photo by Boyd Loving
October 6,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ellie Gruber and Jeanne Epiphan gave a presentation on the state of Gypsy and Kings Pond. Invasive species is a huge problem as well as a dilapidated dam. Wildscape felt at the very least a fence should be put in place that would help to mitigate the encroachment of damaging species of plants such as Japanese Knotweed. Tim Cronin said that permits from the DEP would be necessary but the preliminary work could begin if the council agreed. Jeff Voigt suggested including the Eagle Scouts in the project. A scout leader was present and said that it could be done. The council agreed to move forward on the project beginning with the fence.
Next on the agenda was a presentation by the village engineer and resident Jeanne Johnson on the availability of a grant for the purpose of pedestrian safety and alternate transit opportunities ( bikes) for municipalities. Better stop lights, bike lanes, refuge islands etc. Mayor Knudsen felt that she would need more information as there had been many complaints regarding the Garber Square do to the so called improvements ie “traffic easing” and “suicide bike lane”. The council will read the plans and come to a decision. The grant application is due November 10th.
Parking was next on the agenda and the council continued its discussion on how best to increase parking options in the CBD for shoppers, employees and commuters. One idea was to try a pilot program at the Chestnut Street Lot which would use a kiosk which accepts coins, credit cards and Park Mobile. This seemed doable and the council authorized going forward with this program. Much talk over fees throughout the town at the meters and the lots . Heather will be working on the several ordinances needed to address the changes.
It was obvious how hard the council is working to improve parking and to mindful of the cost to the village.
Deputy Mayor Mike Sedon explained changes in our tree replacement program which includes allowing the village to examine trees on private property and if a tree had a diameter larger than 6 inches, it could not be taken down unless it was deemed diseased, dead or a hazard. Trees that are taken down would need to be replaced by the property owner or 150 dollars paid to the village for a tree planting in another location. The hope is to replenish or depleting shade tree stock with municipal funds, grants and stricter guidelines for property owners.
A thin blue line is to be painted between two yellow lines on Linwood Avenue to show support for our police force.
Village Engineer Christopher Rutishauser seemed to contract “foot in mouth disease”,when talking about the Village tree stock he used the term Ghetto Palms to describe a tree that grows in Patterson ,saying “The Paterson Palm. A tree that grows best in ghettos.” he would like to eradicate in Ridgewood. It was said in a somewhat derogatory manner and both Anne and Boyd spoke about this during public comment. They were highly offended. Other felt it was a dumb and insensitive comment.