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Village of Ridgewood Plans Parking Ticket Blitz to Fund Parking Garage on Hudson Street


Walker study update

•   Construction to start in May 2016, with the garage opening in February of 2017.

•   Non-resident permit rates adjusted to be the same as resident permit rates.

•   The first set of rate increases going into effect in July of 2016. These include extension of the

meter hours to 9 p.m. as well as increasing on-street meter rates in the core area to 75¢ per


•   The second set of increases – core meters to $1 and all other on- and off-street parking to

75¢ per hour – is projected to begin in February of 2017 when the garage opens.

•   It will be imperative that enforcement schedules are extended for the new meter hours and that enforcement is active. Weak enforcement will have a significant negative impact on the revenue stream from the extended meter hours; once people note that they never see people writing tickets in the evening and/or they “get away with it” once or twice, word will get out and the extended meter hours will not produce the level of revenue they should.

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Freeholders agree to fund parking study for Ridgewood


Freeholders agree to fund (another) parking study for Ridgewood
October 27, 2014    Last updated: Monday, October 27, 2014, 11:28 AM
By Jodi Weinberger
Staff Writer |
The Ridgewood News

The Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders voted Wednesday to fund a parking feasibility study in Ridgewood.

The resolution, passed unanimously by the seven-member board, specifically calls for the transfer of $179,160.92 from a 2002 rail network capital bond to the Bergen County Improvement Authority (BCIA), which will lead the study.

“I’m grateful to the Freeholder board and I’m encouraged that we have their full support,” said Mayor Paul Arohnson on Thursday. “That’s important. It’s great that we’re all on the same page.”

The dollar amount is what’s left of a $500,000 bond that was issued by the county in 2002 “for the engineering and design for the creation of a multi-county regional rail network,” which went to upgrades of train stations in several different towns.

In the resolution, the money is not specifically allocated to Ridgewood and can be used toward any municipality, said BCIA executive director Rob Garrison. He estimates that the study in Ridgewood will likely cost $100,000.

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