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Village of Ridgewood Sued for Violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Ridgewood Village Hall 17

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a Ridgewood family has filed a federal lawsuit accounting the Village of Ridgewood of being in violation of the the Americans with Disabilities Act . Funny to happen in a town when its former Mayor Paul Aronsohn who is currently serving as New Jersey’s statewide Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities and Their Families – a position to which he was appointed by Governor Phil Murphy in April 2018. As such, he serves as the administration’s lead advocate and ally for New Jersey residents in need of critical services and supports ranging from early childhood through adulthood.

Continue reading Village of Ridgewood Sued for Violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act

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Former Mayor Paul Aronsohn Makes News in Ridgewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village Manager Keith Kazmark  has jumped the shark after posting on Facebook glowing praise for former Mayor Paul  Aronsohn.

Continue reading Former Mayor Paul Aronsohn Makes News in Ridgewood

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The Ridgewood blog whole heartily endorses Mayor Susan Knudsen and James Van Goor for election to the Village Council!

Vote Ridgewood NJ

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, the Village of Ridgewood once again faces a clear and present danger of being overrun by massive over development  and turned into Hackensack 2.0 . With great urgency the Ridgewood blog whole heartily endorses Mayor Susan Knudsen and James Van Goor for election to the Village Council.

Continue reading The Ridgewood blog whole heartily endorses Mayor Susan Knudsen and James Van Goor for election to the Village Council!

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Judge Lets Former Ridgewood Mayor and Former Village Manager Skate of Ethics Charges

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in a direct slap in the face to Ridgewood residents and taxpayers a New Jersey administrative law judge has cleared two former village officials of ethics misconduct charges stemming from the development and posting of a 2016 video about a parking garage referendum on the village website.

Continue reading Judge Lets Former Ridgewood Mayor and Former Village Manager Skate of Ethics Charges

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Reader says the prior council had too many commercial supporters and buddies to really know what was going on

3 amigos

I seriously do not believe that our present council members are in it for the non- existent money that they have pouring in for their votes. They are actually forfeiting time that could possibly be used to earn money instead. I’m afraid I can only say that about this council as prior ones had too many commercial supporters and buddies to really know what was going on.

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Fights, arrests after 300 youths converge on N.J. downtown

CBD high density housing

James – you should post about the ruckus last night in village of South Orange by 300 ‘youth’

The future of the village of Ridgewood once the urbanists have had their way with downtown.

Fights, arrests after 300 youths converge on N.J. downtown

By Noah Cohen | NJ Advance Media for
on May 02, 2017 at 2:46 PM, updated May 03, 2017 at 12:37 AM

SOUTH ORANGE — Police plan to boost patrols after officers from several departments were needed to disperse at least 300 young people who gathered in downtown South Orange late Saturday, sparking fights and blocking traffic.

South Orange Police Chief Kyle Kroll said Tuesday the crowd contained a mix of village teens and others from nearby communities, including Newark, East Orange and Irvington residents, who apparently arrived by public transportation.

The unruly crowd formed around 8 p.m. and kept officers busy until around midnight, according to police. Kroll said he requested assistance from the Essex County Sheriff’s Office, Maplewood and Orange police as altercations broke out among the throngs of teens and young adults.

“We just didn’t have enough officers to handle a crowd that large,” the chief said. “The agreement we have with surrounding [police departments] worked out well.

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Ridgewood Arts Foundation Honors Parlance Chamber Concerts and Art of Motion

Ridgewood 3 amigos

file photo by Boyd Loving

February 4,2017

the  staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Arts Foundation Honors were held on Sunday, January 29, 2017, 4-6pm, at Fish Restaurant in Ridgewood. Honorees for this inaugural event are Parlance Chamber Concerts and Art of Motion, two iconic Ridgewood performing arts organizations.

The event was hosted by former deputy mayor Albert Pucciarelli, now president of the Ridgewood Arts Foundation. Pucciarelli opened the evening by acknowledging those in attendance, including members of the Board of Education, council members and you guessed it former mayor Paul Aronsohn.

The Ridgewood Arts Foundation, a public charitable 501(c)(3) foundation, was created to provide funding for the many worthy artistic endeavors within our village, to encourage the further development of the arts in our community, and to establish a scholarship fund for art students from Ridgewood.

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Reader says Knudsen and Sedon went through Hades for two years with the Three Amigos insulting them at every turn.

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

Knudsen and Sedon went through Hades for two years with the Three Amigos insulting them at every turn. They do not deserve this kind of treatment from Voigt. It really must grate on them. If you think about it, that must be the desired result — to demoralize them, wear them out, and persuade them not to run for re-election. They are certainly under no obligation to run again but Ridgewood would be very fortunate if they were to do so. We need as many people like them as we can get in elected office. The amount of destructive energy the Three Amigos mustered and expended on a regular basis while in office was prodigious. They were constantly conniving and dissimulating, spewing their duplicitous rhetoric like possessed Energizer Bunnies. How good officeholders can justify dealing with that kind of stuff without resigning on the spot is a mystery but we are lucky here in Ridgewood.

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Guess who Showed at Ridgewood’s Winterfest

Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen

November 28th 2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen chatted with resident Boyd Loving during Saturday’s “Winterfest” event at Van Neste Memorial Park, guess who was watching them intently from several feet away,former mayor Paul Aronsohn.

IMG 9768

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Reader says it always appeared that Aronsohn sold Ridgewood out to developers and other profiteers with whom he wished to curry favor

Ridgewood 3 amigos

In my humble opinion, it always appeared that Aronsohn sold us out to developers and other profiteers with whom he wished to curry favor. Its shameful Yes, we have parking issues. They were never addressed by the Aronsohn administration because his focus was on those who seemed to want to profit from government largess and not Village residents. Distribution is probably our main “problem” – – and its good to see the new council recognizing that and attempting to address that issue before spending millions on a new garage. Yes, we may need a new garage, but let’s see what some of the other solutions are first. I thought Voght laid it out very nicely a meeting or two ago. Yes, let’s spend a few thousand on signs, parking and street re-alignment and then see if we need the garage. Keep up the good work!!

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Paul Aronsohn Allies Push to Curtail Public Comment at Ridgewood Village Council Meetings

3 amigos
August 11,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, an odd occurrence at the Village Council meeting last night  Siobhan Crann Winograd who has recently joined the League of Women Voters along with some other notables including Paul Aronsohn. Asked to curtail public comment at Village Council meetings . Given the former mayor and his cronies tried engineer the turning the Village into Union City despite the public out cry . The 3 amigos were famous for presenting done deals to residents then ignoring both their questions and objections. Siobhan who was involved with the horrible “civility committee ” also spoke in praise of Roberta as well as Rurik Halaby.
Jim Griffith also spoke about the garage and some ambiguities in Susan’s position but the new mayor handled it very well.  One other thing of particular interest was when the council was going over bills and the one for the garage video came up Mike and Susan both stated that they had never been informed of the decision to pay for the video and voiced real discomfort about. Jeff Voigt also voiced his concern and Bernie abstained from voting without comment. It was 4 yeses and one abstain but with vocal criticism.
Anne Loving asked whether the authorization of this video should be investigated and that those responsible should foot the bill.  Boyd Loving also spoke about not reducing public comment.
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Dogs are permitted at Habenickel Park in Ridgewood

ridgewood 4th parade rescuedogs

August 7th 2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog and readers

Ridgewood NJ, Dogs are permitted at Habenickel. According to ordinance 212-29, dogs are only prohibited at Citizens Park, Graydon Park, Maple Park, Pleasant Park, Twinney Pond Park, Van Neste Park and Vets Field. Of course the RWD News had a photo of someone with a dog in Van Neste a week or two ago. And Aronsohn and Hauck had their dogs at Van Neste for some dog parade thing. So the rules are broken all the time. Was the kid badly hurt at Health Barn? Dog bite wounds can be very nasty. Dogs who bite are nasty.

You are correct that the dogs are permitted at Habernickel – but watch this how Paul, Roberta, Albert everyone laughed at a neighbor in front of over 100 residents and told her that she was breaking the law by walking her dog in that park.

Roberta flip-flops more than GW Bush. When the neighbor complaint that permitting kids in the passive area will affect her dog walking, they laughed at her because that suited them at that time to silence her. When HealthBarn wanted to install a dog feeding station for their marketing, Roberta allowed her, and they responded to a resident that “read the code, dogs are allowed”.

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What Mr. Aronsohn failed to say


file photo by Boyd Loving

Editor, The Ridgewood Blog:

On July 20, 2016, The Ridgewood Blog posted a link to an Opinion Editorial written by former Ridgewood mayor Paul Aronsohn in which Mr. Aronsohn endorsed the construction of additional multi-family housing in Ridgewood, and also defended his active involvement in promoting the erection of a now contentious, multi-level parking garage at the intersection of Hudson and South Broad Streets in Ridgewood’s Central Business District.

Not surprisingly, Mr. Aronsohn’s editorial failed to include several key facts with regard to his tenure in office as they relate to multi-family housing and the proposed parking garage.

Firstly; public records available on line from the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission reveal that in 2012, Mr. Aronsohn accepted an “in kind” campaign contribution from a local real estate developer, Mr. John Saraceno, whose firm (Onyx Equities, LLC) has applied to construct new, high density, multifamily housing in Ridgewood.  Undoubtedly, Mr. Saraceno, will profit handsomely once construction is complete and all units in his building are rented.

Secondly, Mr. Saraceno’s firm owns a large commercial/retail establishment located within the very block as the parking garage Mr. Aronsohn and his supporters wanted to build (exact address is: 54 East Ridgewood Avenue).  In my opinion, the value of Mr. Saraceno’s property would have increased substantially if a several hundred space parking garage had been constructed within the same block as his property.

Finally, if you think that all of this wasn’t enough to raise the eyebrows of Ridgewood’s voters this past Spring, may I remind you that on July 3, 2013, Mr. Aronsohn, along with four (4) members of Ridgewood’s Village Council, attended a $1,000-a- head campaign fundraiser for Governor Chris Christie with free tickets to the event provided to them by Mr. John Saraceno.  This incident subsequently became the subject of a lead editorial in The Record on July 17, 2013.

Personally, I’d had enough of Mr. Aronsohn many, many months ago, and the results of a local election held in May, in which all of the candidates supported by Mr. Aronsohn for election to Village Council lost heavily, suggest that the vast majority of Ridgewood’s voters who cast ballots agreed with me that it was time for a big change in local government.

Boyd A. Loving

Ridgewood Resident

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Reader say Former Mayor Aronsohn and his Gang are looking to Undermine the New Council

3 amigos

file photo by Boyd Loving

Sore Losers plotting a come back?

Aronsohn’s recent op ed piece in The Record and Pucciarelli’s letter to the editor in The Ridgewood News suggest that their plan is to lob hand grenades into the Knudsen administration’s agenda with the hopes of inflicting casualties of some sort. SORE LOSERS.


Fool us once…Let them just go away. They will never return despite them still hanging around? Chamber of Commerce etc. Sore Loserman ran and lost and they eventually went away. So will these 3. The new Council is awesome and out of the ordinary issues will be attributed to those 3….so we will overcome. They are already off to a great start repealing Pfundwood! Can we get rid of that Gyro Wall next? Tell the sidewalk Nazi he may be next after the wall fall…wasn’t he responsible for the $750,000 coin guy? People have to be held responsible. Thank you 1st amendment…

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Reader asks There are rules (laws?) about this, which the previous Ridgewood council broke constantly

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

In fact, remembering the details of a meeting well enough to approve or question them is only possible within a very short time. Not to mention that just getting it out of the way immediately is the only sane way to proceed.

There are rules (laws?) about this, which the previous council broke constantly. And this has happened before, with previous councils approving months and months of meeting minutes all at once just before some of them stepped down from the dais for the last time. Hearing them approve many months of minutes that they couldn’t possibly have read through was proof positive, if we needed it, that they were hiding everything they could from the public and press and spending time only on issues from which they would benefit personally. Or at the very least, they were comfortable flouting the law and making things much harder for residents as well as others, including attorneys, researchers, developers, etc., seeking meeting minutes.