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The Ridgewood Guild 12th International Film Festival ,Bow Tie Cinema April 26th and 27th

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Guild 12th International Film Festival is an annual film festival that takes place in Ridgewood, New Jersey. The festival features a diverse selection of independent films from around the world, including short films, documentaries, and feature-length films.

Continue reading The Ridgewood Guild 12th International Film Festival ,Bow Tie Cinema April 26th and 27th

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The Ridgewood Guild’s 6th Annual Film Festival


Join us for the The Ridgewood Guild’s 6th Annual Film Festival: April 19, 20, and 21!

Purchase your tickets today:

Preliminary Schedule (subject to change)

Monday, April 18 – Film Festival Launch Party at Fish
Tuesday, April 19 – Festival Kickoff at the Ridgewood Public Library
Wednesday, April 20 – Festival Night 2 at Bow Tie Cinemas
Thursday, April 21 – Final Festival Night at Bow Tie Cinemas

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Congratulations to our youngest filmmaker for being accepted into our festival!!!! The Waiting Room will screen on Wed. April 20 at approximately 7:30.

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Congratulations Cat London…The Garden State Film Festival’s choice for best Home Grown Music Video, “The Right Way.” See Cat’s live performance of The Right Way at The Ridgewood Guild’s 6th Annual International Film Festival, Thurs. April 21.

Screening at The Ridgewood Guild International Film Festival on Wed. April 20. Two nostalgic entries on the iconic theme park…Palisades

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Ridgewood Guild offers art, music, films

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AUGUST 14, 2015    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 2015, 12:31 AM

The Ridgewood Guild is giving residents an opportunity to take in cultural programs, free of charge, on several evenings throughout the summer.

One such program is Music in the Night, a live music performance hosted by the Guild each Friday.

The event, which takes place primarily outside Guild businesses, features musicians of all sorts, “from soloists to five-piece groups and in between,” according to the organization’s president, Tony Damiano.

The performers also range in age, with 11-year-old Jake Thistle being the youngest thus far, Damiano said. Many students from Ridgewood High School also grace the stage.