Fishbein: Why do I follow proposed legislation?
Friday, February 28, 2014
Each week I monitor proposed, new and pending legislation. Why?
Generally, I do this because I find a significant amount of legislation interferes with the operation and efficiency of our district. When I determine legislation that is or will be problematic to the district, I both inform the Ridgewood Board of Education of the issue and I write a letter to the state officials explaining how this legislation will negatively impact our mission of excellence.
At times my letters result in formal Ridgewood Board of Education (BOE) resolutions — either supporting or opposing — that are officially passed by the BOE after public discussion. In addition, many resolutions come from individual BOE members themselves, who also monitor legislation on their own or through their active involvement in various school issue-based organizations such as the New Jersey School Boards Association and the Garden State Coalition of Schools.
Since our legislators are busy people who receive thousands of pieces of legislation, interact with other constituents and must deal with other distractions from within their own organization, my letters and BOE resolutions help keep our representatives informed as to our stance on the education bills that cross their desks on a regular basis.
– See more at: https://www.northjersey.com/news/education/247718541_Fishbein__Why_do_I_follow_proposed_legislation_.html#sthash.wpxxr65d.dpuf