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Black Self-Sabotage


Black Self-Sabotage
Walter E. Williams | Jul 31, 2013

If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn’t develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let’s look at it.

First, weaken the black family, but don’t blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today’s weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, “It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes.” The real issue, he went on to say, “is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income.” That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check.

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Juan Williams: No. 1 cause of death for African-American males 15-34 is murder


Juan Williams: No. 1 cause of death for African-American males 15-34 is murder

By Linda Qiu on Sunday, August 24th, 2014 at 4:19 p.m.

Amid ongoing protests in Ferguson, Mo., the national conversation about racial justice and police force has ignored a critical point that needs to be discussed, said Fox News pundit Juan Williams

Civil rights activists and black leaders have failed to address the very thing that’s fueling conservative, white backlash — the high crime rate among the black community, particularly among young black men, Williams said on Aug. 24th’sFox News Sunday.

“I think there’s fear of intimidation, harassment being legitimized by the fact that there is a high rate of crime, especially among young black men,” Williams said. “No. 1 cause of death, young black men 15 to 34 — murder. Who’s committing the murder? Not police. Other black men.”

Last year, PolitiFact found that 93 percent of murder victims were killed by someone who shares their race. This time, we want to check out Williams’ claim that homicide is the No. 1 cause of death for black men 15-34 years old.


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Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon Activates Missouri National Guard

Missouri Governor announces $500,000 for tutoring and enrichment services for students in St. Louis

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon Activates Missouri National Guard
November 17, 2014 2:19 PM

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon released the following news release:

“Gov. Jay Nixon today signed an executive order activating the Missouri National Guard to support law enforcement during any period of unrest that might occur following the grand jury’s decision concerning the investigation into the death of Michael Brown. The Governor said the Guard will provide support for law enforcement’s objectives of maintaining safety and protecting constitutional rights.

“As part of our ongoing efforts to plan and be prepared for any contingency, it is necessary to have these resources in place in advance of any announcement of the grand jury’s decision,” Gov. Nixon said. “These additional resources will support law enforcement’s efforts to maintain peace and protect those exercising their right to free speech. The National Guard is well-suited to provide security at command posts, fire stations and other locations as well as perform other functions that will free up law enforcement officers to remain focused on community policing and protecting constitutional rights.”

Gov. Nixon’s executive order also establishes that the Missouri State Highway Patrol, St. Louis County Police Department and St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department will operate as a unified command to keep members of the public safe and protect property, while allowing citizens to exercise their constitutional rights. Under the executive order, the St. Louis County Police Department will have command and operational control over security in the City of Ferguson in areas of protests and acts of civil disobedience, should such activities occur.

“All people in the St. Louis region deserve to feel safe in their communities and to make their voices heard without fear of violence or intimidation,” said Gov. Nixon. “Public safety demands that we are fully prepared for any contingency, regardless of what the St. Louis County grand jury or the U.S. Department of Justice decides.”

The St. Louis County prosecutor has said publicly that an announcement of the grand jury’s decision will be made later this month. The United States Department of Justice, which is conducting both civil and criminal investigations of the death of Michael Brown, has not announced when its investigations will be concluded.

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Police Officer in Ferguson Is Said to Recount a Struggle


Police Officer in Ferguson Is Said to Recount a Struggle


WASHINGTON — The police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., two months ago has told investigators that he was pinned in his vehicle and in fear for his life as he struggled over his gun with Mr. Brown, according to government officials briefed on the federal civil rights investigation into the matter.

The officer, Darren Wilson, has told the authorities that during the scuffle, Mr. Brown reached for the gun. It was fired twice in the car, according to forensics tests performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The first bullet struck Mr. Brown in the arm; the second bullet missed.

The forensics tests showed Mr. Brown’s blood on the gun, as well as on the interior door panel and on Officer Wilson’s uniform. Officer Wilson told the authorities that Mr. Brown had punched and scratched him repeatedly, leaving swelling on his face and cuts on his neck.

This is the first public account of Officer Wilson’s testimony to investigators, but it does not explain why, after he emerged from his vehicle, he fired at Mr. Brown multiple times. It contradicts some witness accounts, and it will not calm those who have been demanding to know why an unarmed man was shot a total of six times. Mr. Brown’s death continues to fuel anger and sometimes-violent protests.

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Politico Reports MSNBC Host Al Sharpton Was Obama’s Eyes and Ears In Ferguson


Politico Reports MSNBC Host Al Sharpton Was Obama’s Eyes and Ears In Ferguson
By Tim Graham | August 22, 2014 | 09:53

In yet more proof that MSNBC has absolutely no sense of journalistic detachment from the Obama White House or political activism in the streets, Politico’s Glenn Thrush is reporting that Team Obama was plumbing Sharpton for information he gleaned on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri.

“Sharpton—so often criticized for being a self-promoter—finds himself in the unusual position of being too close to a White House that seems to be losing power by the day, ” Thrush wrote. But Sharpton is still boasting that it was his sincerity that bonded him with the president: 

Over the years, the 59-year-old former Brooklyn protest leader turned MSNBC talk-show host has embraced a new identity, one that reflects his evolution from agitator to insider with all that implies. In Ferguson, Sharpton established himself as a de facto contact and conduit for a jittery White House seeking to negotiate a middle ground between meddling and disengagement.

“There’s a trust factor with The Rev from the Oval Office on down,” a White House official familiar with their dealings told me. “He gets it, and he’s got credibility in the community that nobody else has got. There’s really no one else out there who does what he does.”

And the White House, as the crisis following Brown’s death seemed to flare out of control, worked extensively behind the scenes to maximize The Rev’s doing what he does, using him as both a source of information and a go-between. After huddling with Brown’s family and local community leaders, Sharpton connected directly with White House adviser and First Friend Valerie Jarrett, vacationing in her condo in the exclusive Oak Bluffs section of Martha’s Vineyard, not far from where President Obama and his family were staying. Obama was “horrified” by the images he was seeing on TV, Jarrett told Sharpton, and proceeded to pepper him with questions as she collected information for the president: How bad was the violence? Was it being fueled by outside groups—and could Sharpton do anything to talk them down? What did the Brown family want the White House to do? [Italics in the original.]

If anything, the Ferguson crisis has underscored Sharpton’s role as the national black leader Obama leans on most, a remarkable personal and political transformation for a man once regarded with suspicion and disdain by many in his own party. It’s a status made all the more surprising given that Obama, America’s first black president, ran on a platform of moving beyond the country’s painful racial divisions while Sharpton is the man who once defined those divisions for many Americans.

What brought them together, according to numerous sources I’ve spoken with about this over the years, is a shared commitment to racial justice, and a hardheaded pragmatism that has fueled their success. “He realized I wasn’t as irrational or as crazy as people thought,” Sharpton told me in an interview this week, and indeed Sharpton not only visits the White House frequently, he often texts or emails with senior Obama officials such as Jarrett and Attorney General Eric Holder, the first African American to hold that job and who, like Sharpton, views the Ferguson crisis as a pivotal one in Obama’s presidency.

“I’ve known Al since he was 12 years old, and he’s arrived at the level he always wanted to arrive at, which is gratifying,” the Rev. Jesse Jackson, a colleague and sometimes rival, told me. “He’s the man who’s the liaison to the White House, he’s the one who’s talking to the Justice Department….”

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“He’s calculating … he gets the game,” Sharpton recently told an associate when asked about why he’s bonded with Obama.

“The relationship evolved over time,” Sharpton explained to me. “I realized he was just a different kind of guy. … He wasn’t going to be guided by emotions. He was not intimidated. There was no game you could play [with him]. The key for him was seeing that I wasn’t insincere, that I actually believed in the stuff I was talking about.”

Read more:

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The Rise of the Warrior Cop: Police Militarization in Ferguson — and Your Town


The Rise of the Warrior Cop: Police Militarization in Ferguson — and Your Town

As the unfolding events in Ferguson, MO—a town of 21,000 outside of St. Louis—demonstrate, America’s domestic police forces have come to resemble the standing armies the Founders feared.

“Why armored vehicles in a Midwestern inner suburb?,” asks Cato’s Walter Olson. Why fire tear gas canisters at people standing in their own yards? “Shock and awe” tactics are fast becoming the new normal as federal policy has fed an unhealthy warrior mentality among what used to be called “peace officers”—with federal subsidies and Pentagon giveaways of military ordnance.

The clampdown in Ferguson highlights the dangers of our drift toward paramilitary policing, as well as the broader trend of law-enforcement lawlessness documented by Cato’s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project.

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Reader says , Ferguson the media will only report it when they are forced to.


file photo Boyd Loving

Reader says , Ferguson the media will only report it when they are forced to.

It serves their purpose to ‘cherry pick’ what to report- that which incites the masses. “Unarmed black teenager shot by white cop”.
The correct headline would be ‘robber shot by police officer during struggle for officers gun’.. after big thug robber tries to beat the shit out of the cop.
Remember ‘poor little trayvon’? The media showed pictures of him when he was TWELVE YEARS OLD. After the fact we finally saw the ACTUAL pictures of the 17 or 18 year old TEENAGE THUG.
Read the local newspapers. When there is a robbery, the local papers describe the robber, and will state that the suspect is Asian, middle eastern, white, or Hispanic. They will NEVER describe a suspect as black. WHen they leave out the race, its quite simple to ‘connect the dots’ and figure out what race it is.
THe media has done a dis-service to blacks by trying to hide their actions and created a racial divide that gets worse every day


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BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack


BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack

Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 10:00 AM

The Gateway Pundit can now confirm from two local St. Louis sources that police Officer Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with deceased 18 year-old Michael Brown. Officer Wilson clearly feared for his life during the incident that led to the shooting death of Brown. This was after Michael Brown and his accomplice Dorian Johnson robbed a local Ferguson convenience store.


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Police Militarization in Ferguson — and Your Town


Police Militarization in Ferguson — and Your Town

Why armored vehicles in a Midwestern inner suburb? Why would cops wear camouflage gear against a terrain patterned by convenience stores and beauty parlors? Why are the authorities in Ferguson, Mo. so given to quasi-martial crowd control methods (such asbans on walking on the street) and, per the reporting of Riverfront Times, the firing of tear gas at people in their own yards? (“ ‘This my property!’ he shouted, prompting police to fire a tear gas canister directly at his face.”) Why would someone identifying himself as an 82nd Airborne Army veteran, observing the Ferguson police scene, comment that “We rolled lighter than that in an actual warzone”?

As most readers have reason to know by now, the town of Ferguson, Mo. outside St. Louis, numbering around 21,000 residents, is the scene of an unfolding drama that will be cited for years to come as a what-not-to-do manual for police forces. After police shot and killed an unarmed black teenager on the street, then left his body on the pavement for four hours, rioters destroyed many local stores. Since then, police have refused to disclose either the name of the cop involved or the autopsy results on young Michael Brown; have not managed to interview a key eyewitness even as he has told his storyrepeatedly on camera to the national press; have revealed that dashcams for police cars were in the city’s possession but never installed; have obtained restrictions on journalists, including on news-gathering overflights of the area; and more.

The dominant visual aspect of the story, however, has been the sight of overpowering police forces confronting unarmed protesters who are seen waving signs or just their hands.

If you’re new to the issue of police militarization, which Overlawyered has covered occasionally over the past few years, the key book is Radley Balko’s, discussed at this Cato forum:

Federal grants drive police militarization. In 2012, as I was able to establish in moments through an online search, St. Louis County (of which Ferguson is a part) got a Bearcat armored vehicle and other goodies this way. The practice can serve to dispose of military surplus (though I’m told the Bearcat is not military surplus, but typically purchased new) and it sometimes wins the gratitude of local governments, even if they are too strapped for cash to afford more ordinary civic supplies (and even if they are soon destined to be surprised by the high cost of maintaining gear intended for armed combat).

As to the costs, some of those are visible in Ferguson, Mo. this week.

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Rand Paul: ‘Big Government Has Been at the Heart of the Problem’ in Ferguson


Rand Paul: ‘Big Government Has Been at the Heart of the Problem’ in Ferguson
Katrina Trinko / @KatrinaTrinko / August 14, 2014

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., today blasted “big government” in response to the current situation in Ferguson, Mo.

In an op-ed published in Time, Paul wrote, “Not surprisingly, big government has been at the heart of the problem.” He continued:

“Washington has incentivized the militarization of local police precincts by using federal dollars to help municipal governments build what are essentially small armies—where police departments compete to acquire military gear that goes far beyond what most of Americans think of as law enforcement.”

Talking about the photos and footage coming out of Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis, Paul wrote that they “resemble war more than traditional police action.”

The Kentucky senator, however, also sounded a cautious note about the protests in Ferguson, writing, “The outrage in Ferguson is understandable—though there is never an excuse for rioting or looting.”

“There is a legitimate role for the police to keep the peace,” Paul added, “but there should be a difference between a police response and a military response.”

There have been protests in Ferguson since the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was killed in an interaction with a police officer Saturday.

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Ferguson, Mo., crisis echoes in Bergen County debate


Ferguson, Mo., crisis echoes in Bergen County debate

AUGUST 14, 2014, 9:27 PM    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 2014, 12:11 AM

What had been a local debate over the use of surplus military armored vehicles for law enforcement in Bergen County intensified Thursday when U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder criticized the use of similar equipment to quell looting and civil unrest in Ferguson, Mo.

Holder issued a statement that condemned the violence by both civilians and police in the aftermath of the fatal shooting Saturday of an unarmed black 18-year-old by a white police officer. He also questioned the use of military vehicles that Ferguson police obtained through a federal program.

“At a time when we must seek to rebuild trust between law enforcement and the local community, I am deeply concerned that the deployment of military equipment and vehicles sends a conflicting message,” Holder stated. “At my direction, Department officials have conveyed these concerns to local authorities.”

His remarks drew immediate parallels to the debate now raging in Bergen County, where the Sheriff’s office has moved to obtain two MRAPs – “mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles” – through a U.S. Department of Defense program that has distributed some 600 of the vehicles to law enforcement agencies around the country in the past year.

The issue also has become a major factor in Bergen political races this year, including County Executive Kathleen Donovan’s bid for re-election.

Donovan has questioned the move by Bergen Sheriff Michael Saudino, a fellow Republican, to acquire the vehicles, saying that it unnecessarily “militarizes” police operations in Bergen County.

– See more at:

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A city ripped apart: Heavily-armed SWAT teams fire tear gas on demonstrators and arrest two journalists in FOURTH night of clashes over the shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown

Ferguson, Missouri, endured a fourth night of pitched battles between police and protestors
SWAT officers and 500 protestors faced-off in St. Louis suburb
Tear gas was then fired as the crowd chanted ‘Hands Up! Don’t Shoot’
Smoke bombs were also lobbed into the crowd after dark
Protestors responded by attempting to throw Molotov cocktails
Earlier two reporters were arrested and then released without charge
Demonstrations in the St Louis suburb were sparked by police shooting of an unarmed teenager Michael Brown on Saturday night
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon cancelled all appearances on Wednesday night and said he would visit Ferguson on Thursday


PUBLISHED: 20:38 EST, 13 August 2014 | UPDATED: 16:36 EST, 14 August 2014

Heavily armed SWAT police trained their guns on the public and fired tear gas in Ferguson, Missouri, last night as racial unrest over the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen rocked the St. Louis suburb for the fourth night running.

An estimated 500 people, who had been protesting 18-year-old Michael Brown’s death on Saturday, ignored the night curfew imposed by police and instead faced-off against officers chanting ‘Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!’

After repeatedly asking them to disperse, the riot police then fired tear gas into the crowd to break it up, causing scenes that resembled a war zone as another night of clashes was sparked between authorities and furious protestors.

The protestors that remained entered into pitched street battles with police and lobbed Molotov cocktails at the camouflage-clad officers who responded with more tears gas and smoke bombs although there were no immediate reports of injuries but at least 18 arrests.

Read more: 

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Libertarian, Liberal Lawmakers Share Concerns About Police Tactics in Ferguson


Libertarian, Liberal Lawmakers Share Concerns About Police Tactics in Ferguson

As many Americans turned to Twitter TWTR +2.67% to follow the chaos unfolding in Ferguson, Mo., some members of Congress — currently on August recess —  tiptoed onto social media to weigh in as well.

The reactions came from across the political spectrum, with many calling for peaceful protests but also expressing serious concerns over the tactics used by police.  The confrontations between police and protesters came after the weekend shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown.

Rep. Justin Amash (R., Mich.), a conservative with libertarian leanings, was one of the first to tweet, calling the reports from Ferguson “frightening” and asking “Is this a war zone or a US city?” He said the government was escalating tensions with use of military equipment and tactics.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.)  tweeted: “This is America, not a war zone. The people of #Ferguson just want answers. We all want answers.”

Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J.), an avid user of social media, tweeted a photo of people holding a sign that read, “Peaceful protest is a right.”

Missouri Sens. Roy Blunt (R.) and Claire McCaskill (D.) also used Twitter to assure constituents they were working to resolve the situation. Mr. Blunt said he was “staying in contact w/ local, state & federal officials & urge everyone to please be safe in #Ferguson,” while  Ms. McCaskill saying she was “continuing to work the phones to de escalate the tense and unacceptable situation in Ferguson.”