Location: Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce, 27 Chestnut St., Ridgewood, NJ 07450
2 hour tech workshops
that will save you
10 hours of time.
Sign up for summer workshops in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Our highly-experienced instructor will provide training that’s usually only available in large corporations. He’ll offer expert answers in clear, easy-to-understand language. Even if you’ve used these software programs for years, this training will improve your productivity, reduce stress, and save you money.
This specially-priced opportunity is for fellow Chamber members and their employees. Workshops will be held in the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce office. Summer sessions will run from 7/18/16 – 8/5/16. Reserve a spot now by contacting solutions@bergenit.net or calling 201-689-1823. For more details and the schedule of sessions.