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Ridgewood Water Evaluation of Water Quality for Future Water Purchases

September 3,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Water comments on the evaluation of Water Quality for Future Water Purchases.

Ridgewood Water wishes to provide its customers with an update on its plan to evaluate the potential impacts of purchasing water from SUEZ Water in the future.  By way of background, Ridgewood Water purchases water from Suez to supplement the groundwater supply and maintain adequate supply and pressure during the summer months, when water usage is increased.  As our customers are aware, Ridgewood Water began adding a corrosion control treatment to the groundwater supply over a year ago.  This treatment helps to reduce lead and copper corrosion from home plumbing such as metal water taps, interior water pipes, or pipes connecting a house to the main water pipe in the street.  Since the introduction of the treatment, a significant reduction in lead and copper levels has been observed.  SUEZ Water has recently informed Ridgewood Water that it will begin introducing a different corrosion control treatment, zinc orthophosphate, to its water supply in October 2017.  Ridgewood Water is concerned that blending the two corrosion control treatments could produce unknown water quality impacts.

In order to study the impacts of blending the different corrosion control treatments, an engineering consultant, Mott MacDonald, has been hired to set up testing rigs in the Ridgewood Water and SUEZ systems.  These testing rigs will simulate the blending process and allow for controlled testing for any unknown/adverse impacts.  Ridgewood Water has informed SUEZ Water that it will cease to purchase water until such time that sufficient, satisfactory testing and evaluation has occurred.  Mott MacDonald will also perform a modeling assessment to determine the feasibility of replacing the SUEZ water supply with other sources in the event that purchasing from SUEZ is no longer an option.

Ridgewood Water remains committed to providing safe, reliable drinking water to its customers.  Thank you for your attention and support in this matter.


Ridgewood Water