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Ridgewood Mayor Paul Vagianos lent $47K to Attorney whose firm represents a Zoning Board of Adjustment applicant

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the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, OUTFRONT MEDIA LLC – An application for preliminary and final major site plan approval for the construction and operation of a single pole, double faced, digital multimessage advertising sign which is a prohibited use and will result in a second principal use; expansion of an existing non-conforming use and bulk variance relief at 500 Route 17 South, Block 4703, Lot 10, in the OB-2 Zone.

Continue reading Ridgewood Mayor Paul Vagianos lent $47K to Attorney whose firm represents a Zoning Board of Adjustment applicant

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The Ridgewood Planning Board : The Digital Billboard Matter Carried until May

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  according to sources the Planning Board Meeting went well. The Digital  Billboard was last on the agenda so the Planning Board  only heard one witness. The Matter was carried until May.

Continue reading The Ridgewood Planning Board : The Digital Billboard Matter Carried until May