Paramus NJ, the Borough of Paramus hopes to replace a significant amount of gas lines on a portion of Spring Valley Road before school starts next fall. According to Borough Administrator Hector Olmo
,“Public Service is going to be replacing about 9,000 feet of gas line on Spring Valley Road, from the transmission station down to Forest”
Ridgewood NJ, fanning the fear of inflation ,the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.8 percent in April on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.6 percent in March, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 4.2 percent before seasonal adjustment.
Linden NJ, Colonial Pipeline, the largest refined products pipeline company in the US, says it has experienced a major cyber-attack. The incident has prompted the company to halt all its pipeline operations.
Trenton NJ, Senator Michael Testa said Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to upend New Jersey’s energy supply could cost New Jersey tens of billions of dollars. Welcome to the 1970’s,
“The proposed Energy Master Plan that was recently unveiled by Governor Murphy could cost homeowners tens of thousands of dollars each to convert gas appliances to electric,” said Testa (R-1). “The governor’s plan could also force our utility companies to spend billions of dollars on new electric infrastructure which customers would ultimately pay through higher energy bills. What are we doing?”
Dear Nattering nabobs of negativism,
I just wanted to provide you with an end-of-August update on the large PSE&G Energy Strong Gas Glen Avenue modernization project that has been periodically causing traffic delays in the Village throughout the summer. The good news is that, barring any unforeseen circumstances, the major infrastructure work will be done by this Friday. The other good news is that the planned work has been completed on East Glen so there should be no detour issues impacting Travell School.
Over the next two days, the intersection of Monroe and Glen will be closed while work is being done; this will cause a significant detour and associated traffic problems. Please try to avoid this route as much as possible.
In the next several weeks, through late September, individual service line hook-ups will be scheduled with homeowners along West Glen. These hook-ups could result in intermittent lane closures.
Thanks for your patience during this period – we have been fortunate that, in working closely with PSE&G, they were able to complete the most impactful part of this project within the summer months. We are also fortunate that this major PSE&G project of modernization to our gas lines enhances the safety, cleanliness and reliability of the services that we rely on.
Work to begin on gas lines in Fair Lawn and Ridgewood
With approval of its Energy Strong program, Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (PSE&G) is upgrading gas facilities in Fair Lawn and Ridgewood.
The utility will be installing new gas mains, as well as upgrading associated service lines that carry the gas to homes and businesses. Beginning on or about July 28, work will take place Monday through Saturday between the hours of 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., conditions permitting. The project is expected to be complete by the end of the year.
Customers will be notified when work is about to begin in their area. This upgrade is part of PSE&G’s recently approved Energy Strong program to strengthen and protect the state’s electric and gas infrastructure from severe weather.
The impacted streets in Fair Lawn include 1st Street, 2nd Street between Morlot Avenue and 4th Street, 3rd Street between Bellair Avenue and Alyson Street, 4th Street between 2nd Street and Morlot Avenue, 4th Street between Berdan Avenue and Lyons Avenue, 5th Street between Morlot Avenue and Alyson Street, 6th Street between Morlot Avenue and Alyson Street, Alyson Street between 3rd Street and 6th Street, Arnot Place, Bellair Avenue between Arnot Place and 1st Street, Berdan Avenue to 1st Street, Bush Place, Canger Place, Chittenden Road, Dewey Place, Essex Place, Fairhaven Place between Chittenden Road and Cyril Avenue, Hamlin Court to Canger Place, Lambert Road between 1st Street and 4th Street, Lyons Avenue between 1st Street and River Road, Morlot Avenue between Passaic River and River Road, Plymouth Drive between Fairhaven Place and Ivy Lane and River Road to Morlot Avenue.
As part of Energy Strong, PSE&G will replace 250 miles of older cast iron main with new plastic pipe in or near flood areas throughout its service territory. This year the utility will replace the first 88 miles, with the remainder scheduled for replacement in 2015. These new pipes will prevent water from entering the mains, increasing the reliability of gas service in these locations.