What were their accomplishments??? Absolutely nothing!!! They spent all of their elected tenure spewing vitriol and promoting failed project after failed project. Finally, the residents woke up and saw how our Village was being compromised. It is usually the custom to thank those who have served and given of themselves, however in this case there appears to be nothing to be thankful for…other than their departure. July 1 2016…Ridgewood’s NEW INDEPENDENCE DAY!!

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Reader says Outgoing Ridgewood Council Members openly critical of the newly elected, and not yet sworn in, council members

Ridgewood 3 amigos

file photo by Boyd Loving

The outgoing threesome were completely unelectable. That is why they did not run again. They will tell you that they CHOSE not to run, but get a reality check. They did not run because they did not want the public humiliation of losing big time. The three they supported so heavily lost in an epic landslide, a tidal wave of a statement against the HAUCK-ARONSOHN-PUCCIARELLI machine.

Now they have the audacity to be openly critical of the newly elected, and not yet sworn in, council members. Letters, videos, facebook postings, etc, they are finding ways to slam Ramon and Jeff and Bernie every chance they get. How the hell dare they criticize Ramon, Jeff, and Bernie. Give them a chance for heaven’s sake. Aronsohn, Hauck, and Pucciarelli are so low class it is disgusting. They have left the biggest mess in their wake, and we look like fools thanks to their antics. And oh, yes, what was it that blondie stated the other day? I HAVE NEVER DISRESPECTED ANYONE. More accurate would have been for her to state that I HAVE NEVER DISPRESPECTED ANYONE IN THE LAST THIRTY SECONDS. Gwenn has been the nastiest most uncivil elected officer imaginable, well, so has Albert and so has Paul. Good riddance to them. For awhile they were like herpes, always lurking and causing outbreaks. Thankfully the voters found a cure for this disease, and we are almost rid of them.

Vote NO on Tuesday. Let the new council make the wise decisions regarding parking solutions. Thank you

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Deputy Mayor Moves to Stop Video Taping of Public Meetings in Ridgewood

file photo by Boyd loving
February 1,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ ,Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarell at a recent council meeting said   “Im going to introduce an Ordinance” In regards to video taping of council meeting. Seemed after his recent out bursts he was not happy with being taped by outside sources .

You might want to run that one by the NJ Supreme Court .

At Village Council Meetings There are no expectations of privacy in a person in a public place.The meeting is already being videotaped, why is personal video a problem?

The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey praised a New Jersey Supreme Court decision released today that protects an individual’s right to videotape public meetings.

“Videotaping is an invaluable method of documenting government activities or misconduct,” said ACLU of New Jersey Legal Director Ed Barocas. “We are pleased that the Supreme Court recognized that American freedom and democracy depend on the people having a right to access government information.”

So whats the problem ?

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Village of Ridgewood : CBD Panel Discussions


file photo Boyd Loving

Wed, May 20, 2015
Time: 7:30 PM

Village Hall, 131 N. Maplea Ve., Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Event DescriptionForum No. 7 – CBD Panel Discussions – May 20th at 7:30PM

Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli has scheduled a CBD Panel Discussion for May 20, 2015 from 7:30PM to 9:00PM; with an “open mike” from 7:30 to 8:00PM. It will be held in the Court Room at Village Hall. The topic for discussion will be determined.

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Reader says time to end Mayor’s Monthly Column in the Ridgewood News


Reader says time to end Mayor’s Monthly Column in the Ridgewood News

Seriously, whether you like our mayor or don’t, Boyd has a very good point. Why should the newspaper provide a forum for Mayor Aronsohn to highlight the accomplishments while ignoring the major problems? This is a non-partisan government, so there cannot be an official reply from those opposed to the leader’s views on things. But we do know that at least one letter in which Mayor Aronsohn was not being portrayed favorably was squelched by the newspaper…….and this was due to the mayor himself interfering.

I wish the Mayor would man-up and address all the issues that have been controversial and have not been resolved. For example……what ever happened to the Graydon Ramp? For example…….what is the resolution on the Christie fundraiser (even The Record wrote an editorial blasting the council’s attendance at this event). For example…..why was a personnel matter (Mr. Riche) discussed in open session when there is a strict policy that individuals are to be discussed in closed session? Lines of people jumped up to protest his actions on this, yet no apology or explanation ever came from him. I am betting that the Hope Street poles will be the same thing, never any official follow-up from him because the outcome is not good.

He sweeps controversy under the carpet and we never get a final report on these matters. The Mayor’s Column in the newspaper enables him to continue to do this, by painting a rosy picture with absolutely no space allocated to controversies and problems.