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New Jersey Lawmakers Consider Preemptive Ban on Octopus Farming

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, As concerns about animal welfare and environmental impact grow, New Jersey lawmakers are taking a proactive approach to ban octopus farming before it begins in the Garden State. While no octopus farms currently exist in New Jersey, a proposed bill introduced in Trenton last month aims to prohibit the operation, sale, possession, transportation, or distribution of farm-raised octopus for human consumption.

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The Environmental Impact of Drain Cleaning Products and Alternatives

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Cleaning drains is essential for maintaining a functional plumbing system, but the environmental impact of traditional drain-unclogging products is significant. Many commercial drain cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can harm aquatic ecosystems, contribute to pollution, and pose health risks. Understanding these impacts and exploring eco-friendly alternatives can help you make more sustainable choices for maintaining your drains.

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What Role Does Energy Management Play in Sustainable Living?

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There is no denying that Earth’s fate is contingent upon individuals’ actions and conduct. Therefore, sustainable living is no longer an abstract concept but a catchphrase that should motivate everybody to change their lifestyle. This term implies a wide range of habits and activities aimed at reducing environmental harm and promoting future well-being. 

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The New Jersey Student Climate Advocates Express Concerns over the Decision of the Ridgewood Village Council to Remove Trees at the Schedler Property

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Dear Mayor Paul Vagianos, et al,
We are writing on behalf of the New Jersey Student Climate Advocates to express our concerns over the decision of the Ridgewood Village Council to remove trees at the Schedler property for the building of a turf field. It directly contradicts the fundamentals of the recently passed Green Amendment, as it jeopardizes the conservation and maintenance of Ridgewood’s public natural resources.

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Morris County Commissioner Mastrangelo says Offshore Wind Project Should be Halted Pending Oversight, Dead Whales, Economics are Concerns

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Montville NJ, With dead mammals washing up on New Jersey beaches and with a lack of financial details on the state’s offshore wind farm program, the Ocean First project should be halted until there is legislative oversight of the project said Morris County Commissioner and State Senate candidate Thomas Mastrangelo.

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Will Electric Cars Save The Planet , Maybe Not ?

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the staff of the Ridgewood

Ridgewood NJ, Ross Clark, a columnist for Britain’s Daily Telegraph, has done some interesting math on whether battery cars save energy.

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