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When The Facts Get In The Way Of A Good Story

Joshua S
July 19,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, This afternoon, Josh Gottheimer’s campaign unveiled a list of “Republicans Who Have Endorsed Josh.”

Except…the facts don’t exactly support the headline.

As is so typical of the dishonest Clinton Playbook, Mr. Gottheimer’s “Republican endorsement” list is filled with Democrats and people that aren’t even registered voters in the Fifth District, much less key “Republican endorsements.”

While Mr. Gottheimer doesn’t want the facts to get in the way of a good press cycle, his list, and the publicity stunt promoting it, is absurd.

Like his mentor Hillary Clinton, Mr. Gottheimer is a Democrat who tries to say all the right things in order to hoodwink voters into supporting him – but will pursue a radical left agenda in office, aimed at repaying the special interests that funded his campaign.

Voters in the Fifth District deserve to hear the truth from Josh Gottheimer – not just campaign propaganda.