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Why is Ridgewood Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd discussing official Village business on a restricted Facebook Group’s page?

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the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ,. it has come to the attention of The Ridgewood Blog that Councilwoman Siobhan Winograd is cross-posting from her official, and hopefully unrestricted, Facebook page (see accompanying photo) over to a restricted Facebook Group’s page. Following her cross-posts, there are back and forth discussions between the Councilwoman and members of the restricted Facebook Group. Most of these recent discussions concern proposed development plans for the Schedler property.

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Readers takes issue with the “Ridgewood Moms” Facebook group

ridgewood moms

Usually Rurik is to be totally ignored, but let’s address one thing he spoke about last night.He touted the benefits and wonders of the Ridgewood moms and dads page. The one stop place for information on all local happenings.

Except if you happen to be anyone with an opinion that differs from the site moderator who happens to do the bidding of our village manger, Rurik and a few others who are like minded.The moderator pergolas has ties to other local organizations which would benefit from keeping only one side of the story visible to as many residents as he can reach.

So, say you are someone who should want to post any opposing view of Rurik, or post factual information about something like say, the petition, your post is deleted and you’re removed from the site. Some people may get a warning that their many neighbors are complaining about them- probably not- and you’re allowed to reapply for admission to censorship central at a later time.

The moderator of the site that Halaby finds so helpful, is censoring what a good portion of Ridgewood residents see. Some people don’t know there are other places to go to get a well balanced view of town happenings.Just figured it should be put out there.

The moderator and his wife are all easily enough found out off of this blog. All easily looked up.

He deletes immediately and removes the comments of, anyone who dares to speak out against the council majority. He thr. Sends messages to the offenders which are sometimes direct quotes from Roberta.
Unfortunately a lot of new people to town, or people not as aware as others, use that site as a place for legit information.
That man has set himself up as the censor for Ridgewood.Unacceptable.
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Friends of Schedler Launches Facebook Group

Save Our Schedler Members & Friends at the Schedler House3
file photo by Boyd Loving
November 30 ,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, It’s taken a little while to get the Friends of Schedler facebook page started but it’s ready.
You are all invited to come take a look, join and better understand where This neighborhood is, what situations the local neighbors are facing and what situations the kids would be facing if a field were built here. Come see the exposure to Rt 17 and the close proximity the children would be playing to that busy highway.
“Our mission: To promote the responsible development of the Schedler parcel, the last open space in Ridgewood, with consideration of the environment, neighborhood, and town.”