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Spot Light On First Responders: Academy of the Holy Angels Senior Achieves Goal of Becoming an EMT


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Demarest NJ, Olivia Roque was a Girl Scout of about nine years old when she caught a glimpse into her future. At the time, the Little Ferry resident met an older Scout who was a junior member of a Hasbrouck Heights emergency medical services team. Captivated, Roque was determined to serve as an EMT, and ultimately become a doctor.

Continue reading Spot Light On First Responders: Academy of the Holy Angels Senior Achieves Goal of Becoming an EMT

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Code Ninjas Offers Free Coding Sessions in the Honor of Girl Scout Day and in Honor of the First Computer Programmer Who Happened to Be a Woman

lovelace book

the staff of the Ridgewood blog


Midland Park  NJ, When Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts in 1912, she envisioned an organization that would prepare girls to meet their world with courage, confidence, and character. At 51 Low sparked a worldwide movement inspiring girls to embrace their individuality, strength, and intellect.  Continue reading Code Ninjas Offers Free Coding Sessions in the Honor of Girl Scout Day and in Honor of the First Computer Programmer Who Happened to Be a Woman

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Assemblyman Gets Some Sales Tips from the Girls Scouts

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hillsdale NJ, Assemblyman Robert Auth made the rounds on  Saturday getting some marketing and sales tips from local girls scout troops . Auth stared his day in Hillsdale , calling the girls scouts young enraptures of New Jersey . He then moved on to Woofcliff lake with troop 97113  who sold him thin mints. He  suggested  eating them frozen. Next Auth moved to Mahwah , then closed out his day with troop 5988 which had just about sold every box of cookies .

Continue reading Assemblyman Gets Some Sales Tips from the Girls Scouts
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Ridgewood American Legion Post 53 placed U.S. flags on the graves of their fallen comrades at Valleau Cemetery

Armed Forces day

photos courtesy of Mayor Susan Knudsen

May 21,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, for Armed Forces day Mayor Susan Knudsen and Councilwomen Bernie Walsh along with other Ridgewood residents helped the American Legion Post 53 members place U.S. flags on the graves of their fallen comrades at Valleau Cemetery.

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Hundreds of flags were placed on the graves of soldiers with the help of many volunteers including boy scouts and girl scouts.

On August 31, 1949, Louis Johnson, who was the United States’ Secretary of Defense, announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy and Air Force Days. The event stemmed from the armed forces’ unification under one department – the Department of Defense.

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Date:   Sunday, October 18, 2015
Time:   10:00a.m.
Where:  Camp Lou Henry Hoover
961 Rt. 521 West Shore Drive
Middleville, NJ 07855

Who:    Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey and International Girl Scout Alumnae
What:   Hundreds of original New Jersey Girl Scout Alumnae convene from around the world at Camp Lou Henry Hoover, a Girl Scout Camp owned and Operated by the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey, to honor influential Girl Scout, IdaMae Trenner at the celebration and dedication of a new pavilion built in her honor.

About Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey:

Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey (GSHNJ) builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place by providing girls access to premier leadership programs and mentors throughout New Jersey.  GSHNJ provides leadership experiences to over 20,000 New Jersey girls each year.  For more information about the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey,