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Lesson form the 1980 Mariel boat lift


Jimmy Carter’s disastrous DREAM ACT: the Mariel boat lift
Gil Guignat
Phoenix Conservative Examiner

There are some 500,000 illegal immigrants plowing through Arizona every year. The damage to the environment is staggering. The crime from the drug trade is appalling. President Obama in his infinite wisdom now has enacted a policy to let anyone who can drive, walk or fly into the United States stay indefinitely and apply for a work permit and welfare benefits.

It is amazing that President Obama is competing with PresidentJimmy Carter for who has the most stupid and disastrous DREAM ACT and who will have had the most destructive administration to the country’s wellbeing in the history of the United States.

The year was 1980 and the economy in Cuba was in shambleswhere the Cuban GDP shrank by 35%. Our genius president at the time was Jimmy Carter. He agreed along with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro to allow whoever wanted to leave Cuba to come and immigrate to the United States with no pre-conditions. The departure of these Cuban immigrants occurred from the Mariel Harbor in Cuba between April 15 and October 31 1980.

Not surprisingly, Obama’s DREAM ACT policies now allow anyone on the planet to walk, drive or fly to the United States with no pre-conditions. The new arrivals will also be allowed to apply for work permits and all welfare benefits.

Over 125,000 Cuban immigrants came into Florida and unemployment went up a whopping 50%. What do you think will happen to unemployment now that President Obama has announced to the whole planet that anyone can come and stay in the United States?

Criminals and the mentally ill

The Mariel boatlift started going badly when it was discovered that Castro emptied his prisons and asylums. He put the inmates on boats and sent them to Florida. Basically, President Carter created the necessary conditions so that the United States would be viewed as a dumping ground for the worst of the worst in society.

“Fidel Castro declared that those who were leaving the country were Lumpens (or undesirables) and the escoria (or scum) of Cuban society. America had been tricked into receiving Cuba’s undesirables among the refugees. Base-level cells of the Cuban Communist Party staged meetings at the homes of those known to be leaving the country. People were intimidated by these “repudiation meetings” (mitines de repudio) where the participants screamed obscenities and defiled the facades of the homes, throwing eggs and garbage, for hours. Those who opposed the intimidation became victims of the attacks themselves and lost their jobs or their seats at the college or university that they had been attending.Towards the end of the crisis, the repudiation meetings were forbidden, but the damage had already been done.

With no diplomatic ties or methods to distinguish refugee from inmate, many released inmates were eventually jailed in Florida for crimes they committed after their arrival.” More

Notice the last two lines of the above quote. The criminals that came from Castro’s emptied jails ended up in American jails.Homeland Security SecretaryJanet Napolitano recently said that granting work permits and essentially permanent status to illegal aliens would allow DHS to focus on the criminal elements. How exactly are they going to know what is criminal and what is not as millions of immigrants start flooding the borders? How exactly are they going to know which ones have criminal records in their respective countries and which ones do not? The answer is that they simply do not know. Arizona alone gets 500,000 illegal immigrants per year passing through the state.  

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When the DREAM Becomes a Nightmare


When the DREAM Becomes a Nightmare
Jul. 21 
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Governor Chris Christie is as effective a speaker on the issues of taxes, entitlement reform and school choice as you’ll ever find, Save Jerseyans. Plain spoken but substantively on-point; the clarity with which he speaks makes apolitical Americans want to get up and follow him and good faith dissenters concede the logic of his argument.

The so-called “YouTube moments” concerning ^^ are what we remember and, at least until Sandy and Bridgegate, they’re what defined his brand. Just as often, however, Chris Christie talks like what he is by training: a lawyer. And I don’t mean that in a disparaging way (I am one!). All the same, it can get him into trouble.

Immigration comes to mind as a prominent example.

It all started back in 2008, before he was even governor, when U.S. Attorney Christie inartfully tried to explain the difference between criminal illegal entry into the United States and civil penalties associated with overstaying a visa’s lifespan. I went easy on him at the time, but it was a lot more difficult to rationalize his support for a New Jersey version of the DREAM Act signed into law at the end of 2013.

Impossible, in fact.

Conservatives including yours truly warned that “compassionate” legislation would lead to a “magnet state” effect, inducing more illegal immigration without reforming the system to ensure equity for all of the affected parties. In short, a result with anything but a compassionate outcome! Opponents predictably scoffed at the criticism by trotting out the same old lame and unsubstantiated allegations of xenophobia.

Today, I get to say “I told you so” and it gives me absolutely no pleasure…

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