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Antisemitic Graffiti Found at Fair Lawn High School Sparks Investigation

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, Fair Lawn High School and local authorities are investigating after antisemitic graffiti, including a swastika, was discovered in a student restroom. The disturbing incident has prompted a swift response from both school officials and law enforcement.

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Fair Lawn Mayor Says the Media Got the Story All Wrong

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Fair Lawn NJ, Fair Lawn Mayor Gail Rottenstrich posted on Facebook on Monday about a story “accusing Fair Lawn High School of banning the wearing of yellow ribbons as a symbol of support for the return of the hostages brutally taken from Israel one year ago.”

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Pepper Spray Released Multiple Injuries at Fair Lawn High School Reported

Pepper Spray Released Multiple Injuries at Fair Lawn High School Reported

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving

May 26,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, At approximately 1:45 PM on Thursday, 05/25, Fair Lawn PD, EMS, FD, and Heavy Rescue personnel responded to a report of a chemical release with multiple injuries at Fair Lawn High School, 14-00 Berdan Avenue, Fair Lawn. Upon arrival, first responders observed that the entire building was being evacuated. The chemical was determined to have been pepper spray that had been released via canister in a stairwell of the building. Although there were reports of students choking and gasping for air, no one was transported to the hospital for treatment. Fair Lawn PD is investigating the source of the pepper spray canister.

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Multiple Schools in Bergen And Passaic Counties Receive Bomb Threats on Wednesday Morning

Multiple Schools in Bergen And Passaic Counties Receive Bomb Threats
photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Paige
Multiple Schools in Bergen And Passaic Counties Receive Bomb Threats on Wednesday Morning
April 14,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Fairlawn NJ, Bomb threats were telephoned into several schools in Bergen and Passaic Counties on Wednesday morning, 04/13, including Fair Lawn High School, which was not in session, and Hawthorne High School, where students were evacuated to a nearby athletic field. Local and county law enforcement personnel responded to both of the aforementioned incidents.
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The Bergen Record reported at least 21 North Jersey schools receive bomb threats.