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Election Season : Village of Ridgewood Regulations for Political Signs

village Council election

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Election season is upon us, with the General Election being held on November 2, 2021. The rule apply for everybody , not just the little people. 

Continue reading Election Season : Village of Ridgewood Regulations for Political Signs

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Paramus Mayor Goes on Tantrum over Election Challenge

Paramus Mayor Richard LaBarbiera

photo Paramus Mayor Richard LaBarbiera

July 25,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ , Paramus Mayor goes on the war path other the idea of an election challenge . According to Matthew Gilson ,” If you were not sure if Republicans were gaining traction in Paramus, Mayor “I Don’t Believe in Opponent’s Campaigning” just went on a catastrophic meltdown where now apparently he thinks he is so great there should not even be elections!! ”

Gilson is referring to Paramus Mayor Richard LaBarbiera diatribe where he assailed his opponent for daring to run against him .

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Reader says I lost so-called friends for expressing my opinion during the election season

Clinton vs Trump 2016

I lost so-called friends for expressing my opinion during the election season. I said Trump would win based on the crowds that he attracted to his rallies. The fact that Hillary needed celebs at her rallies and drew fewer people was an indication that she was not the most popular likely to win candidate.

So , I’m pretty smart and everybody hated what I said. I am smarter than the pollsters and the pundits, but get no money for my smartness hence I am stupid.