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Freeholder Candidate , Removal Of Bergen Prosecutor Molinelli,


Wednesday, Oct 07, 2015

Candidate for Bergen County Freeholder, Peter Rohrman released the following statement in response to recent a call to the Board of Chosen Freeholders to execute its authority under New Jersey law (NJSA 52:17B-106) to have the state’s Attorney General supersede Bergen County Prosecutor John Molinelli.

BERGEN COUNTY, NJ – Oct 6, 2015: In recent years, there have been numerous allegations reported by several news agencies that have cast a dark shadow over the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office. The list of allegations include bribery, illegal wiretapping, judicial intimidation, abuse of office, destruction of evidence, fraud, waste, no bid contract, and MURDER!

For a summary of a description of the allegations, I refer you to the columnist Bill Brennen’s article:

Beyond those allegations, our state’s Appellate Division and Supreme Court have repeatedly admonished the Bergen County Prosecutor’s behavior and actions.

I have previously raised these concerns in a recent interview with Alyana Alfaro of in an Aug 31 published interview. This issue needs to be at the forefront of this November’s election.

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John Mitchell just Might be the Hardest Working Freeholder Candidate this County Has Ever Seen

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October 5,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Unlike past years this years Freeholder contest is all about meeting and getting to know Bergen county. Candidate John Mitchell has been making the rounds non stop from months listen to what people in the county are concerned about .
It was a “Win-Win” at the Ridgewood train station this morning…

…It was a “win” that I was able to help a commuter understand the intricacies of the unfair school funding formula and how it impacts his ever rising property taxes. And it was also a “win” that I had a chance to meet hundreds of residents in this beautiful town.

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“I’m always nervous when speaking to a large group of women and particularly beautiful women”…

…was my quote at the Republican Women’s Annual Candidates Showcase. In all seriousness though, the Bergen County Republican Women are the BCRO’s heart and soul and I very much appreciate their tireless hard work and support!

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What is a Freeholder?…

…That was the operative question of the morning at the Oradell train station. When I explained that the The Board of Chosen Freeholders acts as the legislature for Bergen County and controls what county government can spend, things became a bit clearer…and certainly the commuters were happy to hear that my running mates and I have specific plans on how to reel in the ever burdensome property taxes hoisted on the backs of our hard working citizens.

…The Oradell train station also accommodates surrounding towns including the great town of New Milford. I was joined by New Milford Council Candidate Matt Seymour along with Oradell Council President Donna Alonso. Our tag teaming of commuters from the various towns was very productive indeed

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“The Junior Statesmen of America”…

…were NJ Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi’s and my audience at Dwight Morrow High School. The subject today was how state and county government works followed by a rapid fire Q&A covering everything from the presidential election, Planned Parenthood, to how we entered politics. They kept us on our toes but is was very enjoyable for all.

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“I love Bergen County but I know when I retire I will no longer be able to afford to live here.”…

…This has been a common sentiment as I campaign across the county, and River Edge was no exception. For that very reason my running mates and I have made it our top priority to tackle this problem, with property tax reduction at the top of the list.

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“Paramus is a great place to live but please help us keep it that way!’…

…That was what I heard from the hard working commuters/voters at the Paramus Park & Ride this morning. Business attraction, business retention and the elimination of unnecessary business regulations summarizes the conversations I had. Will do!

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Freeholder candidate has roots that run deep in Bergen County


Bernadette Walsh campaigning with Congressmen Scott Garrett

Freeholder candidate has roots that run deep in Bergen County

SEPTEMBER 28, 2014, 3:20 PM    LAST UPDATED: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2014, 3:34 PM

To understand Bernadette Walsh, one of two Republican candidates for Bergen County freeholder, it helps to know the story of the “bamboo man.”

That’s the nickname her late father, James Coghlan, picked up in the 1960s when he and his wife, Mary, cultivated bamboo as part of their greenhouse nursery business in Upper Saddle River.

They grew and sold bamboo to people like the philanthropist Doris Duke and to places like the now defunct Jungle Habitat in West Milford and the Polynesian exhibition at the 1964 World’s Fair in Flushing Queens.

James Coghlan wrote a book in 1965 called “The Story of Bamboo.” The couple even made an appearance on “The Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson.

Walsh was a small child when her parents closed the nursery to instead run a real estate and appraisal business near the train station in Ramsey for 25 years.

But their daughter recalled that time while talking about what she considers her proudest accomplishment in her four years as a Ridgewood councilwoman.

The self-described “tree hugger” helped revive the borough’s Shade Tree Commission, which had been dormant for many years. After Hurricanes Irene and Sandy toppled about 500 trees in town, Walsh said, people felt a need to be planting trees again.

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