Reader says Please keep growing, PJ! We need it here in Ridgewood, now more than ever.
Yes, thank you PJ, and please bear in mind that if for whatever reason you stop providing this local service, not only will the sheer quantity of local public discourse immediately plummet, but its tenor and quality will also take a big hit. This is so in no small part because others whose personal political stock in trade appears to be in gratuitous humiliation and vilification of well-meaning colleagues and private citizens will be emboldened to increase the frequency and scale of their misbehavior.
With all the difficulties you can’t avoid, and must therefore endure, as a modern digital publisher of smallish size, you deserve to be recognized for your inspiring creativity, civic-mindedness, and clear devotion to essential Western values such as freedom of conscience, speech and association, virtuous self-government based on sound morality and a decent respect for the interests of one’s neighbors, and a healthy American skepticism when it comes to the stated, implied, or hidden motivations of elected and appointive government actors at all levels.
Local officeholders and policymakers, and municipal managers, employees, appointees, board members and volunteers know, or at least should know, that when it comes down to brass tacks, exists purely for the long-term benefit of the Village, its citizens, its taxpayers, and other residents. Any solicited or unsolicited criticism that comes their way from these parts or at public meetings is meant not for the sake of negativity or to drag anyone down, but to further the best interests of the village as they are perceived in good faith by your very neighbors. Because this fact may not be readily apparent when current issues are being hotly discussed, or when commenters insist on exercising their right (within reason) to remain anonymous, it should not go unmentioned for very long, and it ought to be called to mind by all local actors on a regular basis so that as few people as possible end up with their respective noses out of joint when the dust settles. (How’s that for a public civility strategy, Mr. Mayor?)
Please keep growing, PJ! We need it here in Ridgewood, now more than ever.