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Jeff Bell Says Booker looks to the same people who got us into the financial catastrophe of 2008 for economic advise


Jeff Bell Says Booker looks to the same people who got us into the financial catastrophe of 2008 for economic advise 

But Do you really trust these “experts” to run the economy?

Ridgewood NJ, Cory Booker does. He thinks we should listen to them – the people that got us into the financial catastrophe of 2008 – about how to get people back to work. He invokes expert opinion against my monetary policy planas his reason for opposing it. He’s a U.S. Senator and he can’t even come up with his own reasons.  
This time Cory Booker picked the wrong guy to use this tactic against. Bell has plenty of experience taking on the experts in their own backyard. 

Here’s what economist John Mueller told the Associated Press the other day:

“It wouldn’t be the first time that the majority of Ph.D. economists were on one side and Jeff was on the other and he turned out to be right.”

When Jeff tried to persuade the Republican establishment to embrace lower taxes, the experts said it was a foolish idea. By 1986 we passed a tax reform bill that took the top rate down from 50 to 28 percent – with even Ted Kennedy voting for it.
In the eighties and nineties the economy took off with the end of high taxes and inflation. Expert opinion tends to stagnate over time and every so often voters need to show the experts they’re wrong. I think we’re in one of those times again, especially when it comes to our money.

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