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Reader says Nowadays everyone diagnosing the fun and life and desire for adventure out of Kids

school kids

Children just need time to grow and mature like I did. We live in the worst age possible for children. God bless em.

They say the 1950s was a conformist time. No way. That was a great time for kids. THE BEST.

Nowadays everyone diagnosing the fun and life and desire for adventure out of kids and nothing being wrong.

And so-called specialists who don’t know what they are talkin about with their fancy, meaningless psyhobabble, nowadays diagnosing the kids and squeezing the spirit and life out of kids.

The 1950s was great time for kids; I remember being left alone to play after school in untrammeled nature with any friends I wanted to ,; no forced , rigid play dates. God, if I had been a child now , I would have been diagnosed with every ADHD and autism label they make up.

“Autism Spectrum” fancy that, that is enogh to kill the creative lively spirit out of a growing chid. or ADHD and the rest.

No wonder there are so many teen suicides. By that time their spirit is dead, they no longer can respond to life , because they were not allowed to naturally respond. They were made to be walking zombies.

We live in a greedy, robotic world, with stupid so-called educator specialists trying to trap lively, imaginative, kids who want to run run run and explore outside, trap them in stifling all day kindergarten.

I remember myself at that age. Fun and freedom that’s what I craved. Even now..