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Emily Kim Is Academy of the Holy Angels’ Governor’s School in the Sciences Nominee

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Englewood Cliffs NJ,  Emily Kim, an aspiring pediatric surgeon from Englewood Cliffs, is the Academy of the Holy Angels’ nominee for the Governor’s School of New Jersey Program in the Sciences. Kim is now preparing her formal application to the selection panel at Drew University. Selections will be announced in April.

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Drew University Sues Film Production Company Over Alleged $130,000 Owed for Filming on Campus

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photo courtesy of Drew University

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Madison NJ, idyllic Drew University is taking a film production company and its partners to court on claims that the company never paid the more than $130,000 it owes for filming on campus last January.

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Pricey N.J. college gets stung by credit agency junk rating

Drew University

By Adam Clark | NJ Advance Media for
on March 20, 2017 at 2:13 PM, updated March 20, 2017 at 4:30 PM

MADISON — New Jersey’s second-most expensive college has been losing money and faces a difficult path to regaining financial stability, according to a Wall Street credit rating agency.

Moody’s Investors Service on Friday downgraded Drew University, a private college of about 1,800 students in Madison, for the second time in 15 months.

The downgrade reflects “the continued weakening of the university’s financial viability,” Moody’s reported. Drew, which costs more than $47,000 a year in tuition and fees, is operating with unsustainable deficits and relies on loans or money from its diminishing endowment to cover its bills, the agency said.

Moody’s dropped Drew’s rating from Ba3 to B2 on one set of bonds and from Ba3 to B3 on another. All of those ratings are categorized as junk bonds on Wall Street, and Drew’s credit outlook remains negative.

The latest downgrade could make it more expensive for Drew to borrow money in the future. It also marks the latest sign of financial trouble at the state’s small private colleges, where enrollment has plummeted as students seek less expensive options.

“This is disappointing,” university President MaryAnn Baenninger wrote in a letter about the downgrade sent to faculty and staff. “But it will not deter us from continuing steady progress towards a sustainable financial future.”