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Friday Afternoon Crash at Intersection of East Ridgewood and North Pleasant Avenues Diverts Traffic in Ridgewood

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, traffic was diverted from the 900 block of westbound East Ridgewood Avenue late Friday afternoon, 06/10, due to a single vehicle crash near the intersection of East Ridgewood and North Pleasant Avenues. The vehicle’s driver sustained a minor leg injury, but refused ambulance transport to a hospital. His 4-door sedan was towed from the scene. Ridgewood Police and Ridgewood Fire Department personnel & vehicles responded to aid the victim.

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Ridgewood Police Issue a Traffic Alert for East Ridgewood ,Pleasant Avenue Intersection

road work

Traffic Alert for Thursday 8/31/17

August 31,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The PSE&G gas line construction project on E. Ridgewood Avenue will be going through the intersection of Pleasant Avenue on Thursday 8/31/17. The intersection will be completely closed to traffic in all directions from 7:00am to 5:00pm. Detours will be in place . Expect delays if traveling through the area.

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East Ridgewood and South Van Dien Crash Puts Vehicle First Presbyterian Church’s front lawn

East Ridgewood and South Van Dien Crash

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

April 7,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A two (2) vehicle crash at the intersection of East Ridgewood and South Van Dien Avenues in Ridgewood on Friday morning, 04/07, sent one (1) vehicle up onto the nearby First Presbyterian Church’s front lawn. Both drivers involved in the mishap were evaluated on the scene by RIdgewood FD and EMS EMTs and both declined ambulance transportation to a hospital for further evaluation/treatment. Flatbed tow trucks removed both wrecked sedans. An Easter related lawn sign belonging to the church was damaged in connection with the collision. Ridgewood PD is investigating the incident.

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